I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 190 Spoiler Story

"We have been classmates for so long. Others don't know what kind of person I am. Don't you know?"

"Maybe they are not willing to help you, but I am."

Xia Qimiao tried to twist the handle again, but the door still didn't move at all.

It doesn't make sense.

"Then can we discuss it and can we not turn off the lights suddenly in the future? I have a bad heart and I can't stand this."

"If you don't object, then I'll take it as your consent, thank you." Xia Qimiao is a master at talking to herself, and she can put on a great show even if no one responds to her.

She looked at the time, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

This weird thing can obviously kill people directly, but it also wants to cause a werewolf killing; it can obviously start directly, but it has to wait until it reaches that point before starting.

Either it is restricted by some regulations and must do so, or it is more ritualistic.

It was reasonable to suspect that the time for the werewolf killing was midnight. Xia Qimiao set the alarm clock for 23:59 and lay on the bed with her eyes closed to rest.

Her name is "Shangdi", which corresponds to "God", the host of Werewolf, so there are only six people left to participate in the game.

According to the werewolf killing rules, there should be two werewolves, two villagers and two clergy, which can correspond to their names.

If we follow the normal game thinking, she is "God", the host, does not participate in the game, will not be killed by werewolves, and will not be thrown to death by villagers, then it seems to be the safest.

In fact, she is the most dangerous.

When they realize they're in a real dead man's game and someone can stay out of it, they turn on her.

They will think that if they kill the host and there is no one to host the game, will the game end?
To put it bluntly, even if no one is so extreme, they will use various means to force her to ask her who is the werewolf, and she will not be able to escape.

It is much easier to deal with a host who seems to have no ability than to deal with a vicious werewolf who can kill people.

Of course she could tell them directly who the werewolf was, but that would be tantamount to offending the monster behind her, and she still wanted to recruit tenants.

This month's task requires recruiting three more people, so she just recruited Li Mu, and there are still two more to go.

What's more, judging from the clues, this group of people is not worthy of her kindness.

The phone vibrated, reminding me that the time was up.

Xia Qimiao pressed the alarm clock, but nothing changed in the room.

The last minute was extremely long, but it was not endless. Almost at the same moment when the pointer moved to zero, words appeared in front of her——

"There are currently 2 werewolves, 1 prophet, 1 witch, and 2 villagers."

“Ask God to choose the fine print.”

The rules for werewolf killing are mostly the same, with some differences in specific requirements.

She has now seen two versions of the rules. The difference is "the witch can know the specific deceased or not", "the prophet can know the specific identity of the person being examined or not", and "the werewolf needs to kill everyone or massacre all the people to win".

Xia Qimiao did not choose directly, but asked: "Can the identity of God not be announced?"

The words before her eyes gathered into a huge question mark.

If you can understand, then it will be easier. She explained: “That is, can I pretend to be a participant and blend in?”

That question mark is split into three small question marks.

"There are two parties to the werewolf killing. No matter what, there should be a winner who survives in the end." She looked at the unchanged shape and smiled lightly, "I will help you kill both parties." The characters seem to be confused, lost and confused, and finally stumble back to their original state. It's still the same two versions of rules, except that the number of villagers at the top has changed to "2+1".

This time it made sense. Let her muddy the water a little more. It's easy to fish in muddy water, so she makes the choice that's best for herself.

"The werewolf killing game has begun. Please check your identity. God will announce the details next."

The evil, indistinguishable male and female voices echoed in everyone's room. Some were fast asleep, some didn't pay attention, and some were prepared.

"Two werewolves can kill at most one person after dark."

"A prophet can designate a person to test after dark, and he can know whether he is a good person or a werewolf."

"One witch can designate a person to use a bottle of antidote to rescue her after dark, or use a bottle of poison to poison her."

"There are three villagers, no special abilities."

"The winning condition for the werewolf camp is to kill everyone in the good guy camp; the winning condition for the good guy camp is to throw out all the werewolves."

"You can survive only if you win, and you will die if you fail. Please come on."

"Please close your eyes when it's dark, and open your eyes if you were a werewolf. Who are you going to kill tonight?"

Lang Ren didn't drink much, so he was still sober. He thought it was a prank when he heard the sound, so he turned over and planned to continue sleeping.

He felt something cold and card-like pressed against his. He reached out to touch it. After finding it, he grabbed it and looked at it in the moonlight. On it was a werewolf with a bloody mouth.

Before he had time to think about it, the pattern floated up and got into his eyes, causing stinging pain.

Langren's vision blurred, but he soon returned to normal. When he looked at the card again, he saw that it was empty. He must have been drunk and had an illusion.

He threw it away casually, closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep when the voice sounded in his ears again: "Your teammates want to kill Jin Beipan, do you agree?"

He felt annoyed and didn't want to care about this kind of thing, so he just followed the voice: "I can do whatever you want with love."

Xia Qimiao did not expect that Brother Ye would kill Jin Beipan on the first night, and Lang Ren agreed. She thought that the first victim would be Jia Shuhai.

After a long time, the news of Jin Beipan's death came.

"Werewolves, please close your eyes, witches, please open your eyes. Someone died tonight. Do you want to use antidote on someone, or use poison on someone?"

She was a little curious. If a witch used the antidote, could it bring people back to life? Unfortunately, he drank too much while traveling and was sleeping deeply, so he didn't respond.

"Witch, please close your eyes. Seer, please open your eyes. Who are you going to test tonight?"

The Yu Yan family was investigating Jia Shuhai.

"He is a good man. Please close your eyes, prophet."

"Jin Bei is looking forward to death tonight. Please vote for who is the werewolf after dawn. The person with the most votes will be executed."

Xia Qimiao dutifully completed God's presiding work, and then went to sleep to recharge her batteries and prepare for tomorrow's melee.

"Ah——" A roar full of sadness and anger echoed through the villa.

here we go. Xia Qimiao got out of bed and followed the sleepy traveler towards the place where the sound came from.

Just as she was about to enter, she saw the words "Bloody and High Energy Ahead", and she was mentally prepared to look inside.

Jin Beipan's body was cut into pieces and placed on the bed like building blocks, forming a triangle with her head at the top.

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