Mu Qi, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

If he doesn't come forward, Ruanruan and Shen Weixun will think that he has sobered up and turned around.

"I can't get over it! Yu Muqi, I don't understand. In terms of family background, appearance, IQ, how am I inferior to her? Why do you choose to side with her every time? What attracts you to her? Just because she can pretend to be pitiful. She is weak. Just because she is poor, do others have no bottom line to forgive her faults? You said earlier that you like green tea to death. If you had told me clearly, I would not have liked it even when I was in school. you!"

Facing Mu Qi, Wu Siqi's attitude was no longer so tough, but full of grievances.

"I don't like people who are too domineering. You are too domineering."

"Nuan Nuan has never been pitiful and pretended to be innocent. When you were in school, you had been ostracizing and bullying her overtly and covertly. I saw all this. So, what did she do wrong when you bullied Nuan Nuan? ?Is it just because the teacher arranged for her to sit with me? But we are all students, and the teacher arranged the seats. What can Nuan Nuan do? You must take your anger out on her. "

The conversation has ended here, and no one is hiding it anymore.

Mu Qi no longer thinks about losing face.

When he was in school, he was concerned about his face and never mentioned Wu Siqi publicly.

I only asked her a few times in private to stop bullying Xu Nuannuan.

But what happened in exchange was that things got worse, making Xu Nuannuan's situation even more embarrassing.

So he could only stay away from Xu Nuannuan. Even though the distance between them was less than thirty centimeters every day, he tried not to say a word to her.

This gave Xu Nuannuan a relatively safe and quiet life.

Things in the past were suddenly exposed, and all the peace maintained on the surface was torn away, leaving only those memories of youth filled with guilt or dissatisfaction.

Wu Siqi's hands hanging down below her body were slowly clenched, her nails dug into her flesh, and she bit her lip in silence.

He waited for a while, until the anger gushing out of his heart gradually subsided a little, and then he slowly spoke.

"She deserves it. I think she is an eyesore and I don't want my friends to play with her. Is it okay? If we don't talk to her, it's called exclusion. If we don't talk to her, is it called bullying?"

"I didn't hit her and I didn't scold her. I didn't think it was bullying."

Wu Siqi's words were heard from the intercom.

Ruanruan frowned slightly, suddenly a little confused.

He raised his head and asked Shen Weixun: "Third senior brother, is it bullying if you ignore others?"

Xiaotuanzi always felt that what this beautiful elder sister said was right.

If you don’t like it, why do you have to deal with it?

It's like she didn't like her former second brother, so she didn't want to pay attention to him or argue with him. Is this bullying?

Did she bully her second brother before?

"No, you can ignore it if you don't like it. This is not bullying. It just represents my personal opinion. However, even if you don't like it, you can't gossip behind someone's back and lead public opinion to bias other people's views. If the other party has not made a principled mistake , no one is qualified to judge him, understand? "

Shen Weixun patiently answered Ruanruan's questions.

Xiaotuanzi probably understood what Shen Weixun meant.

You can dislike it, or you can choose to ignore it.

But don’t talk behind your back.

Unless there is a principled issue with this person or this matter.

"I understand! In that case, if this beautiful elder sister didn't gossip about others behind her back, wouldn't it count as bullying the demon sister? But why does the information you gave me, Third Brother, show that the elder sister bullied the demon sister? ?"

"Sometimes what you see is not necessarily true, and what you say is not necessarily true. The information is just something that has been found out. Most of it is personal opinions passed down by people orally. It can only be used as a reference. But what is the truth, we are not The person involved can never completely restore it, so you have to make your own judgment."

“Remember, don’t judge without knowing the whole picture.”

Shen Weixun patted his soft little head. He doesn't want to educate Ruanruan like a puppet on strings, saying one is one, and saying two is two.

Be good at using your brain to think, be able to analyze problems from an objective perspective, eliminate wrong clues rationally and calmly, and finally choose the correct answer.

This is what he thinks is the correct education.


Xiaotuanzi nodded in understanding.

She still couldn't tell the difference now, and the third senior brother refused to give her a definite answer.

Then let’s take another look.

"It's true that you didn't beat her or scold her. But you threw her schoolbag into the water and drove her to the playground to do hygiene in the cold winter. You knew that Nuannuan was short of money at that time, but you still found someone to mess with her part-time job. Aren’t all these things bullying?”

Mu Qi sneered. In his eyes, Wu Siqi's argument was weak.

It makes no sense.

The expression on Wu Siqi's face changed again and again.

They are all adults, and at their age, they can also distinguish between right and wrong.

Wu Siqi knew clearly that the things she had done were not excessive.

But she didn't want to admit it at all.

In her opinion, it is wrong for people like Xu Nuannuan to be in their class.

"Mu Qi, I advise you to think clearly before talking to me. Your latest project involves financing from my company. If you are unhappy with me today because of her, it will affect the two businesses and cause losses. It’s more than 200,000.”

"This is the first project you have taken over, right? If this project is messed up, I'm afraid no one will dare to cooperate with you in the future. Your title of the proud man will be questioned by everyone after the project fails. In order to Is it not worth it for a woman to bet on her own future? After so many years of hard work, are we going to waste it because of her? "

Mu Qi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Wu Siqi with increasingly unfriendly eyes.

He was silent for a long time, then slowly said: "Are you threatening me?"

"Yes, I am threatening you. If your Mu family was still in the same position as five years ago, I would not be able to threaten you. But now your family has fallen into decline. If it weren't for your good luck last month, competitors for key projects suddenly emerged. Damn it, let your family come back to life after a mistake, and now you are not qualified to enter this venue."

"Mu Qi, what capital do you have to educate me here?"

Wu Siqi's family background is her greatest confidence.

The Mu family built the company into the top five in the city's wealth list five years ago.

At that time, the Wu family was in fourth place.

The gap between the two is not big, they are evenly matched.

And now the Mu family has fallen outside the tenth place.

It was previously rumored that the Mu family was in despair and was expected to go bankrupt in the near future, but last month they suddenly got a big deal and came back to life inexplicably.

But even so, the Mu family is still outside the top ten.

There is still no capital, and it is a struggle with the Wu family, which is now firmly in fourth place.

Wu Siqi is an only daughter, and she does have the capital to talk to Mu Qi like this.

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