I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 279 Killing a Certain Skeleton Immortal

Chapter 279 Killing a Certain Skeleton Immortal (End)

People were immersed in sad imaginations, and the emotions could not be stopped. Tears also flowed out, and the wind that rose from somewhere took them away.

Before people could take a closer look, Xia Qimiao on the stage changed his tone.


"I am fortunate to have met His Holiness. To be honest, His Holiness is omnipotent."

Next, Xia Qimiao praised a certain skeleton fairy in an exaggerated way, focusing on describing its ability to bring the dead back to life and cure diseases and save lives.

"At this point someone might ask, if it's really that powerful, why am I still blind?"

"Considering this situation, it gave me a bottle of holy medicine and asked me to show miracles to everyone at this time and place."

Xia Qimiao took off his sunglasses and poured the repackaged essence into the empty frame of his right eye. It felt like millions of ants were gnawing at the land, making it itchy and painful.

Her back was soaked with sweat, but her expression remained unchanged until her right-side vision dimly recovered, then her expression turned into joy.

"Praise His Holiness."

"Ha, maybe it's just a magic trick of yours, you put on a fake eyeball to deceive people." The big-bellied man stood up and shouted.

He showed up just in time. If she didn't know him, she would have thought he was someone she hired.

"Sir, please come on stage."

Xia Qimiao made a gesture of invitation, and the person on the other side did not hesitate and ran up quickly.

"Look closely, do you think my eyes are fake?"

The big-bellied man really couldn't see any flaws, but he still said stubbornly: "There are so many artificial eyes that are so real nowadays."

Xia Qimiao only opened his right eye: "Very good, then you can make a number, or write, or do anything else, I can tell you."

Next, she, the fake blind woman, of course, read out the numbers he gestured accurately.

"Maybe some people think he is my agent..."

"Bah, this is my first time here, and my first day meeting you. I guarantee with my life that I am not your agent!"

"Okay, thank you." Xia Qimiao invited the person to leave. "If anyone else has any objections to my eyesight, they can also raise them."

There was a lot of murmurs in the audience, but no one stood up.

"It seems that everyone is rather shy. Well, let me try another way." Xia Qimiao actively pushed the process and took out a silver knife.

It was the boning knife that the long ponytail had dropped.

She cut her left arm, a piece of flesh fell off first, then gushed out, and then the pain caught up. Xia Qimiao thought that she wanted to chop up the skeleton fairy and burn it into ashes for fertilizer.

There were cries of surprise from the audience. The timid ones covered their eyes with their hands and only peeked through the gaps between their fingers.

They saw a shocking scene: the cut area, which had been watered with light green liquid, began to grow back at a speed visible to the naked eye.

They were in disbelief and started shouting.

"This is the ability of the Venerable."

Xia Qimiao's eyes swept across the entire auditorium slowly, and even the two people in the front row widened their eyes.

“This is a miracle.”

“Think about your sick loved ones, think about the lives that should not have been lost. Now you don’t need to pay any fees, you don’t need to sacrifice anything, and you don’t need to wait any longer.”

"As long as you are willing to follow me now, a miracle will befall you."

"Now please close your eyes, put your hands together, and sincerely think of the wishes you want to fulfill and the people you want to save."

With this combination of punches, plus the ability that Golden Retriever had been trained by her, it was impossible for a certain Skeleton Immortal to follow her, which meant that they were not her target audience.

Seeing that his eyes were almost closed, Xia Qimiao tapped the floor three times with his toes, signaling the monsters hiding below to finish the formation: "Next, please read after me..."

"I voluntarily believe in a certain immortal."

The audience said in unison: "I voluntarily believe in a certain immortal——"

Just then, there was a rumbling sound on the stage and a sculpture emerged, interrupting the proceedings.

The front of the sculpture was cut vertically, revealing a cross-section that was the skeleton of an adult male that had been pieced together.

After Lin Jiangdan finished the battle, he compared it with the formation on the human skin and bone formation and found that it should be integrated and echoed with the formation.

I didn't know what this meant at first, but now, the formations on both the upper and lower sides have been completed, and the patterns on the skeleton are lighting up, and under their influence, flesh and blood are slowly being generated.

Strangely, she could see hundreds of thin threads connected to it, and the other ends of the threads were connected to the people in the auditorium.

But people didn't seem to notice this. She thought about it, closed her right eye and opened her left eye. Now she could only see the skeleton, no flesh or blood, and no fine lines.

When I opened my eyes again, I could see everything clearly again.

Is this the ability of the right eye, or in other words, the ability of a blind person?

Not important, we’ll talk about it later.

