I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 197 Spoiler Story

The character twisted its body, escaped from the man's hand, formed the last sentence and then disappeared - "I told you so".

Xia Qimiao was a little confused. When did it tell her? Why didn't she know it?
Did it tell Shang Di? It is not impossible. After all, judging from the information obtained so far, Shang Di should be very close to it.

But I always feel that there is something in it.

It's okay, there is still time, tomorrow night is probably the last night, everything will be revealed.

This time Xia Qimiao woke up naturally. She opened the curtains and found that it was still foggy outside and the visibility had become even lower.

As soon as she went out, an extremely overbearing smell of meat penetrated her nostrils. It smelled like pork rib soup.

She had an extremely bad feeling in her heart, so she walked towards the kitchen, and sure enough she saw the words "High Energy Warning Ahead" again.

She did not stop, but walked to the words and reached out to touch it, but when she was about to touch it, the words disappeared.

"Where did the smell of meat come from?" said the traveler who had just woken up with sleepy eyes. "Who got up to cook something to eat?"

When she walked into the kitchen, she felt like she was falling into an ice cave. She was so frightened that she couldn't make a sound.

I am really familiar with Jia Shuhai, and the name is really suitable for the occasion.

Xia Qimiao quickly glanced inside and then looked away. When she was far away from the murder scene, she met Yu Yan's family.

He asked: "What happened?"

"See for yourself." She nodded in the direction of the kitchen with her chin.

Soon Yu Yan's family came out holding on to the wall. He was a little nauseous and had nothing to eat but retching.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xiongshou had just rushed over and saw several people with ugly faces entering the kitchen.

Not long after, he helped the traveler out and placed her on the sofa.

"Jia Shuhai turned out to be like this..." His expression was solemn, as if he was not the murderer.

Xia Qimiao looked at his movements and found them interesting. She thought about her next attack point.

Several people were sitting scattered on the sofa, roughly in the same position as yesterday, except that there were two people empty in the middle, leaving a lot of space.

The faces of Yu Yanjia and Lv Tie were even worse than yesterday. Both of them could not cheer up. They seemed to be a little more scared.

Xia Qimiao easily took over the host's identity and entered the process: "Obviously, there is a werewolf among us. As long as this werewolf is thrown out, the game will be over."

When these words fell into the ears of the other two people, they could live on, and they couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Seeing their changes, she raised the corner of her mouth slightly: "We don't have many people left, and some things can be explained clearly. Just like yesterday, everyone can talk about their suspicions and reasons. Who comes first?"

"I'll go first," Yu Yanjia stretched out his clothes and looked to his left, "I suspect that Brother Ye is a werewolf because Jia Shuhai died last night."

"Among us, Jia Shuhai only had a conflict with him. I think he killed him in advance to prevent him from being voted on today."

There is indeed this reason. The expression on Ye Xiongshou's face remains unchanged, but this is only a small part of it, and it can even be said to be the least important one.

The Yu Yan family looked at him: "You can tell me next, so as not to say that I wronged you and didn't give you a chance to explain."

"I think what you said sounds very logical. If the protagonist is not me, then I already believe it." Ye Xiongshou did not argue. He looked back. There was no personal emotion in his eyes, as if he spoke very objectively and fairly. These words.

"However, is there a possibility that the werewolf chose Jia Shuhai just to make you think this way? I think this is a way for the werewolf to confuse the public and frame me."

"As for my suspects, I don't think anyone is particularly problematic right now, so I want to hear everyone's opinions before making a judgment."

The three people on the opposite side are all good people. No matter which one he says, he is making enemies for himself. The last thing he can do now is this kind of thing.

The Yu Yan family nodded: "Then let's continue in this direction, Shang Di."

Xia Qimiao took the words and looked around: "I think the game should be over by today, so I won't hide it."

"I'm a witch."

Hearing this sentence, neither of the two men present showed surprise. They probably had already guessed it. Only Traveler's reaction was the most intense. After all, she was the real witch.

Her voice was sharp: "You lie!"

"Am I lying?" Xia Qimiao raised his voice and then looked at Yu Yan's house.

Although the other party was unhappy with her, he had experienced her identity last night and knew that she was a good person, so he helped her prevent her from traveling: "Quiet, now is the time for each of you to speak. It's your turn next."

"What's true can't be false, what's false can't be true. If you say she lied, then you can just present the evidence that she lied later."

The Yu Yan family seemed to be trying to comfort Lu Chu, but in their hearts they were already suspicious of her.

After all, here, he already knew that Shang Di and he were in the same camp and both were good people.

How could the villagers pretend to be witches to confuse the public? You know, if you die in the same camp, you will die together.

Yes, how is that possible?
Brother Ye looked at the people sitting next to him thoughtfully, but he still didn't express any opinions and just listened quietly.

"I am a witch," Xia Qimiao repeated. "You will know whether it is true or not after listening to what I say."

The traveler sneered harshly and stared at her, wishing he could turn his gaze into a knife and poke holes in her body.

"As I said before, the first night I was awake, there was a voice telling me that someone had died and asking me if I wanted to use antidotes and poisons."

Xia Qimiao was not affected by the sight of the traveler, and said slowly: "Because I can only use the antidote to save the designated person, and I don't know who died, so it's useless."

"For the same reason, I don't know who the werewolf is, so I didn't use poison."

"The second night, last night, I didn't use poison, I only used antidote on Yu Yan's family. I thought the werewolf would kill him, but it was Jia Shuhai who was killed."

"This is what I have been thinking and doing in the past two days. As for the object of my suspicion, it is naturally——"

Her eyes fell on the traveler. No need to say it clearly, everyone present knew it.

"You are the werewolf, the werewolf who keeps telling lies!" Lu accidentally pointed at her, "I am the witch!"

"Are you a witch?" Xia Qimiao changed the tone of the last two words, "You say this, which confirms my guess, because there is only one witch."

"While I'm a witch, you can only be a werewolf."

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