I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 181 I won’t go looking for you anymore

"Don't you want to talk?" Xia Qimiao looked at Jiuer, "Then let me do the talking."

"Do you know how cold it is in the hospital morgue? The chill is like needles poking into the pores and digging into the bones."

"I don't understand, how could someone who was so alive and kicking not long ago be lying there so straight in the blink of an eye?"

"The police said you committed suicide, and the dean also said they found your suicide note. I read the suicide note and it was your handwriting."

"You wrote, 'The illness has relapsed, the mental pressure is too great, I often have auditory hallucinations, and I can't bear it. I want peace and purity.'"

"You wrote 'suicide was a choice I made in my waking state and had nothing to do with anyone or anything'."

"You write 'I'm sorry'."

Xia Qimiao repeated the words in the suicide note sentence by sentence. She didn't need to remember them deliberately, those words appeared in front of her eyes.

"Everything seems to make sense, but why did you jump off the building? You said you hate your father the most. You will never be like him. How could you choose the same way to die as him?"

"I was the only one who felt something was wrong, so I started to investigate. The more I investigated, the more clues pointed to your suicide."

"I don't want to believe it, but I can't find Xia Weilou, I can't find it."

Xia Qimiao couldn't speak anymore, a tear rolled down, leaving a shallow mark on her face.

"Don't cry, sister." Jiuer was a little at a loss. He raised his hand to help her wipe away the tears, but he retracted it before he could touch her.

He pinched the palm of his hand, pinching the eyes that were already open and moving inside.

"Although you were unwilling to say it before, I have always felt that you are very familiar. This familiarity cannot be deceived. Now you finally admit it."

Xia Qimiao tentatively reached out to him and took off his hood.

Under the hat, you can barely make out a human face, but it is occupied by many eyes, some closed and some open.

The tear-stained half of her face looked sad, while the other half looked indifferent. Her hands slid from his face to his neck.

"It must be painful for you to be like this. Don't be afraid, sister will..."

"To save you."

[The prop - restraint collar (S level) has taken effect. The one that is actively put on is always the most difficult to untie. 】

[S-level attack array (chain) has been triggered. 】

[AWA-U-03 abnormal energy blaster has been adjusted to maximum power, the first shot has hit, and the second shot has hit. 】


"Jiu Er is under attack." Jiu Si sighed.

"Isn't this a matter of time? It's much later than I guessed. I thought my sister would take action in Alkania, but I didn't expect it would be delayed until now." Jiuwu shrugged.

Jiuliu frowned: "Didn't he go out saying he wanted to kill her? Why does it feel like he was about to be killed instead?"

Jiuqi looked at it like a fool: "You actually believed Jiuer's lies. Which one of us can really kill her? The one who said he wanted her to die, but really had the intention to kill her, Aren’t you still locked up by us?”

"Where's Jiuyi, still unwilling to cooperate? He is the only one among us who can see the memories of other personalities. I want to see it." Jiuba looked at Jiusan. The thing covered in chains was briefly released from the box. Just when Zhongjuge thought it would remain silent, it suddenly spoke: "She has softened her heart."

"Softhearted?" It doesn't feel like it.

"She didn't mention Song Qiaoting's dressing change."

"Can you please stop saying such nonsense? Who wants to listen to other people's affairs? Can you let us see it ourselves? Give us a happy message. Do you agree or disagree this time?"

They were ready to be rejected, but to their surprise, Jiuyi gave in and shared that part of his memory with them without even raising any conditions.

Silence spread among them. Their thoughts at the moment were surprisingly consistent, but no one dared to mention it, for fear that if they started, the situation would be out of control.

"I told Jiu Er, it was a death in the past, but it still insists on going. It's hopeless this time. It was beaten so badly." Jiu Qi pretended to be relaxed and said, as if to emphasize her ruthlessness. You can ignore the wet tears on her face.

"The dean's influence has been too profound. She has been teaching us that we should rest in peace in the grave and not disturb the peace and purity of the deceased." Jiu Si sighed again, "Sister must think that we are not peaceful now, so she wants to give us a ride."

"The director said that, isn't it because she owns a funeral company that she deceives us like this?" Jiuwu tutted, "She says this internally and externally so that others can spend money with her."

"Guess how many kills did she take before she was willing to sit down and talk to us?"

"Kill them all. She must think that she can find clues and truth by herself. In comparison, letting us rest in peace is more important."

"This is the first few props, and they are all high-level. Didn't she just join the game not long ago? Where did she get so much power?"

"In the real world, she abides by the law and has low material desires, which limits her performance. Now that she can work freely, it seems that it is not impossible to earn so much..."

"But it's too much. The rules of that thing are going to be changed soon. The props she bought now will probably become useless paper. Jiuyi, can you contact Jiuer and ask him to self-destruct? Save it for my sister. Point source power.”

Jiuyi was taking a deep breath. After hearing what Jiuwu said, the air was stuck in his chest, not going up or down, and it hurt him.

"Don't you care about the previous part?"

When these words came out, the noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

"You mean she didn't mention Song Qiaoting's dressing change." Jiuqi didn't want to talk about anything else and just reiterated what she said, "There are two possibilities, either she didn't find out, or she found out but didn't Willing to tell us.”

"We didn't open those medicines and didn't take them. She thought we didn't know about it. She probably wanted to preserve the last bit of warmth?"

"You can't tell us that a once gentle and kind person wants to harm innocent us for his own benefit. Even if he doesn't succeed, he still looks disgusting."

"In my sister's eyes, Xia Weilou is still the child who needs protection, who just graduated from high school, who doesn't know the dangers of others, and who hasn't grown up yet."

"Instead of already..."

"Trick fragment?" Xia Qimiao's voice synchronized to the other side of the place, and everyone fell silent.

While they were talking, she killed Jiuer. No, it shouldn't be considered a kill.

The treacherous fragments sound like something that corresponds to the personality. If there is one fragment, it means there are other fragments.

She looked at it with deep eyes, as if looking at something else through it: "I won't look for you anymore. Listen to my sister and come to me by yourself, okay?"

I thought about this scene countless times and spent ten hours writing it. The more I wrote, the more times I revised it. I have deleted, deleted, added, added, and filled in many times. I finally posted it with my eyes closed because I wanted to change it again when I opened my eyes.

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