The current situation is that a certain skeleton fairy has arrived and intends to absorb these beliefs.

"Don't be nervous, this is the true body of a certain Skeleton Immortal." She emphasized this point deliberately to mean that, take aim and smash it down right away.

Then she gestured for the actors to take their positions.

"Don't believe him, he's a liar!" The girl with thin eyebrows screamed in the audience, her voice so high that it seemed to pierce people's eardrums.

She rushed onto the stage and grabbed Uncle Wang's hand: "This is a liar, they destroyed my family!"

"What did you say? What liar." Xia Qimiao's face showed a look of panic at the right time.

The thin-browed girl reached out and pulled off the wireless earphone hidden in the other person's ear: "If you are not a liar, then what is this? You are simply colluding with others and letting them give you instructions through the earphones."

"You're still blind, and you haven't regained your sight at all!"

The role of the thin-browed girl was originally played by Lin Jiangdan, but the ghost creature is not as emotional as a real person.

Now that she is blushing and shouting at the top of her lungs, no one would think that she is an actor, but a girl who has the courage to expose the dark reality.

"Your eyes, let me see your eyes."

"no, do not want."

The two of them "wrestled" with each other, and the girl with thin eyebrows "grabbed" an eyeball, which Xia Qimiao had just given her from his left eye.

Why not the right eye? Because that is real now, and it hurts when I scratch it.

And in this chaotic time, by chance, a piece of red flesh fell off the blind man's body.

"Everyone, look!" The thin-browed girl stood up and showed something in each hand to the whole auditorium. "This eyeball is simply a fake one, and this meat is also a prop prepared in advance. It is not a miracle that can be cut and healed immediately!"

Then, she pretended to kick Uncle Wang twice: "Because of liars like you, my father went undercover here and is now unconscious and his life or death is unknown! He handled so many cases and saved so many people, but now he can't even wake up!"

As the thin-browed girl spoke, she became more and more into the role. She actually started to cry, and her words were tinged with sobs, but she remained firm.

"My mother was worried about him and had a difficult labor. She gave birth to my sister prematurely, and my sister couldn't survive because of her congenital deficiency!"

"You are the ones who caused my family to be destroyed. It's all caused by this Skeleton Immortal!!"

The people in the audience recovered from their shock. On one side was the blind man lying on the ground groping for his guide stick, and on the other side was the deceived person crying. The balance of their hearts immediately tilted towards the latter.

They were being made a fool of themselves!

"Turns out he's a liar!" I don't know who shouted first, an angry person was about to rush to the stage, but he stopped when he got close because he saw someone who looked exactly like him walking out from behind the curtain.

And this is not an isolated case.

When they are listening to others, they may be able to remain indifferent; but when things involve themselves, it is completely different.

"How come there are people who look exactly like us?"

"Look!" The thin-browed girl shrilled, "Resurrection and treatment of diseases are all fake. They just made copies of you, and they want to use the copies to replace you!"

The whole room was in uproar, anger was rising, and emotions reached their peak.

"Down with a certain skeleton fairy!"

"Down with the cult!"

The thin-browed woman chopped off the skeleton of the sculpture, and the people, overwhelmed by emotion, rushed forward and smashed whatever they had at hand, and even if they had nothing at hand they would create conditions to smash it.

Xia Qimiao opened his right eye and saw clearly that some of the threads were broken, but some of the threads not only were not broken, but had turned blood red and were throbbing like blood vessels.

The flesh and blood on the skeleton of the sculpture had difficulty maintaining its original appearance, let alone continuing to grow, and even abscesses formed.

The skeleton actually moved and ran towards Xia Qimiao.

Noëfils's materials say that evil spirits rely mainly on negative emotions, so they are more easily polluted and corrupted.

It is already very risky for a strange creature to become a god or an immortal, and the risk faced by an evil immortal is even greater because it is not picky.

The threshold for humans to believe in evil immortals is very low, and evil immortals will not reject anyone. When humans believe in it, the channel for establishing contact is opened.

If at this time, those who believe in it collectively turn against it and overthrow it, then it will suffer a backlash, and may even be swept away by surging emotions, completely losing its own rationality and emotions.

In other words, the core of a certain skeleton fairy is unstable at the moment, and the unstable core source power is dissipating, and the strength is greatly reduced. Take advantage of its illness to kill it.

Although Xia Qimiao didn't understand why it was coming towards him, it was a good thing. He ran all the way and led it to the backup plan point.

As she ran, she heard a very shrill baby crying. What was it crying and shouting?
Previously, Xia Qimiao found a book called "The Words of the Great Master Wanjian Wuliang", which recorded that the sound made by a certain skeleton immortal was "something".

