I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 280 You Are Even More Dangerous

Chapter 280 You Are Even More Dangerous

Xia Qimiao's eyes were filled with mist, and he could smell the woody fragrance again: "We are all so familiar with each other, why don't you even let me see one of you?"

"It's not that I don't let you see." A very special voice sounded, and you could tell it belonged to Shen Baixian as soon as you heard it.

"If it's not you, then who is it?"

She waited for an explanation, but instead of that, she heard an abrupt thank you.


"You're welcome," Xia Qimiao was thick-skinned. Although he didn't know what it was thanking him for, he agreed first and took advantage of the situation. "When do you move in?"

Shen Baixian didn't expect that her first question would be this, but considering her personality, it was reasonable.

"It's almost time. Zhang Shan's death is coming. I'll wait for her here. When the time comes, I'll take her with me."

"Can't you go first and then come pick her up?"

"If all obsessions are gone, they cannot become strange creatures. Besides, it is easy to leave, but difficult to come back."

After hearing this, Xia Qimiao recalled the conditions for the emergence of strange creatures, and she figured it out. She estimated that the other party would have to use some "special means" to bring her into the strange building.

Rent one and bring one, guaranteed profit.

"By the way, her original name was Zhang Shan, and I thought her name was Daya."

"It's Zhang Shan, and it's Daya."

As expected, after getting the answer he wanted, Xia Qimiao smiled.

"In theory, I should sign a contract with you and ask for a deposit, but considering our long-standing friendship, I can forgo your source power for now."

Cast a long line and catch big fish.

"It's a courtesy, can you answer a few questions for me?"

After hearing the last sentence, Shen Baixian felt that it was just as he expected: "I can only say what can be said."

Xia Qimiao asked in a roundabout way: "Which part can't you say? What limits you?"


Although the more unspeakable the content is, the more she wants to know, but her attempt to find a loophole has failed, so she has to give up.

"Then let's change the question. You clearly have the ability to kill a certain skeleton fairy, so why didn't you do it?"

She smiled gently, but the questions she asked were sharp and to the point.

"Because I... am not strong enough."

Although Xia Qimiao couldn't see, she still reached out to explore the area. She touched a huge tree that was too big for one person to hug.

She noticed the other person's silence and reminded him at the right time: "Oh, don't worry about me, you can continue talking."

Then, a sigh full of helplessness reached her ears, but she pretended not to hear it.

“All things have spirits, and I am the spirit that was born and raised here.”

The previous narration by Shenbaixian was almost the same as what Xia Qimiao knew through the drama. A thousand years ago, when it was still Baiwu, this group of spiritual creatures used the Muhua Mountain to block the passage to the strange world and became the "guardians" of this world.

This action opened up a space with Mushan as the node. Although the special space actually exists in this world, it does not intersect with this world most of the time.

However, every five years, Mushan will have an intersection with this world. At this time, it will "appear" in the eyes of some people and can be entered.

Those who can enter such a place are born with "spirit".

"What is 'spirit'?" Xia Qimiao, who was trying to climb a tree, stopped and asked.

"The power derived from this world, if you can understand the source power, then you can understand the spiritual power."

"I don't understand the source of power."

"Then even if I tell you, you still won't understand," Shen Baixian paused for a moment, "you just treat it as a natural talent."

The intersection occurs every five years, which is a regular pattern. This also means that if someone strays into the Wood Mountain, they can only stay in the mountain for five years before they can get out. Meanwhile, only half a year will pass in the outside world.

At that time, Bai Wu extended a helping hand to these people, sheltering them in the mountains full of strange creatures, and sending them out when the time came.

"Are you the only one? Where's tenant number 21 who can perform illusions?"

"It changed from a spiritual creature to a strange creature. It thought that merging into the strange world was the general trend, so it quickly left Mushan. After that, I heard the news from you."

"I also didn't expect that it would actually contact a certain skeleton fairy and join forces with it."

"...Who could have imagined this?" Xia Qimiao did not feel guilty at all. Although she had forced the relationship between these strange creatures, both of them were dead and there was no evidence at all.

Blocking the cave entrance with a wooden mountain is not a good idea, because it means they will come into contact, so there is a high chance of turning into a monster.

In the end, only Bai Wu remained firm and was not contaminated by the ghost world.

However, it saved people and gained their faith, becoming a "god". What it didn't expect was that the moment it became a "god" was also the moment it turned into a monster.

No matter how much it doesn't want to admit it, it knows in its heart that it has become separated from this world and is rejected by it.

The Goddess of Cypress brushed it off without further discussion. It went back to the people in the mountain and said that someone had volunteered to stay and accompany it to guard the mountain. Human hearts are precious, but they are easily changed.

Even if the first few generations are willing to stick with it, times will change as time goes by.

