I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 189 Spoiler Story

As someone who had never attended a party, Xia Qimiao felt that some attempts were really unnecessary for her.

The carnival atmosphere had no effect on her, but others were immersed in it.

Traveler seemed to have forgotten the unpleasantness of the afternoon and sat next to her: "What are you looking at on your cell phone? There is no signal."

"There's no signal, aren't you scared?"

"In the mountains, it's normal to have no signal. What are you afraid of?" The traveler was drunk, and her face turned red.

In the mountains, there is a single-family villa, there is no signal, and these people are suspected of collectively doing something bad.

If there is another natural disaster such as heavy rain or heavy snow closing the mountains, it will be a standard horror story background.

Not knowing who would die first, she bet on Jia Shuhai.

"Hey, what are you talking about there? Come over and play games together."

"What are you playing for?" Traveler leaned over with a wine glass in hand and accidentally bumped into Yu Yan's family. The other party calmly moved away.

"There are seven of us. We can play King's Game, Truth or Dare, and Werewolf."

Xia Qimiao heard the last word, put on her coat and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Yu Yan's family asked.

"I'm allergic to games, let's go out and play."

Xia Qimiao didn't plan to go far. It was already dusk when she arrived in the dungeon. It would be very dangerous to walk in the mountains at night without any equipment and unfamiliar with this place.

Otherwise, she would just leave. Who wants to play horror games with them here?

"I'm coming with you," Yu Yan's family went out with her, "I didn't expect you to tell cold jokes."

"No, I just don't want to play with them."

"I don't want to either. Two of them are so dirty."

"Then why do you still come here?"

Yu Yan's words were a little impatient: "Come here, come here, why are there so many?"

Xia Qimiao laughed inexplicably and stopped talking to him.

She could tell that he looked down on everyone here equally, including her. If he insists on following her out, he must have something to say to her, so she can just wait.

Sure enough, not long after leaving, the Yu Yan family spoke again: "...Have you received that email?"

Xia Qimiao flipped through Shang Di's phone. This was probably her work phone. There were no private messages in it, so there was no information related to this copy. She didn't see any emails that needed special attention.


Hearing this, the Yu Yan family breathed a sigh of relief: "You also received it. It seems like someone is pretending to be a ghost."

This sentence was unusual. He used Shang Di as a standard to judge it. If she received it, it was because someone was pretending to be a ghost; if she didn't receive it now, it meant there was a real ghost.

This shows that Shang Di is less guilty, or may not be guilty, so she is the "God" in Werewolf.

"After all, if you don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door. You have ghosts in your heart, but I don't."

"Yes, you are the most innocent."

If it weren't for his normal tone, Xia Qimiao would really think that his words were being sarcastic.

"Those two women are both restless. Women cannot be beautiful, and it is easy for them to go out and have sex. You are better off. No man is willing to have sex with you."

Unlucky, I met **.

It is useless to talk to such a person about disrespecting women. He will only become more enthusiastic and excited the more he talks. Xia Qimiao looked at him with the eyes of looking at goods: "Are you saying this to please me as my fifth partner? I'm sorry, I don't like you who are ugly and can't speak. Don't bother. ”

"The fifth term, you have been married four times?"

Obviously, his popularity is not very good. No one is willing to share such exciting information with him, so he is still kept in the dark.

"Shameless woman!"

"I know that you are angry because I exposed your thoughts, so you deliberately said this to cover up your gaffe. I understand, I understand, but you should stop spending time on me. I really don't like you, and I don't have a girl." I can like you."


"Do you still want to explain and pretend that you don't care about me and hate me? Really, you are used to this, so stop being so pushy."

Yu Yan's family was angry and left.

He finally shut up. If he didn't shut up, Xia Qimiao was going to use physical means to render him speechless.

She walked around a few more times outside before going back, thinking that it should be over inside anyway, but she didn't expect that they were just finishing other games and getting ready for the next round.

Jia Shuhai was in high spirits. He was used to bossing people around and was very skilled in giving orders: "You came back just in time. Those games have all been played and are boring. We are about to play Werewolf and we still need a host. You can be the one." "

Xia Qimiao was still talking about this matter before she left, and she was still talking about it after she left. She wondered if there was no way around this hurdle, and she had to complete this step to advance the game?
"Okay, let's start playing Werewolf."

After she finished saying this, the villa suddenly became dark.

[Talent - Coward takes effect, your attack value is rising. 】

But it quickly lit up, as if it was just because of the unstable current.

But the sudden darkness obviously frightened most of the people. A few people who had been drunk suddenly sobered up and looked ugly.

"Why don't we just end it today? We'll still be busy tomorrow." Someone suggested.

"Why is it over? I haven't had enough fun yet." Jia Shuhai said, scratching his head.

Brother Ye smiled and said, "Then let's continue?"

"I don't have a problem, it's just that the girls are probably tired. They should go to bed early."

"It's gone, it's gone." Lvtu stood up, shook off Lang Ren's hand that wanted to help her, and staggered towards the second floor.

The others also went in different directions, and only Brother Ye stayed behind.

Xia Qimiao looked at their backs: "When I was away, what did you guys say about dividing the rooms?"

"Not at all." Ye Xiongshou raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

She found it interesting that these people were either in a small group without her, or they had all been here and lived here before.

He continued: "Go and find an empty room to live in. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

After Xia Qimiao entered the room and closed the door, she pressed the handle again and found that it could not be turned open.

Since she entered the game, she has been searching for a lot of information on horror and suspense games. Among them is a well-known game about killing werewolves in reality, with a very scientific ending.

For example, if the door cannot be opened, it is because the electronic lock is locked remotely.

Don't tell me, if she was in a domestic horror movie now, it would most likely go in this direction. The final reveal was that the lover manipulated revenge or something like that.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, but a world where strange things really exist.

Xia Qimiao said to the air: "Are you there? Do you want to come out and chat for fifty cents?"

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