It doesn't sound accurate now, it is actually "mou ah" and "mou ah". "mou" is pronounced very short, while "ah" is heavy and long.

Put together, it sounds like calling "Mom——" When a certain skeleton fairy arrived here, it felt countless powers of faith gathering on it. It knew that the one taking the lead was the person in front of it, and the one who fed it was of course its mother.

It was surprised to see its mother suddenly stop. It screamed and threw itself to her feet, but was pierced by a cypress stick and nailed to the ground.

Xia Qimiao said coldly: "Burn."

Li Zide, that grown man, called her godmother, and she tolerated it because her biological mother paid her rent. Why does any weird thing dare to claim to be its mother now?
The strange creature let out a shrill cry, and it shrank smaller and smaller until it became the size of a fetus. This fetus was very different from a normal one, as it had three tumors on each side, like an ungrown human head.

Its limbs flailed and it tried to reach out, but the fire burned fiercely and violently. It screamed shrilly, and the whole sanatorium was blurred.

Just as the sound gradually faded, the sound of breaking wind was heard. Xia Qimiao dodged it by leaning sideways, and a trace of blood was scratched on his face.

"Wang Catfish, why is it you?" The oval-faced man was very surprised when he saw who this person was, but he put away his weapon.

This shows that he is in the same camp.

"Have you forgotten what the requirements are? This thing has to be recycled. You're almost killing it."

Xia Qimiao had no intention of stopping: "If this thing is not reduced to only a drop of blood, it will definitely escape."

"It's okay. Didn't we use your... ahem, traded a monitoring container? Use it to keep it. You can't run away."

The oval-faced man took out an oval-shaped object from his arms and walked over.

Xia Qimiao's face showed no emotion: "Then you press it and I'll install it."

"it is good."

Oval-faced man did as he was told without any precautions. Suddenly, he felt a pain at the back of his head, and his vision went dark, and he passed out.

Xia Qimiao grasped the cypress stick again. How could it be possible to save its life?


She turned the capsule-like object with her other hand. On it were engraved some characters that she was very familiar with - "AWA".

She put the ashes and broken bones of a certain skeleton fairy into a capsule and gave it to the tenant who suddenly appeared.

"Master, a group of people suddenly appeared," Lin Jiangdan accepted it respectfully, "They are guiding the crowd and searching the entire sanatorium."

"Be careful with Detective X and Devouring Rose. Don't let them find you."

"Yes, landlord."

Xia Qimiao was just about to leave when she happened to meet the girl with thin eyebrows, who was followed by another woman.

“Master Wang, Master Wang,” the haggard woman grabbed her hand, “Save my little girl, save her.”

"Little one?"

"Uncle Wang, it's here." The girl with thin eyebrows opened the zipper of the baby bag with helplessness and disgust, holding her breath.

A foul odor filled my nose.

Inside was a dead baby that looked like a zombie, and it was already showing signs of gigantism.

Even if a great immortal were alive today, he might not be able to save her.

She hissed softly, indicating that she was not very good at dealing with this kind of situation, but the power coming from her wrist was irresistible, so she had to close her eyes.

"Birthday and horoscope."

When Xia Qimiao heard the date, he raised his hand and pinched his knuckles, taking this opportunity to compose a draft: "Based on this time, her fate is extraordinary."

"She was originally a maiden under the Bodhisattva, responsible for guarding the sacred fire. Due to her negligence in her duty, the sacred fire burned the mountain, so she was punished to suffer in the mortal world. Now her fate has ended, and she has returned to heaven."

"If you miss her, plant a tree. If it survives, it means she has received it."

"Now, let's bury this poor child's body. As it happens, I know a place where we can pray for her."

This place is naturally Xiaomugong Village, oh no, it has now been renamed Yaoshan Village.

I don’t know if Daya is still alive, how she is doing now, and whether she succeeded in what she wanted to do?
Many people seemed to know the blind woman, even though she had just been preaching feudal superstition on the stage, but none of those people in special uniforms stopped her.

In this way, not only did she not encounter any obstacles, but someone even helped her find the way.

When Xia Qimiao approached Yaoshan Village, the first person he met was his grandmother, who was sitting under a tree.

This was an acquaintance, and she recognized him immediately.

Grandma Zhang had a hunched body, with wrinkles that were more numerous and deeper than those in the funeral copy, and her eyes were like a pool of muddy water.

After all, she was a kind-hearted spiritualist. When she heard their purpose, she just sighed and agreed.

The haggard woman did not follow, for she was afraid that she would not be able to resist and would snatch the baby's body back instead of letting the child rest in peace, so only the thin-browed woman came.

