Ruanruan saw a completely different second brother. emaciated, young.

Hidden deep in my memory, something I never want to think of.

Among the memory fragments one after another, Ruanruan also saw other family members. Because of her disappearance, her mother was so crazy that she couldn’t recognize her six evil things: she was running away from home and abroad, and she was tired of running around looking for her every day. dad. The eldest brother who studies hard and devotes all his time to studying.

And Mu Cong, who was bullied in every possible way at school and no one cared about him when he returned home.

During this period of sustained chaos, Mu Cong lived like a living dead at home.

When he came back with injuries all over his body, he was met with accusations without waiting for him to express his grievances.

Dad didn't care to pay attention to where Mu Cong's injuries came from. His first thought was that his naughty son was causing trouble outside: he got into a fight.

The reason why Mu Cong transferred to a general school was because he got into fights in a private middle school.

And Muqiu’s way of taking care of his younger brother is even more bizarre.

Even though he knew that Mu Cong was bullied in school, he didn't care.

Instead, he has been teaching him that men should not shed tears easily and should be independent and strong.


Even less.

Because of the Mu family, I almost don’t keep in touch with my former friends.

After transferring to another school, because of Sanjiao, Mu Cong was isolated from boys in school, and girls did not dare to approach him.

He is not a loner at all,

Because his studies have plummeted, the teachers who used to occasionally help him no longer care about this young boy.

The young master that everyone once cared about suddenly became a poor little man that no one cared about.

It was obvious that Mu Cong hated the disparity, but he didn't know who he hated. Each of his parents and brother had their own reasons for their difficulties.

Those friends in the past, or because of his parents, were not close to each other in the first place, so they all left him. He was at a loss what to do, and in the end he could only transfer all his hatred to Wang Qi.

Why is Mu Cong afraid of the invisible and intangible familiarity? Ruanruan also found the answer in the memory piece.

It was in the dark utility room that Wang Qi locked up Mu Cong for a long time, pretending to be a ghost and frightening him.

Also this time, Mu Cong almost killed him with head control. The memory once again returned to its original starting point.

In the dark utility room, a deep and deep singing came from outside the door, like a ghost whispering,

Ruanruan slowly turned her head and looked at the corner of Mu Cong that was always shrinking. For some reason, who did Xinlan love her hair?

She groped her way to a position that was almost a distance away from her, and called softly: "Second brother."

Ruanruan has never called Mu Cong so sincerely. In Mu Cong's memory fragments, she saw her family and the five years they had been protected because of her.

Cheng Qing, which was incomprehensible before, can only be distinguished by true awareness: it becomes extremely clear at this moment.

Even though she didn't know it, her family still loved her deeply.


Suddenly a response was elicited, and Mu Cong paused slightly.

Logically speaking, Mu Cong, who was immersed in memories, was thinking about the past.

At this time, she had not returned from the disaster, and she would not remember herself. Why, in her memory, could her brother call out her name accurately enough?

"Ruanruan. Is it you?

Ruanruan could tell Mu Cong at this moment by listening to his voice, so he stayed away from her.

She followed the direction of Gengyin and groped towards it, and touched the slightly bright and cold skin.


"Ruanruan, are you here to take me out? Second brother knows that you are the best and the most capable, so you can definitely take me out, right?"

Mu Cong's voice was full of dependence and even choked with sobs. "I can! Second brother, don't think about anything, just take a breath and recite it with me."

Even though he couldn't see it, Ruanruan still nodded heavily. The adults' souls are wandering in painful memories, and they will have a great sense of distrust in the outside world.

Mu Cong, who was immersed in this, actually asked her for help, which proved that his second brother had great trust in him.

This is the trust that comes from family.

Just like the trust her master and brothers have in her.

“If the heart is as clear as water, it will not be alarmed when the sky falls, it will remain stable despite all changes, its spirit will be calm and peaceful, it will not be stained by dust and dirt, it will not be stained by the mundane, it will be empty and calm, there will be no accidents, and there will be no interdependence: everything is correct and easy.

