I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 192 Spoiler Story

Everyone was sitting in the living room. There were wine bottles lying on the coffee table, scattered garbage, and confiscated playing cards.

Everything tells the story of last night's carnival, which is incompatible with the current dull atmosphere.

"The situation is what I said." The Yu Yan family felt that they were prophets, and now that there was no God to host, they took on the role of controlling the situation.

"Let everyone speak in turn and talk about what they did last night and this morning. When everything is finished, everyone will decide who to vote for. Who starts first?"

"Do we have to play Werewolf voting according to those rules? Can't we just continue?"

Lang Ren was still making his final struggle. He never thought that his drifting with the crowd last night would lead to the current situation.

Jia Shuhai snorted from his nose: "You should say this to the werewolves and ask them why they must kill people. Can't they not kill them?"

"Could there be someone behind the scenes? Maybe it was the mastermind who killed the person behind the scenes, but he pretended to be a werewolf, just to see us suspicious of each other and killing each other. If we follow the game, aren't we following his way? ?”

"Lang Ren, why have you been speaking for the werewolf?" Jia Shuhai stared at him, "I think you are suspicious now."

"Isn't this reasonable suspicion..." Lang Ren also knew that he would make mistakes if he spoke too much, so he shut up angrily.

"That's not a wound a human can make."

Ye Xiongshou, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke with a hoarse voice. His wrist was wrapped around a string of pearl necklaces with blackened blood stains on them.

If Xia Qimiao saw it correctly, it seemed to have just been put on the corpse's neck.

He took a deep breath and then continued: "When I helped her sort out... her body, I found that the incision was very smooth. Other than that, she had no other injuries."

It was difficult to cut the carcass into pieces like that, because not only the meat had to be cut, but the bones as well.

Brother Ye's eyes glanced around, so cold that the people he caught were frightened.

"Killing for life, I will never let any murderer go. Since no one has started this, then I will do it."

"I fell asleep last night and didn't hear any werewolf killings. When I woke up this morning, I picked up a card with a picture of 'villager' drawn on it."

And cards? Xia Qimiao paid attention to the expressions of the others and found that they did not express any objection to this.

They all have it, probably because she added it later and the monster didn't have time to prepare.

"I threw the card away without taking it seriously and went to find Bei Pan. You all know what happened after that."

The Yu Yan family made sure that he had finished speaking, and then arranged: "Let's continue speaking in the order on the right."

Xia Qimiao happened to be on the right hand side of Brother Ye. She had a strong psychological quality and kept her emotions to herself: "I didn't sleep last night. I heard a very strange voice saying that werewolf killings were starting."

"I thought it was a trick-or-treating game, maybe there was a radio or something like that blaring in the room, but I searched around and couldn't find it, so I ignored it and went to bed."

"I was woken up by the shouting this morning. When I went out and saw the travel bug, she went to Jin Beipan's room together."

"As for my identity, I am a good person."

Everyone present heard the last two words. Except for Lang Ren, who was still immersed in his own emotions, Jia Shuhai didn't notice. Everyone else looked at her.

When someone said she was a villager, she said she was a good person, which seemed to imply that she had an identity.

Yu Yan's eyes were particularly meaningful. He knew that since he was a prophet, she might be a witch.

Traveler thought that Xia Qimiao was definitely a werewolf because she was a witch, and the other cleric was a prophet. No prophet would reveal their identity at the beginning, because they would be targeted by werewolves, so in her eyes, the woman next to her was a werewolf, using a false identity to confuse the audience.

"I'm a good person too," Lu Tsai glared at her. "I drank too much and fell asleep last night. I didn't hear anything. I only found out my identity after seeing the card this morning. When I came out, Jin Beipan was already dead."

"I'm a villager. It's really boring. You didn't even give me an identity. Even being a werewolf is more interesting than it is now." Jia Shuhai lay back on the sofa and said nonchalantly.

"I'm a villager and I listened to the whole story last night," Yu Yan's family concealed their identity as prophets. "I didn't feel at ease this morning, so I went to see if anything happened to Jin Beipan."

"Brother Ye was a little earlier than me at that time. I watched him go in, and then I heard him shouting, and then I saw Lang, Lu, Shang, and Jia coming over respectively."

He remembered it so clearly that he probably knew the game was real when he saw the scene of the death, so he started observing.

"Okay, there are three villagers. Lang Ren, you won't say you are a villager next, right?" Jia Shuhai looked at him sarcastically.

It was Langren's turn, and he swallowed: "I, I am a prophet."

OK, the corpse is talking. Xia Qimiao originally wanted to throw him out with some rhythm, but now she didn't need to speak, he was already hopeless.

"When I was about to fall asleep last night, I vaguely heard something about werewolf killing, and then I heard someone asking me who I wanted to check, so I checked-"


"She's a werewolf."

Xia Qimiao's sigh of relief was too early. She didn't expect that there was something wrong with her.

Why did you choose to drag her into the water?

Was there something wrong with her previous performance? No, it's not, it's not her problem.

She pretended to be shocked and angry, but she was extremely calm inside.

Lang Ren should know that if he said he was a prophet and said she was a werewolf, then he would definitely have the votes of the real prophet and her.

What made him take the risk and identify her even though he had two votes?

Xia Qimiao didn't even need to think about it, because the ill will of her travels was about to come out and prick her.

Lang Ren saw that his performance was very poor and he was too suspicious. Others were likely to vote for him in the voting process.

He could also see that Traveler was suspicious of Shang Di and was likely to vote for her.

At this time, he jumped out and said that she was a werewolf, so she had two votes, plus one vote from his wolf teammate, that was three votes, and the worst was a tie.

If he could successfully get another villager's vote to vote Shang Di to death, both werewolves would survive, and the werewolf's probability of winning would increase significantly.

The more Lang Ren thought about it, the more he felt that he was a genius. He had already seen the future of victory.

He was just frightened at first and his mind went crazy. He was always worried about what he would do if he was voted out. If you think about it, there is no need to worry at all.

Now that he has found a way to break the situation, this is not his death situation at all, but Shang Di's.

He thought apologetically: Die for me, Shang Di.

The debt repayment progress is 2/12. There is only one class tomorrow, writing, writing, writing.

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