But such a fateful fate is mostly an unsolvable situation.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, if a Taoist priest sees that someone else is in such a disaster, he will explain it to him in advance and ask him to pay attention during that time, and maybe he can avoid the disaster.

This was the method Xiaotuanzi used at the beginning, using spells or spells to cut off the connection between Yu Qiu and the two in advance and prevent the disaster from happening.

Mu Qi just took advantage of Ruanruan's eldest brother.

They are still racking their brains here to think of how to help him.

If it had been anyone else, Shen Weixun would have said nothing and told Ruanruan to leave Ruanruan alone.

After all, destiny has taken its original path, and Ruanruan's excessive involvement will also have a certain impact on herself.

Whether this impact will be good or bad, no one can predict.

However, if you are involved in the cause and effect of others for no reason, the impact will most likely be bad.

If you want to minimize such an impact, the best way is to comply with destiny and then selectively bully it.

The disaster that has come is not completely unsolvable, but it is risky and troublesome.

Just like the male ghost who wanted to buy the life of the girl at the front desk.

He is cheating God.

According to fate, the middle-aged old ghost is at the end of his life and there is no possibility of his return.

But he wanted to continue living, so he came up with a way to buy himself a living person's lifespan.

But this method is really harmful to his moral character. Even if he succeeds, he will still live a very unsatisfactory life after stealing a few years of his life.

When you die again and go to the underworld to see the judge, these old accounts will be revealed and you will be punished to a certain extent.

A warlock who works on middle-aged male ghosts, if he takes this job, he definitely can't stop there. He buys people a life span and then just ignores it.

He must have a backup plan.

Most likely, they want to wait until the middle-aged male ghost goes to the underworld, snatch the person back from the underworld, graft the purchased life span onto the man, and then make a paper man with an aura that is very similar to the man, burn it to the underworld, and take the underworld in his place. .

When the paper man takes the place of the man and completes the journey to the underworld, the man will be a dead person from the perspective of the underworld.

No one will bother him again.

He can survive this life-and-death calamity peacefully.

To a certain extent, this method is cheating God.

What Shen Weixun wants to do is similar to what this middle-aged man wants to do.

Let the situation continue to develop as it is, and when it is time to disrupt the situation, or find a way to break the situation.

The calamity of deceiving God Mu Qi is over, and he can survive this calamity safely.

But there is a price to pay for cheating God.

Lose your life.

So this must be done, be more careful, and you can completely ignore some small things that are not necessary to participate in.

"Just do what Third Senior Brother said!"

Now that there is a way, Ruanruan no longer looks as gloomy as before.

The brows spread out, revealing another sunny little dumpling.

As she spoke, she took out the blank yellow talisman from her small satchel, took out the cinnabar and a brush, and wanted to write and draw on it.

Shen Weixun stopped him in time.

"No need for this." "Huh?"

Ruanruan blinked in confusion.

"I have collected some mahogany tablets that I haven't used yet. I can use them when I go back to strengthen the marriage between Mu Qi and Xu Nuannuan. The cause and effect will be attributed to the ghost who has lost her soul. We won't interfere." Shen Weixun I'm really glad that after returning from Taoyuan Village, I didn't choose to let it go, but tried every means to find the source of the Taomu Card.

During this time, he has collected many mahogany cards from the market that have the same origin as Luo Wuyou's brand.

The soul of the female general has been dispersed. These peach wood cards have lost their ability to absorb other people's energy and have now become ordinary marriage cards.

The spirit of the female general is powerful. While the peach tree nourishes her, she also nourishes the peach tree so that it can grow for so many years without dying.

The two complement each other, and even if the female general's soul is gone, the spirit that grows naturally from the peach tree has not dispersed so quickly.

It is more useful than normal charms for seeking marriage.

The most important thing is that the peach wood card comes from the ghost of the female general. The reason why she can only seek marriage is because the female general only thinks about love and love, and her only obsession is Zhang Zicheng.

Therefore, using the peach wood card, most of the cause and effect will be given to the terrified female general.

It has little impact on them.

Of course, they cannot use this thing.

You have to let Xu Nuannuan use it on Mu Qi.

Ruanruan was not sure what the purpose of the mahogany tablet was. After all, he had only seen Luo Wuyou's piece. After playing with it for a few times, the third senior brother took it away without having time to investigate it carefully.

But she knew that she had to listen to her third senior brother.

"Okay! Then I will listen to Third Senior Brother, but if you don't need me to cast a curse, what can I do?"

Ruanruan is also very aware of the pros and cons of cause and effect.

She could accept help from Third Senior Brother, after all, there was no need to distinguish between Third Senior Brother and her.

But at the same time, I don’t want to leave all the trouble to the third senior brother.

She is very powerful!

Can help a lot!

"You? What you have to do now is eat well."

Shen Weixun looked at the soft and longing eyes, and instantly understood what she was thinking, and laughed dumbly.

I rubbed my cute little face, put aside all my worries and other thoughts, and continued to add vegetables to the dumplings conscientiously.

When it was time to pay the bill after eating and drinking, Mu Cong's jaw dropped.

Ruanruan actually took out a brand new bank card from her small satchel.

With a wave of her hand, she asked the waiter to swipe her card very domineeringly.

He was very sure that the bank card could not have been given by his father.

Because Mu Guo is also a very dedicated person, no matter what aspect he is the same.

For so many years, their family has only used one bank card, and the one Xiaotuanzi took out was from another bank.

So when did his sister have so much private money?

You have to know that this meal cost more than 30,000 yuan!

His monthly pocket money is only so much!

"Sister, where did you get this money?"

After leaving the hotel, Mu Cong couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

He thought he would get the answer that a certain senior brother or master had left for her.

Unexpectedly, Xiaotuanzi raised his head high and replied proudly: "I earned it!"

"Ah? Did you earn it?"

Mu Cong was stunned for a long time, staring closely at Ruanruan.

After confirming again and again that his sister was just a small dumpling with a short figure, he continued to ask: "How do you make money?"

"I killed a thousand-year-old ghost! There was a brother who gave me...um...a reward of five million! Lots and lots of zeros!"

Mu Cong:

five million?

His sister made five million?

His sister, who just turned six years old, went out and made five million in one breath?

So he is really the only loser in this family, right?

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