Xiao Tuanzi's childish voice sounded without the sound of chanting, which gave Mu Cong a strong calming effect.

Mu Cong followed Ruanruan and repeated these incomprehensible words word by word.

In the darkness of his memories, a ray of light suddenly appeared: Mu Cong instinctively felt that he had to move forward. As long as he walked into the light, he would be able to leave this electric square that frightened him. Xiao Tuanzi looked at Mu Cong unconsciously. Walking towards the exit, he showed a happy smile. The second brother had a good understanding.

The Qingxin Jue actually works after reciting it for just one moment.

After a hundred glances, Mu Cong's figure completely left, and Ruanruan took back her smile.

She turned around, and where she was illuminated by the light, there stood Wang Zhi's Wang Qi with a ferocious look on her face:

After checking it softly, he raised his hand and pointed it at the center of his eyebrows. Wisps of golden light were pulled out from the WeChat message, and the face of Wang Qi in front of him changed drastically.

It’s such a rare sight, aren’t you full?” Ruan Ruan looked at Ruo Wang Qi with a smart look.

In the next second, the person in front of him suddenly shrank rapidly and turned into a figure with a body like a mini pig and a face like an elephant:

A phantom beast.

He likes to create ink dreams and eat other people's dreams.

Indifference is similar to dreams, but more terrifying than dreams. Indifference will only create terrifying dreams, but it will not reveal other people's memories, let alone cannibalize other people's dreams.

Not long after, Xiaotuanzi felt something was wrong. He was immersed in memories.

Although Ruanruan didn't know much about the former disaster, she also knew that Mu Cong and Yaya had a very close relationship, and the approximate time when Yaya stayed in her room.

Among the series of memory fragments just now, many of them contain extremely strange behaviors. For example, Mu Cong always smiles in the same direction. After suffering so many hardships outside and at home, he can immediately resurrect with full blood after a little relief.

There seemed to be something missing, someone or something that could heal Mu Cong and support him through that difficult time.

Ruanruan thought, it was probably family affection.

Although the second brother is not very bright, he is a person who values ​​love and justice, and is very black and white.

There can be no reason why he cares so much about crossing the wall. Moreover, Mu Cong has already walked out. It makes no sense. He starts to fear when he recalls the menstruation.

Such a high shooting rate is the trick of this little thing.

It ate the reason why Mu Cong came out of the darkness: it ate all the memories about Yaya.

Mu Cong's illness worsened and everyone fell into a quagmire. Inextricable.

"Lian, I am everywhere, we will meet again. Yi De smiled like a pig, turned into a wisp of smoke, and disappeared from the place.

Ruanruan sighed and put the force back in. It was quite painful, so it was better not to waste any time.

This thing should be bad.

Although it is a strange beast, it is nothing but an illusion.

Danjia's tapir has some special abilities. It can wander in everyone's dreams and even when it wants to run away.

It is even more empty and slow to lift than the ghost force, and it is difficult to return it.

Mo He didn't know what method he used just now, but he unknowingly injected feces into Mu Cong's body:

Maybe it was when a dark wind suddenly blew, or maybe it was at night.

What makes Ruanruan a little worldly is that she didn't notice it at all. After Ben He activated the tapir, she didn't understand what was going on. If this little guy hadn't eaten her heart and saw her soul leaving her body, he would have eaten her memory together.

She may not be able to find it out.

Alas, after all, Momo has left now. The second brother's current situation is quite safe, so she can rest assured.

Seeing that the space had turned into a dark space again, Ruanruan took a long breath, and then moved the body of Mu Cong, whose soul was floating:

Seeing that his body was beside him at the moment, he immediately got in, stabilized his speed, and then opened his eyes.

The situation on the rooftop tonight was really chaotic. It was also seen on the surveillance camera that a person jumped from the top of the building.

That person is Weihe.

In the surveillance video, Weihe did not suffer any damage after jumping. He stepped on the air conditioner one step at a time and climbed directly out of the back field wall of the school:

When they saw the surveillance, the teachers who were watching were frightened and asked Wang Qi and others, but all they heard were words like "ghost" and "Apiao".

