Gu Weiquan's mind was a little clearer now. He looked at Gu Xiangyang with wide eyes, "Dad, you mean you came back yesterday?"

Gu Xiangyang said angrily, "Your grandma went to pick me up early yesterday morning. You can't be too worried. If you go out with a head like yours, you can't always lie to me."

Gu Xiangyang thought about having to get out of the car again tomorrow, so he didn't want to talk to him anymore, "I'm warning you, apart from going to school, don't let me do anything else, especially tobacco and alcohol.

I know your grades are not very good, but it would be better if you could get into high school.

Now it's different from before. People are recruited based on their diplomas. You don't want to work in a factory to drive screws. "

"How do you know that I only know how to drive screws in the factory?" Gu Wei'an was furious when he heard this topic again, "In your and grandma's hearts, the eldest brother is the most important, and I am superfluous."

I'm also cursing myself secretly, why are I so mean? What are you busy with these days? Instead of being praised, I was scolded.

"If you weren't my son, I wouldn't bother to care about you." Gu Xiangyang also got angry. "I've told you all the good things, but if you don't listen, you will be responsible for your own life in the future. Anyway, if you don't go to high school, Make a living for yourself.”

"I didn't tell you what you would do to help me," Gu Weiquan yelled, "Anyway, you and grandma are always partial, thinking that my eldest brother is good at everything."

Why he was with Mr. Zhao these days was because he wanted to rescue his father. He didn't expect that everything he did was a joke.

Gu Xiangyang looked at him deeply, turned and left the room.

This damn child should be pushed against the wall, so that he knows how difficult life is outside.

Gu Weiquan covered his head and lay back down again. Since his father was back safely, he didn't want to give up on Mr. Zhao's path. He could give himself more benefits.

Anyway, the other party has money and power, and a little bit of it from under his fingernails is enough for him to have a good starting point.

However, the aftertaste of this wine was really strong. He felt that today was much better than yesterday, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't hold on.

Song Xiaoyue knew that there were no problems after Gu Xiangyang's examination, and she breathed a sigh of relief, "Maybe we have been too tense during this period, and when we relaxed all of a sudden, our bodies couldn't bear it anymore.

It just so happened that I bought a chicken and stewed it today for everyone to replenish their health. "

Song Xiaoyue asked the boss to help pack up the chicken and just wash and chop it when she went home.

When Gu Wei'an came back, his face looked a little bad.

Song Xiaoyue was in a better mood because of Gu Xiangyang's return. It was rare for her to show concern, "What's going on? Are you too tired from class?"

Gu Wei'an poured himself a glass of water and sat directly in the kitchen. "The results of the monthly exam are here..."

"How did you do in the exam?" Song Xiaoyue didn't pay too much attention, because Wei An's grades were always in the top two, and occasionally he would get the first place if he got lucky. (But I don’t know that it was Mingxu who deliberately let things slip, giving him such an opportunity.)

"I got third place in the exam this time, which is not ideal." Gu Wei'an's tone was a little low. It can be said that he has never had such a result in the exam.

And he still lost to someone he had always looked down upon, which he couldn't accept all day long.

"Third place?" Song Xiaoyue stopped what she was doing and looked at him with a puzzled look, "Then who is the second place?"

Guardforce has never been surpassed and its results are relatively stable. Could it be that the school has recently transferred another transfer student?

"...Minghao," Gu Wei'an mentioned this name with difficulty, which was simply the biggest shame today.

"Who are you talking about?" Song Xiaoyue felt that she had heard wrong and confirmed with him again, "Minghao who lives across from us?" Seeing Gu Wei'an lower his head, Song Xiaoyue almost dropped the shovel in his hand, "What is that kid, that person?" Aren’t your grades also average?”

But he didn't want to think about how his grades were average, how could he be placed in the same class as Gu Wei'an and the others?

"I heard that Minghao gave him extra classes during the winter vacation." Gu Wei'an could only come up with this excuse, but he had to admit that although Minghao's usual grades were not as good as those who had done well in the previous exams, he was ranked higher in the school. Not much different.

This time, we have improved by twenty or thirty places. This situation often occurs with other students.

But he was unwilling to accept it, and Minghao suddenly rushed in front of him.

"This..." Song Xiaoyue didn't know what to say. She wanted to scold the boss, but she could see that he was in a bad mood now.

"Do you think it's true that the fate of the other side has been weighing on us?" Gu Wei'an raised his head again, his eyes were red.

Song Xiaoyue panicked, her eldest son was the hope of the family, "It may be someone else's nonsense, don't believe it like your father.

One thing you have to admit is that Mingxu's grades have always been better than yours, and they are twin brothers. If he wants to help, it is normal for Minghao's grades to improve. "

No matter how stupid Song Xiaoyue is, she still knows that Wei An cannot be distracted at this critical moment.

The college entrance examination will be in a few months. As long as Gu Weian maintains such results, those prestigious schools can compete for one or two.

Gu Xiangyang had already put in a lot of trouble before, but not only failed to bring disaster to Ming Yunde and the others, but he also put himself in trouble.

No matter how lucky the opponent is, so what? They are just a family of ordinary people, how can they fight against each other?

The person who gave Gu Xiangyang the bad idea before has also disappeared. I don't know if there might be another conspiracy.

Song Xiaoyue thought of this and quickly explained to Gu Wei'an, "That kid might just be lucky. If his elder brother helped him get the question right, he might not be so lucky next time.

We have to look forward, you can’t be fooled by them now, we have to hold on, all the results now are false, let’s just look at the college entrance examination. "

Gu Wei'an asked, "...Is it really just about getting the questions right?" So this time when Mingxu can get the college entrance examination, can he get it right too?

They are both students, what did he do to Mingxu?

Now another Mingxu popped up, and as expected, the one named Ming was his nemesis.

"It should be like this, yes," Song Xiaoyue was convincing Gu Wei'an, and she was also convincing herself, "You are also worried these days because you are involved in your family, so you are busy going in and out.

Your father is fine now. He will officially start working again tomorrow. From then on, our family will return to normal. You just have to go to class peacefully. We will take care of the rest. "

As long as Wei An can get good results in the college entrance examination this time, then the hard work she and Gu Xiangyang have put in over the years will pay off.

We have reached this critical moment and no one can destroy it.

Wei An is good at everything, but he is too focused on winning and losing.

Colleges like those admit so many students every year, and they all have to compete for rankings, so life will be very tiring.

In the past, in order to motivate their children, they had always compared Mingxu opposite him.

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