The worst person now is Guan Peng.

Mu Cong didn't dare to get close to the ghost, so he just wanted to stay away.

And Guan Peng is miserable.

The female ghost was inseparable from him, lying firmly on his shoulder.

The two people are still invisible to the naked eye, and can only determine the female ghost's every move by observing the sticky pupil reaction.

"Second brother, I'm not full yet. Can you wait until I'm full?"

The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing.

Others said she was facing a fierce ghost, but now even if Niannian had to face death directly, she had to finish her meal first.

Anyway, the big brother in front of me won't die for a while.

It’s not too short of time. "You eat"

Destroyed by various supernatural events, Guan Peng is now much more courageous than Mu Cong. Although he saw the female ghost on his shoulder and his calves couldn't help trembling, he could still maintain his composure. .

Mu Cong told him yesterday that he wanted to find a helper for him, someone who could do tricks and be a first-class ghost hunter.

But I never thought it would be the little dumpling in front of me.

So when I first came here, I wanted to make a few jokes.

But when he saw the reflection in Xiao Tuanzi's eyes, this little kid who hadn't been invited by him yet became a life-saving straw in his heart.

What kid has not yet entered elementary school?! This is his most sensitive master. This is his beloved master.

As the person who was haunted by the ghost agreed, it was natural for Mu Cong not to listen to his opinions at all.

Guan Peng nodded, not looking very anxious. Xiaotuanzi quickly lowered his head and continued to fight with the dessert. He didn't want to raise his head until he had fed himself.

Finally, they were full and full, but neither of the two older boys used their chopsticks.

After all, there was a female ghost still staring at her, and they had no appetite at all.

There was a lot of food left, so Yu Sheng asked the waiter to pack it up, and walked out of the restaurant at the end of the millennium.

Turn left when you go out and enter the alley next to the school. There are few people here and it's quiet, just perfect for talking. Mu Cong knelt down and opened the lunch boxes one by one, blinked twice, imitated a cat's meow, and squinted twice.

From the depths of the alley, several little kittens jumped out.

There were only eight kittens as big as eight, circling around the legs of Mu Cong and Guan Peng.

Gently rub their ankles with your head as a friendly gesture.

Then he walked to the lunch box and started eating in small bites.

This was the first time Ruanruan saw such a gentle second brother. Mu Cong, who was gently stroking the little wild cat's head, now had a layer of brilliance called kindness.

Make his soul shine. "Meow!! Meow!!"

Suddenly, a big black cat jumped down from the wall, its jet-black hair shining from head to tail.

Staring at Guan Peng with eager eyes, his body was bent and his waist was obviously in a posture to guard against Guan Peng and be ready to attack at any time.


Ruanruan blinked and called out somewhat uncertainly.

The big black cat, who had been furry just now, suddenly stiffened and glanced at Nian Nian hesitantly, his eyes seeming to ask why she called him that.

How understanding of human nature.

It was obvious that the big black cat understood what she said.

Ruanruan squatted down, lowered his head and asked softly: "Can you help me?"

The big black cat glanced at Ruanruan and then at Shi Guanpeng. With disdain in his eyes, he took two steps back, jumped directly onto the wall, and disappeared in a flash. Watching the big black cat leave, he sighed softly.

Alas, what a pity.

If the big black cat agrees, Guan Peng's matter can be easily solved.

It is better to seek help from others than to ask for yourself. The ghost Guan Peng provoked was not a difficult problem for Xiaotuanzi.

I just asked tentatively.

Since the big black cat doesn't want to do it, we'll stick to the original plan.

"Brother, do you know what's going on with you?"

"No, I don't know."

Guan Peng still couldn't help but stutter a little, shaking his head like a rattle.

"It's a resentful ghost. She has resentment. She hates you, but she's not strong at all. Someone protected her and entangled you at the cost of his own life."

"There is cause and effect in this matter, so you have to think carefully about whether you have offended anyone, or whether you have killed anyone."

Ruan Ruan's expression is very calm, without any personal feelings.

But what she said shocked people, and they couldn't escape the dirt and darkness in their hearts.

Ruanruan undoubtedly trusts Mu Cong. After many lessons, he is no longer the person who only believed in his own knowledge.

When Ruanruan said that the ghost that haunted Guan Peng had a causal relationship with them, and even rose to the level of human life, he immediately frowned.

"Guan Peng, what's going on? How could you..." "I didn't! Don't you know who I am?

The two of us basically go out together every day. The two of us basically go out and go in the same way every day. How could I have forgotten how I could have killed someone and still be able to hide it from you? "

Guan Peng quickly interrupted Mu Cong. He was a little flustered and at a loss when explaining, but his words were sincere and his attitude was serious, and it didn't look like he was lying.

If he really made such a mistake, he would be furious when he was exposed.

But the reaction of trying to defend himself at this moment is more like that of an innocent person involved.

It's just that Ruanruan has seen too many people and ghosts who can disguise themselves. She never believes a person's one-sided story, and she will not give up her doubts about Guan Peng just because his reaction is normal.

"Will you find out by night? Now this female

The ghost sister's soul is too weak to answer our questions. Only when the female ghost sister becomes active at night can we ask about things. Second brother, let's see him again at night. "

Luanruan put her hands behind her back and glanced at the little wild cat who was still eating, then turned around and left the alley entrance with her short legs.

Mu Cong rushed to chase his sister. When passing by Guan Peng, he raised his hand and patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I

My sister is still capable. As long as you have never harmed anyone, she will definitely be able to help you solve your troubles. We will meet on the first floor during evening self-study. You must come then. "


Guan Peng nodded slightly, his pupils were a little blurry, and his thoughts were wandering to nowhere.

Seeing his distracted look, Mu Cong couldn't help but think more about it. When he was about to pass him by, he couldn't help but add: "Brother, we have been friends for such a long time. I have no respect for your character." I trust you, but I hope you won’t make a mistake, take the wrong path, or lie to me, let alone hurt my sister, otherwise we brothers won’t have to do anything.”

"I really didn't do anything, I just got haunted by ghosts for no apparent reason."

Guan Peng's tone seemed a little helpless. Mu Cong glanced at him and said nothing more. He just nodded slightly and then chased Ruanruan in the direction he left.

Guan Peng still stood there blankly, looking at the backs of one large and one small child leaving, unable to regain his consciousness for a long time.

An image suddenly flashed through his mind, but he quickly shook it out of his mind.


There's absolutely no way it's her.

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