"During the most chaotic period of the Mu family, the eldest brother was often tricked and plotted against, and even his closest friends betrayed him. Over time, he became unwilling to get along with others. He wrapped himself in a cold shell and wanted to tell others. He is not easy to mess with others, but over time he has become what he is now."

Mu Cong talked to himself about Mu Qi in his memory.

Xiaotuanzi just listened quietly, without making a sound or expressing any opinion.

She actually didn't quite understand why the second brother told her this. But the second brother wanted to say that it would be fine if she just listened.

Mu Cong lowered his head and met Xiaotuanzi's big eyes full of doubt and inquiry, and couldn't help but laugh.

I also feel that I have said a bit too much.

Hey, no matter how powerful my baby sister is: she is just a child now. She couldn't understand it at all.

"Second brother just wants to tell you that if the eldest brother doesn't believe what you say, it's not because he has an opinion against you. It's just because his character is a bit stubborn and a bit wary. The eldest brother must like you. Don't hate him just because of his attitude. He, okay?"

When it comes to Ruimu's love, for Mu Cong, even his father may not be able to compare with his eldest brother.

The time when he was born happened to be when the Mu family's career was booming.

Mu Guo also goes out to run business every day and is unlikely to find time to cultivate a relationship with his son.

Mom is also busy at work.

Therefore, the person who accompanied him the most during his childhood was Mu Qi.

Mu Qi didn't just play with him, he felt like an elder brother and a father. So much so that when he saw Mu Qi's cold and angry face, he felt frightened. He dared to talk back to his father, so he was able to rebel. He has no temper at all with his elder brother.

Now he likes his sister very much, and he also likes his eldest brother very much.

He didn't want his eldest brother to be annoyed. The mistakes he had made before had caused a gap between the brother and sister.

So I wanted to give some advice.

Ruanruan looked at his slightly flattering smile and felt a little awkward for no reason. But he nodded slightly and said, "I don't hate big brother." After receiving a soft affirmative answer, Mu Cong's smile became even brighter.

"Hey, sister, you said you wanted to give it to your eldest brother, can you draw that talisman quickly?"

With this reminder, Mu Cong turned over softly and jumped up from the bed. Ah, I was so exhausted just now, and all my thoughts were on my swollen belly: I almost forgot about it.


Xiaotuanzi slapped his forehead and hurriedly grabbed the small satchel beside him.

I don’t know when the eldest brother’s rotten peach blossom will come, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a week.

Of course, the sooner you draw the Peach Blossom Talisman, the better.

Xiaotuanzi took out his cinnabar yellow paper and brush, and began to draw the acrylic paper with concentration.

After drawing a talisman, a faint spiritual light emitted from the talisman paper, which was fleeting.

This was the first time that Mu Cong watched his sister draw the talisman so closely and seriously. Although I had already been mentally prepared, I still couldn't help but be surprised: it was amazing.

Those are the words on it...

A bit ugly. "The painting is done!"

Ruanruan carefully folded the talisman paper into a triangle, then randomly took a small incense stick from the bag and stuffed it into it.

"I'll send it to my eldest brother. Is there anything I need to pay attention to when using this?"

"No, just take it with you." Ruanruan shook his head slightly.

This broken peach blossom talisman is very different from those seen on the market.

She also hid a mark of the Pure Heart Talisman inside.

It can ensure that the eldest brother can keep his soul clear and clear when he encounters a rotten peach blossom, and there will be no ripples in his heart. With double insurance, there should be no problem.

After getting Fu Mucong, she left the room in a hurry. Ruanruan also felt that her stomach felt a lot better, and she fell asleep in a blink of an eye.

When I woke up at this time, I went out to meet my elder brother.

Seeing that there was indeed a faint spiritual light on his chest, Ruan nodded with satisfaction.


The eldest brother took the talisman she gave him. It’s definitely no problem!~

But it turned out that she still had too good thoughts.

When Mu Qi came back in the evening, Xiao Tuanzi could see the bad changes in his appearance at a glance.

The face is full of peach blossoms, but there is a hint of blood evil. what's the situation?

Her charm has expired?

Ruanruan couldn't believe her eyes. She ran to Mu Qi on her short legs and walked around him while he was changing his shoes.

Mu Qi was a little confused. "What's wrong?"

"Where's the talisman? Where's the talisman? Where did the talisman Ruanruan drew go?"

Ruan Ruan's tone was a little anxious. She couldn't see that her elder brother had any spiritual protection.

There are only two reasons for such a result. The first reason is that the talisman has been consumed. The second reason is that the eldest brother threw away the talisman.

But no matter what the reason is, Xiaotuanzi will feel very sad. The former said that the big brother encountered a lot of hemp smoke.

The latter said that her eldest brother didn't like her at all, and the so-called closeness and affection were all her illusion.


Mu Qi was confused and took out a small sachet from the lining pocket of his suit, "You mean this?"

Seeing him take out the sachet, Ruanruan knew that her talisman had not been thrown away by her elder brother.

She quickly reached out and took Xiangchi into her hand, opened it and saw that it was as she expected.

The talisman inside had turned into a pile of black ash, and had no effect at all. Mu Qi was also shocked when he saw the black ash inside the sachet.

When Mu Cong brought this thing to him yesterday, he specially opened it and looked at it. The crooked characters on the talisman paper looked really ugly to him.

However, since it was a gift from his sister, he didn't throw it away. He just regarded it as a small gift from the Bai family's little sister and carried it with him.

But it was fine when I went out during the day, so why did the paper turn to gray when I came back? "It has failed, it has failed... Brother, what on earth did you encounter when you went out today?"

Ruanruan can't understand.

It's not a strange thing that the talisman paper failed. After all, this talisman was drawn to ward off disasters for the elder brother. If it contained the destined rotten peach blossom, the talisman would definitely burn up and protect the elder brother.

But since Fu had already killed the rotten peach blossom for the eldest brother and turned it into ashes, why was the eldest brother's face still stained with blood and looking worse than yesterday?

"I didn't go anywhere, I just went to the company."

Mu Qi carefully recalled today's itinerary, following his father: studying and working.

Nothing else was done.

Since returning home from studying abroad half a month ago, he has been learning from his father how to manage the business and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his work.

It’s been like this for a while, and it’s still like this today. “Something’s wrong, something’s wrong.”

Ruan Ruan pouted her little mouth, her brows knitted together, she shook her head for a long time, then turned around and went to the study to find her father.

The first words I said to my dad when I saw him were.

"Dad! Big brother is going to be killed by a monster! I will follow big brother tomorrow!"

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