While Shen Baixian was recuperating, they reached a consensus with the monster in the mountains and severely damaged it, because they not only wanted to get out, but also wanted to use the power of the monster to become "superior people" outside.

The result was a tragic victory.

"The scariest thing about becoming a monster is that you gradually forget who you are."

Shen Baixian skipped over the fate of those people and only said that he fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up, Kimura had changed completely.

Xia Qimiao summed it up. It was probably because people of the same kind persecuted each other, the ratio of men to women was unbalanced, medical technology was backward, many people died, people were born with deformities, and the people inside were almost extinct.

The reason why all the people in the mountains have not died is because they have taken some "measures".

The village is divided into Damugong Village and Xiaomugong Village. The big village controls the passage to the outside. They will lure people in and get the goods from outside and transport them to the small village.

The people in Xiaomugong Village are kept in captivity like "breeding pigs".

They were isolated in deeper mountains, and their only mission was to ensure that their genes were "not contaminated".

Damugong Village has not given up cooperating with the monster and has begun trying to gain power from it.

A certain skeleton fairy was born in Damugong Village under such circumstances. Its original form was a created monster, and it survived by absorbing nutrients from its sisters.

There are three tumors on each side of its body, which are the traces of unformed life remaining in the world.

It has low intelligence and can only shout "Mou". After being strangled to death by its crazy mother, it turned into a monster and ate her.

Eat this mother and then find the next one.

"That being said, it has a simple mind and extreme emotions, and doesn't seem like it can do so many things." Xia Qimiao climbed halfway, touched the fork, and sat on it to take a break.

"It has been used by people from birth to death. Besides, weird things have their own teachings."

"What do you mean?" Xia Qimiao frowned. She couldn't understand the second half of the sentence which was too mysterious.

"I explained it to you but you still don't understand."

She said this again, touching the rough lines on the tree branch: "Whether you understand or not, you have to explain it to me first."

"Source power is not a dead thing."

I really don't understand this. She can recognize these six short words separately, but it's too difficult to understand them when they are put together.

"I'm not sure what you heard, but the meaning should be accurate."

This sentence contained too much information, and even though she thought she was very good at analyzing words, she still found it difficult to understand.

"You know we don't speak the same language, and what we're saying now has been translated?" Xia Qimiao's breath was caught. Isn't it another way of saying "it's not sure what the translation will be, but it believes the meaning is correct and can be conveyed to her"?
"Source power is not a dead thing," Shen Baixian repeated, "It is necessary to rely on it to have a smooth conversation."

It thought for a moment and gave an example: "When I named Daya, I only chose one word from this world, meaning that I wish she would be like a mountain or like water. So, what you heard is the corresponding word that you know."

Shan is the character for water with the character for mountain added to it.

"If there is no corresponding word, then it is the two words meaning mountain and water."

This is the reason why there is a difference in the number of words required for the self-review submitted by Devouring Rose.

The reason why players can move around in different worlds and understand foreign languages ​​is because the source force is translating?
Indeed, it cannot be the game that is translating.

Although Lin Jiangdan and Noefels are not from the same world, they can understand each other's words. Even Noefels taught Rose how to write.

She originally thought that they were all strange creatures, so they could communicate without any obstacles.

Analyzing from Shen Baixian's words, the fact was just as she thought, but she did not touch upon the more essential things - they were all made up of source power, and communication was actually using source power to communicate.

If the game is not translating, then why can players understand the language of the other world when they enter the dungeon for the first time?

At that time, it was impossible for a novice to gain source power from a game that he had never completed.

This points to a possibility she had already noticed before, that players might have "self-generated power." It's not given by the game, but something they already possess.

In fact, Xia Qimiao has been thinking, what are the similarities between the bones and skin of players and those of people in the sanatorium?
It is now known that the sanatorium is located in Damugong Village. The admission requirement for personnel is to possess "spirit". "Spiritual power" and "source power" are similar to some extent.

By the same token, the players are in a similar situation.

She asked: "In your eyes, what am I like? Like the people in the village, I am born with a 'spirit'?"

"It's different. The 'spirit' will dissipate over time, but you, or the player you really want to ask, the innate source of power in your body will not dissipate."

"You are more dangerous."

"Time is almost up, one last piece of advice, bad luck always tends to go hand in hand."

Shen Baixian's voice fell silent, and the white mist in front of Xia Qimiao's eyes dissipated. She vaguely saw a forest of tall, bizarre trees that seemed to be shouting, as if all kinds of distorted human figures were sealed in the trees.

When the fog completely dissipated, what she saw was the strange building and the bewildered little girl.

Zhang Ying looked at the "fish" she had caught in surprise. It was really a second catch.

"Luoluo!" She quickly unhooked the hook and kicked it away as if guilty. Then she noticed the changes in the surroundings. "Huh? We're home!"

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