I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 198 Spoiler Story


The traveler was about to scold this liar, but when his eyes touched the other two people present, he shivered from the cold for some reason.

She must stay calm, not panic, or be led around.

"I am a witch when I travel," she took a deep breath and tried to make her tone as normal as possible, "I fell asleep the first night and didn't hear anything about the game."

“I found out I was a witch the next morning when I got a card with a witch on it.”

"Last night, I was afraid that the werewolf would attack me, so I used the antidote on myself,"

Speaking of this, her eyes were fixed on Xia Qimiao, and her words were venomous.

"If it weren't for the fact that poison and antidote can't be used at the same time, I would have poisoned you last night, you werewolf!"

Last night, I was confused about whether to use poison on Shang Di or use the antidote on myself.

In her eyes, 99% of Shang Di is a werewolf, and she feels that killing her will end the game.

It was just that she had targeted her during the day, and it was very likely that she would be so angry that she would kill her at night. She had to keep herself alive, so she gave priority to using the antidote on herself.

Who made these damn rules? If she could use antidote and poison at the same time, how could it be her turn to talk nonsense now that Shang Di was dead?

Xia Qimiao looked at her and smiled, and in the eyes of Traveler, this smile was provocation.

"You still have the nerve to smile. You killed Jin Beipan and Jia Shuhai, and you are still laughing here?"

"Their deaths have nothing to do with me. I have no reason to kill them." Xia Qimiao used her peripheral vision to pay attention to the expressions of the Yu Yan family. She felt that she was sure, but she did not relax.

"Then I have no reason. If I were a werewolf, then why should I kill Jin Beipan and why should I kill Jia Shuhai?"

"Of course it's because you have a motive."

The traveler smiled coldly: "I have no enmity with them two. What's the motive?"

"Do you dare to pat your chest and promise that you have never been jealous of Jin Beipan?"

"I..." Lv Xiu suddenly paused at the beginning of her words. He immediately realized what she meant, and his fingers gripped the clothes so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Looking at the other two people who didn't know what they were doing, Xia Qimiao explained: "I've actually been wondering why the travelers held on to me."

"Why do I stress over and over again that I have an undying love for Ye Xiongshou, falsely accuse me of being a werewolf, and say that the reason I killed Jin Beipan was because I was jealous of her marrying Ye Xiongshou."

"It's obvious that I don't have any feelings for him now, but she keeps saying it with certainty."

"Now it seems that you are the one who has unresolved feelings, you are the one who can't let go, and you are the one who is jealous of Jin Bei's hope."

"You keep talking about me, but you are actually talking about me and yourself."

Xia Qimiao's eyes turned back to the woman who was biting her lips. She remembered clearly that when Lang Ren and Yu Yan's family tried to help her, she slapped their hands away. Only Brother Ye supported her and did not refuse.

Of course, this is not conclusive evidence. She could also say that she was frightened and couldn't move, so she couldn't refuse.

However, her current expression betrayed her. She felt guilty and unwilling. She avoided looking at others, but couldn't help but look at Ye Xiongshou's reaction.

Brother Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and he subconsciously touched his nose to relieve the embarrassment. He didn't expect that there was something about him involved. As a person involved who didn't notice anything was wrong at all, nothing he could say was good now, so he remained silent.

"As for why you want to kill Jia Shuhai, it's very simple. It's because he targeted Brother Ye Shou during the day, and you wanted to take a breath for him."

Xia Qimiao followed the logic and found out that it didn't matter how Jia Shuhai died now. What was important was that the Yu Yan family seemed to believe the motive of the murder.

"You're talking nonsense. You want to frame her up, so you said these things." Traveler turned to the other two people, "She is a werewolf. You won't believe what the werewolf said, right?"

"Now that things have happened, I don't think there is any need for the prophet to hide, right?" Xia Qimiao followed and looked over, "If we don't come out, travel will turn right and wrong."

The Yu Yan family felt that the werewolf was thrown out and the game of death would be over soon. There was really no need for him to continue to hide his identity.

He doesn't need to worry about travel errors now. He and Shang Di already have two votes combined. As long as Brother Ye can win this vote, the werewolf will never be able to stand up again.

His next words were specifically to prevent Ye Xiongshou from being cheated of his votes: "I am a prophet."

"On the first night, I checked Jia Shuhai's identity and he was a good person; on the second night, I checked Shang Di's identity and she was also a good person."

"So, there is no problem with what Shang Di said. She is a good person. There is no need to pretend to be a witch. She is real, and Traveler is fake."

"You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense!" Lvchu's voice became shriller. She stood up and pointed at Yu Yan's family and Xia Qimiao, "I know, you two are both werewolves! You two joined forces to lie to us!"

She walked up to Brother Ye and said: "We have all been fooled. Lang Ren is not a werewolf. They voted for him as a werewolf because they voted for him together. He is a good person!"

"Jia Shuhai, yes, the Yu Yan family said that he investigated Jia Shuhai, so the werewolf would kill him. There is no proof. He can't prove that he is a prophet at all, he is a liar, and both of them are liars!"

"Brother Ye, you won't believe what they say, right? We can't believe them, otherwise we will all die!"

At this time, Lvchu had a clear mind and seized all the loopholes she could find to fight back. She looked at Ye Xiongshou with eyes full of hope and expectation.

As long as he believed her, it would be a tie vote and she would not be voted out or executed.

Although she still has some things to sort out, as long as he believes in her, they will be able to overcome this difficulty together.

Brother Ye sighed: "Of course I..."

Traveler saw him extending his hand towards her, and the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger until it solidified.

Because like Lang Ren, she was detained. Yu Yan's family, who had experienced this before, had already prepared ropes and tied her up.

"Brother Ye, why, Brother Ye, don't be deceived by them!"

The sound of "Brother Ye" made Xia Qimiao's teeth ache. Until now, Traveler had never thought about the possibility that her Brother Ye was a werewolf.

She put the choice related to her life into the hands of the person who really wanted her life.

Of course, you can't blame her. After all, she is a real witch, so of course she doesn't believe what fake witches say.

Xia Qimiao saw her staring eyes and showed her a kind smile again.

It's not far away from the death of both parties.

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