Gu Wei'an has always been very competitive. In order to catch up with Mingxu, his results have always been at the forefront.

I can only hate that Mingxu on the opposite side always comes out on top, and Wei An only surpasses him if he misses an exam occasionally or has some accident.

Only with competition can progress be achieved. This is what they have always thought before. Now Song Xiaoyue regrets that her son seems to take Mingxu too seriously.

Now adding Minghao to the mix, I'm really afraid that the two brothers opposite will affect my son's mood at this critical moment.

When Song Xiaoyue thought of this, she scolded the Ming family brothers across from her again. The Ming family was really a disaster.


Minghao finished his dinner and held a book, "Mom, Lei Shujun left his book here with me. I have to send it to him quickly, otherwise he won't be able to finish his homework today."

Su Yun'an took a look and said angrily, "You kids really don't know how to look clearly when collecting things.

Then go and come back quickly, don't play there again and don't know how to come back. "

This situation had happened before, but Su Yun'an didn't take it to heart and just told him to go back quickly.

Minghao agreed readily, even running out of the door the moment Ming Huanxi left the house.

"Second brother, what's going on? Do you think I want to follow him?" Ming Huanxi said angrily.

"I really don't know who his temper is like. He is the most outspoken in our family." Su Yun'an looked at the ajar door, but walked over and locked the door.

Now she and Huanxi are the only ones at home, and it feels safer to close the door.

"No, I think the second brother is quite stable. His test results came out today and he did pretty well. He didn't even show off to you."

"He's not stupid," Su Yun'an couldn't hide the smile on his face when he said this.

The three children at home have not had to worry about them since they were young. Minghao likes to play, but his grades have not fallen behind.

It's normal for him to make some progress if he uses some snacks.

"Mom, why don't you ask my second brother how he did in the exam?"

Su Yun'an said, " should be within the top 20 at any rate. I don't expect him to do well in the exam. When the time comes, he will be able to go to college and have a stable job. Your father and I will be content."

They really don't have high requirements for their children, so they have always kept them in a free-range state.

"The second brother came in second this time, leaving behind Gu Wei'an opposite."

"Really?" Su Yun'an was a little skeptical, "Is your second brother so motivated this time?"

"That's right. It doesn't matter how many examples my brother told them. It's a big question." Ming Huanxi had finished his homework today, so he just sat down with Su Yun'an and chatted with him holding tea.

As for the second brother going out at this time, he must have found a reason. I'm afraid he didn't come back so early. I just don't know what he wanted to go out this time.



The sky was glowing slightly, and the alarm clock that Song Xiaoyue had set before was already ringing.

Song Xiaoyue opened her eyes with difficulty, feeling like she had fallen asleep not long ago, why was it dawning again?

But the family's breakfast was still waiting for her to prepare, and she tried to twist around, but suddenly, she was horrified to find that her strength had disappeared again...

He tried to push Gu Xiangyang, who was sleeping beside him, but he just raised his fingers slightly and couldn't move his arm at all.

Gu Xiangyang was also woken up by the alarm clock. He was about to ask his mother-in-law to turn off the alarm clock first, but found that he was so exhausted that he couldn't even open his forehead to speak.

"..." Didn't the doctor check that there was nothing wrong? So what's going on?

The symptoms of various incurable diseases kept replaying in my mind, and I didn't know what kind of disease it was that could make my whole body weak.

The alarm clock rang continuously for several minutes. Both Gu Wei'an brothers were already up, but they saw the door of their parents' room was closed. Gu Wei'an ran to the yard to rinse his mouth, and felt a little strange when he heard the second round of the alarm clock ringing.

But thinking about the embarrassing incident yesterday, he didn't want to knock on the door.

He looked at Gu Weiquan and said, "Go and call Mom and Dad. What's going on? The alarm clock has been ringing for so long."

"Why don't you go?" Although Gu Weiquan muttered, he thought about getting up quickly to prepare breakfast. Otherwise, how could he have the money to buy it outside all day long?

He walked over and knocked on the door, "Mom, get up and make breakfast."

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

I don’t know how many times I knocked, but there was still no movement inside.

He looked back at Gu Wei'an in surprise, "Abba and the others are not at home?"

Gu Wei'an had already noticed something was wrong. How could he lock the door if he wasn't at home?

And the alarm clock has been ringing for so long without even turning on the light.

"Is there something wrong?" Gu Wei'an also walked over and stood on tiptoes to look inside.

But the glass is all frosted, and even the gaps on the sides can't be seen.

"Abba, Ama." The two brothers knocked on the door together, but there was no response from inside.

Now they couldn't care anymore. The two brothers looked at each other and stepped away at the same time.

Gu Wei'an shouted three, and the two brothers worked together, and the door was kicked open by them.

When they rushed into the room, their parents were lying on the bed with their eyes wide open.

"Why shouldn't you say anything at home?" Gu Weiquan complained, walking over and pressing off the alarm clock that was still ringing.

"Mom and dad, what's wrong with you?" Gu Wei'an walked over and found Song Xiaoyue blinking at him, "Can't you move?"

Gu Xiangyang, "..." It's so obvious, can't you see it?

Gu Wei'an walked over and grabbed Song Xiaoyue's hand, "Mom, please hold my hand."

Song Xiaoyue's hand was still weak, hanging there, but her fingers were hooked.

This... Gu Wei'an had an ominous premonition in his heart. He quickly walked over and grabbed Gu Xiangyang's hand again, but it was still weak and weak.

"Abba, Mom, something happened to them. Hurry up and find someone for help." Gu Wei'an panicked, "I slept fine yesterday. What on earth is going on?"

Gu Weiquan, "...who should I go to?"

"Look across the way..." Gu Wei'an stopped talking for a moment. He had forgotten that the two families were at odds with each other. If he came to ask for help at this time, he would definitely not care.

"The neighbors on the left and right went to look for it first, and they said that mom and dad couldn't move here. Ask them to come over to help, or ask them to go to the front to help make emergency calls."

They didn't have a telephone in their house, but some of their neighbors did.

Gu Weiquan originally wanted to ask, why didn't he go by himself? But when he saw his parents lying there helpless, they turned around and ran out.

Early in the morning, everyone was busy and getting ready to start their day. Before they even went out, they heard a knock on the door. As a result, several neighbors came over to take a look.

There were also some who were more enthusiastic and called the emergency number, but they couldn't help no matter how many things they did.

In this situation, no one dared to move the couple at will, they just talked and came up with random ideas.

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