Ming Huan happily cut the vegetables. He looked up and saw Minghao staring at him in a daze. He couldn't help but asked in a funny way, "Second brother, what's wrong? You see the flowers when you look at me cutting vegetables?"

Minghao, "...Do you need any help?"

Ming Huanxi said, "Then help soak those mushrooms and cut them into small pieces."

Their family has always had this habit. As long as whoever gets home first has the preliminary work ready, Su Yun'an can just stir-fry it when he comes back, and he doesn't have to be so tired.

"Why don't I have any impression of Jian Cheng?" Ming Huanxi entered the chatting mode while doing things.

"You don't remember him?" Minghao finally realized after saying this, "That's right, you were only four years old when he left.

But that kid has always had ulterior motives, and has wanted to kidnap you to their house several times to be his sister.

If our eldest brother hadn't been protecting you, you would have been abducted by him long ago. "

He needed to educate his sister about it so that he wouldn't be coaxed away by his kind words next time he met that kid.

In Minghao's memory, Jian Cheng was so cunning. He used candies and dolls, and even made beautiful clothes, just to deceive happiness.

"How is this possible? Don't forget who I am? I am Ming Huanxi, and it is impossible for my parents to watch me being kidnapped." Ming Huanxi didn't even know what Minghao and the others were thinking at the time. She was a living person. People are not objects.

Minghao looked up and stared at Ming Huanxi with a complicated expression, "You just learned to walk, and you started running behind Jian Cheng.

Anyway, as long as we go to grandpa's house together and that boy Jian Cheng shows up, you will forget about me and your eldest brother. "

Speaking of this, Minghao's tone was full of resentment, "You have one brother at a time, and calling me and eldest brother not so sweet."

It was at that time that the two brothers had a deep sense of crisis. In order to prevent their only little sister from being abducted by others, the two brothers would definitely keep a close eye on the little sister whenever they went out, for fear that the little sister would be easy to trick and be deceived. A small favor is cheated away.

Ming Huanxi looked embarrassed and had no memory of any of this, but he felt that it should be him...

"Then how old is he now?" Ming Huanxi looked up and saw the calendar on the wall, a little strange, "Don't he have to go to class?"

It seems that he is not much different in age from his eldest brother and the others. How can he be so leisurely at this time?

Minghao then remembered this question. Yes, if he remembered correctly, it seems that the two people are not much different, right?

Then why is he not in school at the moment, but can he still come back to his hometown?

"I forgot to ask. It must be my freshman year, but you see, my eldest brother still asks for leave from time to time." As for whether Jian Cheng is as smart as his eldest brother, that is another matter. This is the reason why he can quickly find out.

Fortunately, the younger sister seemed to be just curious for a moment and didn't delve into it further, "Well, I'm either a top student or a scumbag, but why haven't I heard you mention it in these years?"

Minghao, "...little sister, do you really have no impression at all?

It’s not that we didn’t mention it, it’s that we didn’t dare to mention it in front of you.

Not long after Jian Cheng left at that time, you went to your grandpa's house and saw that the door next to them was closed, and you cried so sadly.

For several months, we had to cry every time we went there. Later, we didn't dare to mention Jian Cheng. "

By the time Ming Huanxi had forgotten it, they already had a new friend, so naturally they also somewhat forgot about this childhood friend.

Ming Huanxi said, "...I really did such unreliable things when I was young?" Expressing deep doubt.

"There are even more unreliable ones. There were a few times when you followed that kid back. It was me and my eldest brother who dragged you home."

Having said this, Minghao glared at Ming Huanxi. At that time, his two brothers were really worried.

I brought people home, and this little girl actually got angry with them and didn't talk to them for a whole day. "..."

Before he could find out any more information about Jian Cheng, Su Yunan had already returned home from get off work.

Seeing the two children washing and cutting the vegetables, without saying anything, they put on their aprons and started to show off their skills in the kitchen.


Gu family

Gu Xiangyang stayed in the hospital all afternoon. After a complete set of physical examinations, except for a few minor problems, everything else was fine.

He breathed a sigh of relief, took the inspection form and went home.

Seeing Gu Weiquan still snoring in bed, he stepped over and said, "You're almost asleep, just get up."

After holding my breath all afternoon, it was time to settle things with this guy.

Gu Weiquan felt a stabbing pain in his head and knocked it a few times with his hand. When it subsided, he opened his eyes and asked, "Abba?"

Gu Weiquan blinked, wondering if he was being blinded?

Is Mr. Zhao so powerful? I only mentioned it to him at noon, and now Abba has come out.

I felt a little proud in my heart, it seemed that he really made the right move this time.

The eldest brother and grandma are not as powerful as him in jumping up and down.

"You bastard, you haven't gone home these days, and you hang out with those gangsters every day?"

Gu Xiangyang dragged the stool and sat directly opposite him, "If I hadn't met your mother today, I would have thought you were obediently attending school.

How old are you that you dare to drink? Do you think your life is too long? "

No matter how uneducated you are, you all know that drinking alcohol has a great impact on the growth of children.

Gu Weian is almost 16 years old, but he is still only a little over meters tall. If he doesn't grow taller, it will be difficult for him to find a wife in the future.

"Abba, don't scold me as soon as you come back." Gu Weiquan felt a splitting headache. He also felt a little tired after drinking with him these days.

"What's your attitude?" Gu Xiangyang heard the impatience in his words and felt angry in his heart. He wanted to have a good chat with him, but he didn't expect this naughty kid to have such an attitude.

"I'm doing this for your own good. Even if you don't want to study, you still have to stay with me in school. When you graduate from junior high school, you'll have to take a class first depending on where you go. But if you hang out with those people, What kind of fame can you get out of this?"

"Why aren't you famous? If it weren't for me, would you have come out?" Gu Weiquan's voice became louder. He had to let his family know that this was all his fault.

"What are you talking about? Did you ask me to come out?" Gu Xiangyang was a little suspicious. He looked at Gu Weiquan, "Just because of you guys."

"Don't look down on me. If I hadn't been with Mr. Zhao these two days, do you think you could have come out smoothly?"

"These two days?" Gu Xiangyang was furious, "I came out early yesterday morning, what have you been busy with these two days?

At such a young age, you come out to deceive and deceive, you are the only one who would believe this kind of person.

By the way, you didn't come back last night, so you were hanging out with these people? "

Originally, Gu Xiangyang was a little doubtful. If he came out, besides Lao Lin, would someone else say hello? Now it seems that this so-called Mr. Zhao cannot be related to him at all.

Dear babies, come and count the votes, at least let me know that you have been here~~~

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