"How old are you?" While preparing the materials, Zhang's mother-in-law asked this question for no reason.

The thin-browed girl replied, "I am fourteen."

Only fourteen? Xia Qimiao was a little surprised when he saw her nearly 1.65 meters tall.

Zhang's mother-in-law was also surprised, but soon smiled again: "Hello, Fourteen. Hello, Fourteen."

Taking advantage of this time, Xia Qimiao went to visit the village. The changes here were earth-shaking, but it was deserted and unpopular. Many houses were vacant, with only three or two families left.

She went to Daya's house in her memory, and also to Yazi's house. Both houses were deserted and had been abandoned for a long time. Did they move away?

pretty good.

Xia Qimiao turned back and came back to the tree. Grandma Zhang was sprinkling cypress water on the dead baby. Even though she was facing a corpse, there was no trace of disgust on her face.

"Let's wait until the sun goes over the mountain. The ceremony will be more effective then."

She squinted her eyes and there seemed to be a nostalgic expression on her face. I wonder if she was thinking of her deceased granddaughter. Zhang Ying must have been this young at that time.

Xia Qimiao didn't find the person he wanted to meet, so he just started chatting with Zhang's mother-in-law to reminisce about the past.

"Your granddaughter is doing well, and your son and daughter-in-law are doing well too." I heard that they seem to be able to wake up for a while, so there is no need to worry about whether they will be separated or not.

Grandma Zhang was still kind: "Thank you, but they have been dead for a long time."

She smiled kindly and said nothing.

"Have you ever thought about what to do in the future? Have you decided where to go? You can't just stay here. There are not many people left in this village. If something happens, what will happen to you after your death..."

Xia Qimiao wanted to attract business for her Guilou again. When Zhang's mother-in-law came over, it would be impossible for her to live in the same room with the young couple. She would have to live in a separate room.

"I have a long time left to live, because I want to watch this village die."

Grandma Zhang raised her head and looked calmly at the village, or rather, her life.

"When that time comes, I won't have to think about anything."

What does it mean for a village to be dead? Of course, there must be no living people left, and everything must return to dust and nature.

including herself.

"You should think about it. After all, Happy Home has a beautiful environment and harmonious neighbors. No. 33 is your best choice."

Looking at the other person's slightly trembling eyes, Xia Qimiao's smile became more gentle.

"Choose the second floor and you can be neighbors with your son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. Choose the fourth or sixth floor and you can live upstairs from your god."

Suddenly, the sound of wind rubbing against leaves fell into Xia Qimiao's ears. This should be a sign.

As she was selling, she drank the essence. She didn't forget to give the blind man a new pair of eyes: "Gulu, anyway, No. 33 welcomes you."

"If you change your mind, you can find me through Shenbaixian. Now..."

Suddenly, a familiar fishhook appeared in front of her eyes, so she reached out and grabbed it.

"Now your granddaughter is here to pick me up. I hope to meet you again."

While ascending, Xia Qimiao saw two tablets in the yard not far away, one for the Godly Cypress Immortal and the other for the Medicine Immortal.

She suddenly remembered that Daya had said that she would burn three incense sticks for the Medicine Fairy to thank him for saving their lives.

There were three incense sticks burning in front of the tablet of the Medicine God.

No way?
When Wang Catfish opened his eyes again, he saw the girl with thin eyebrows. The little girl who had been exorcised by him had grown into a big girl.

Should he also exorcise the evil spirit himself? But the other party doesn't look like an evil spirit.

"King Catfish!" The oval-faced man chased after him, rubbing the back of his head, "What do you mean? Why did you sneak attack me?"

"If I say, it wasn't me, can you believe it?"

"I don't believe you," the oval-faced man rolled his eyes, "Don't you have AWA-R-3507 hidden in your eyeballs? I'll know when I read the data later."

"I'm afraid not." Wang Catfish pressed his eyelids. This kind of thing is really better in its original form.

Although he hated this pair of yin-yang eyes since he was a child, people are the kind of people that only remember the good things about them when they lose them.

"I know you won't be able to see it if you take it off, and you'll feel a little bit resistant, but there's nothing you can do about it. It's all on top..."

The oval-faced man's voice suddenly stopped because he saw his eyes clearly and saw a double pupil on the right side.

"How did your eyes come back? They were taken away a long time ago." He covered his mouth. "This is a big deal. I have to report it immediately."

"Probably, a gift from the immortals."

Suddenly, Wang Catfish frowned: "Where is this? What am I doing here?"

Sister Xia didn't hesitate, but I hesitated. I deleted, deleted, deleted, deleted, deleted, modified, modified, modified, modified, modified.

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