Of course the teacher didn't believe this and thought these children had some symptoms. They asked their parents to take them back and gave them a few days off. As a client, Mu Cong was naturally taken back and was also given a few days of insurance.

After returning home, Mu Cong seemed to have forgotten that historic experience immersed in bitter memories.

Mu Cong didn't say anything, and naturally neither did Xiaotuanzi. Not to mention Yin’s parents.

Ruanruan subconsciously felt that if she told her parents about this matter, her second brother would be shocked.

The second brother is already pitiful enough, it's better not to make him even more pitiful. At night, Ruanruan lay on the bed and carefully recalled the scenes on the rooftop.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Weihe's surprise when he learned that he was a Taoist priest is a bit unsafe.

Why did you look at me so quickly? It’s like you’ve known her before, and there’s that tattoo.

Ruanruan suddenly thought of a possibility. Is it possible that Mohe Yeyi is related?

One of the third senior brothers said that this kind of ancient tattoo masters who can cast spells on tattoos have inheritance, and the number is very rare.

Tianhe was very young at that time, so it was impossible for her to do it. But it is possible that it was done by people with this body in several places.

To sum up, it seems that something was suddenly hit and a pair of people were originally investigating this matter, only 50%.

But now it's 100%.

She arrested more people from the Holy Cult and those who had harmed her parents.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Xiaotuanzi slowly got out of bed and slowly opened the door. When he opened the door, he saw Mu Cong with a crying expression on his face. Nian Nian glanced at the time and saw that it was already half past ten, "What's wrong with second brother?" "Let me in first."

Mu Cong glanced around to make sure he didn't alert his parents, and quickly squeezed past.

If you disturb your sister's sleep at this time, if your parents catch her, she must be in trouble.

Ruanruan was full of doubts. After closing the door, she sat back on the bed and asked silently with a blink of an eye.

"Aren't we involved in the compulsory school holidays these days? Guan Peng is quite scared to be alone in the cold. The two of us had a chat just now: He said he knew something, but if he wanted to call me, I would come. I've been listening to you. Maybe you can hear some clues about Weihe from him.

Mu Cong took out his mobile phone and looked at the chat history for Ruanruan. The chat world was hundreds of miles away. Not long after Guan Peng returned home, he encountered many supernatural events.

When taking a shower, the light above your head suddenly turns on, the water in the faucet suddenly becomes hot, or the sheets float up on their own.

Anyway, the scene was extremely scary, almost turning me into a psychopath.

Mu Cong comforted him a few words, and after repeated questioning, Guan Peng finally relented and prepared to tell him about Wang Qi.

"Are you willing to say it too?"

"Yes, I will beat him now."

After planning, Mu Cong directly made a video call to Guan Peng.

The call was quickly connected. Guan Peng's face was even uglier than during the day.

It looks like you are dying, as if you are hanging with only one breath.

"What exactly is the situation of not complying? She wants revenge, so why would she include you in her calculations?"

As soon as the call was answered, Mu Cong couldn't wait to ask.

Guan Peng tightened his grip and took the incense. He was silent for a while, and then as if he had made up his mind, he gritted his teeth and told the story of what happened.

"I...I saw Wang Qi and the others before. I saw the scene where Wang Qi and the others killed Wei Xi. In fact, I wanted to repay the favor, but I was discovered by them. They threatened me. If I dared to speak out, I would harm them. If they go to jail, they will definitely kill me too. I was afraid of them. So I didn’t say anything.

"Isn't it rumored in the school that she is an orphan without a father and mother? I saw that she had been missing for so long and no one was looking for her, so I didn't dare to call the police myself. After all, such words are said out of nowhere. No one believes me. I can only serve as a personal witness and can't do anything else.'

"But just a week later, Wei Xi returned to class! When I saw her alive in front of me, I thought she was not dead, but Wang Qi and the others didn't think so. They kept saying that it was Mo Xi's ghost who came back to resurrect. Already..

"I don't know why they played a recruitment game later. I think they couldn't believe that Mo Xi was still alive: after all, they said they had disposed of the body very cleanly.'

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