I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 191 Spoiler Story

Everyone rushed over after hearing the sound, but were frightened by the horrific scene. They stopped outside the door and did not dare to take a step closer.

Only Brother Ye stood there dumbly, right next to the pile of corpses. It was he who had just screamed, and his eyes were red at the moment.

"Bei Pan, Bei Pan..." He seemed to have lost his love and had not yet accepted the reality before him. He called her name blankly, but his lover could no longer respond to him.

His eyes touched the people crowded at the door and became serious: "What are you doing standing there? Call the police!"

Everyone woke up from a dream, regained their consciousness, and no longer remained motionless. Some vomited, some vomited, and some took out their mobile phones.

"There's no signal, so the call can't be made." Jia Shuhai was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Could he not be anxious? A murder had occurred in his villa.

"I want, I want to get out of here, I don't want to stay in the same place as the corpse!" The traveler had just finished vomiting, his face was pale, and there was still liquid on his mouth that had not been wiped clean.

The Yu Yan family didn't know when they left the villa. They just came back from the outside with an ugly expression: "It's foggy outside, we can't leave."

"Are you kidding me?" She didn't believe it and was about to run out, but she was stopped by the sight when she opened the door.

Thick fog envelopes the outside world, and visibility is no more than half a meter. You will definitely lose your way if you go in.

But she thought about the murder scene that made her scalp numb just now, and she wanted to go out, but was pulled back by Jia Shuhai.

"What if the murderer is hiding in the fog? At least we are together now and there are many people, so the other party doesn't dare to act rashly."

Half of his true thoughts were this, and the other half was that if the murderer came in to kill, he could still pull her to block the knife, but the others couldn't pull her away at first glance.

"Do you really think the murderer is outside?" Yu Yan's expression did not improve at all, "Didn't you hear the rules of the game last night?"

"What do you mean? Do you know something?" Jia Shuhai grabbed his collar.

"I heard it," Xia Qimiao inserted into their conversation without leaving any trace, "I seemed to hear words like 'werewolf killing' and 'Jin Beipan is dead' in the middle of the night last night."

She crossed her arms to suppress her trembling: "I thought it was someone's prank, so I didn't care. I didn't expect Jin Beipan to really die today."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Yu Yan's family briefly explained the situation last night to the two people who didn't know what was going on. If he hadn't found out that Jia was fine, he wouldn't have bothered now.

Jia Shuhai wanted to think about whether this was a joint effort to fool him, but thinking about the corpse just now and the card he picked up in the morning, he fell silent again.

The traveler relaxed. She saw the card in the morning. She was a witch with an antidote. She could use this bottle of antidote to keep herself alive for another day.

As long as one werewolf is thrown out today and another one is thrown out tomorrow, she will win, and she does not have to worry about her life.

Seeing that they had understood the current situation, Xia Qimiao made a gesture and lowered his voice: "Do you feel that something is wrong with Lang Ren?"

She had already thought about the person she wanted to vote out last night, and after a comprehensive analysis, Lang Ren was the best choice.

The person who wants to vote out today must be a werewolf. If the vote goes out to a good person, and both werewolves survive to kill another one tonight, then the number of people in the camp tomorrow will be 2:2, and she will lose.

It is not difficult to choose between Ye Xiongshou and Lang Ren.

The former has already gotten rid of certain suspicion by killing his "favorite person" and his acting skills are comparable to those of movie stars. And by keeping him, the werewolves and the good guys can fight, and the situation won't be one-sided. Lang Ren was useless. He was still slumped on the ground, sweating profusely, and his face was cloudy.

Everyone was frightened when they saw that scene, but he is the only one who has not recovered from it until now.

"what do you mean?"

Although the Yu Yan family looks down on Shang Di, he also knows that now is not the time for internal strife. They must unite to survive, otherwise he would have stayed away from this wretched woman.

He can even tolerate Jia Shuhai, so there is nothing he can't tolerate her.

Traveler also understood, and she disagreed: "How could Lang Ren be a werewolf?"

If Xia Qimiao hadn't been so sullen, he would have been laughing and aroused suspicion. When she called "Lang Ren" by his name and said this, didn't she really feel something was wrong?

"He doesn't even dare to kill a dog. How can he kill someone?"

Don't even dare to kill a dog... This sentence is too connotative. Isn't the normal saying to describe a timid person "even a chicken not dared to kill"? Have they ever encountered a situation where Lang Ren was asked to kill a dog? A situation where he doesn't dare?

"How can you only look at people by their superficial appearance," Jia Shuhai snorted coldly, "What you are saying, which one of us here looks like he would dare to kill someone?"

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, because Lvyan and the Yu Yan family looked at him in unison.

"Huh?" He screamed strangely, "If I were a werewolf, the first person I would kill would be Brother Shou Ye. Can he survive until the next day?"

"Having said that, it's his physique that makes him suspicious. I think it's him. Let's vote him out today."

The traveler looked at him disapprovingly: "Brother Ye was so sad just now. It couldn't be him no matter what. He also asked us to call the police. How could a murderer take the initiative to call the police?"

"Maybe he is acting and wants to use this method to clear his suspicions!"

He was right with his blind sniper, Xia Qimiao thought to himself, playing this kind of game is not afraid of smart people, but of stupid, intuitive and accurate people.

"Don't take it personally. We must vote for a werewolf today, otherwise we will definitely lose."

If his identity hadn't been checked, the Yu Yan family would have really wanted to join Jia Shuhai today, but he couldn't.

This is the simplest mathematical problem, and anyone present can understand it with just a little thought.

"Speaking of personal emotions, why was Jin Beipan the one who died?" Lu Cuo looked at Xia Qimiao, "Among us, you are the only one who has issues with her, right?"

Any inside information? Xia Qimiao cheered up and asked Tan the news: "What's the problem between me and her?"

"She's going to marry your first love. Oh no, it's not even the first love. After all, it's your one-sided crush." ​​Traveler felt that he was not in danger at the moment, and he felt a little dizzy, "To be honest, you don't have any Jealous of her?"

I thought there was new information, but I didn't expect that it was still the old sesame and rotten millet thing. Xia Qimiao was not interested: "I like an obedient young pretty boy now. He is already old and can't catch my eye."

"Okay," Yu Yan's family listened to the topic getting more and more crooked, so they had to say something back, "Six people have to vote, and the four of us can't tell the result here. Call them over and let's discuss it together. Bar."

I changed their names several times, trying to change the name of Jia Shuhai to the previous one. If any book friends find that the names of the people before and after do not match, please remind me, I may have lost my mind and written the old one again.

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