The pace of life in a small town is slow.

After sunset, not many people were out and about.

A place like this is not like a big city where there are shops specializing in buying and selling information.

If you want to know something about the local area, you can only ask the locals.

Shen Weixun took Ruanruan to a noodle shop and went in.

In the past, when they were in Taoist temples, they only ate the most common and cheapest food.

It’s not like he is a real wealthy kid who strives for the best in food, clothing, housing and transportation wherever he goes.

The small noodle shop looks like a good environment, and there is also a busy proprietress.

Shen Weixun ordered two bowls of noodles and took Ruan Ruan to a seat by the window.

But I don’t know why it attracted the boss’s wife’s attention.

When the noodles were served, the lady boss didn't leave directly, but sat at the table next to them.

He smiled and struck up a conversation.

"Aren't you two locals? Where are your adults?"

"I'm not a local. I came here with my parents to do something."

Shen Weixun responded with a smile and a polite and distant attitude.

From the looks of it, the landlady is not a bad person, but it’s really weird for the other party to take the initiative to talk to me, so it’s better to try not to talk to her.

When the proprietress heard this, she looked out the window for no reason. After making sure there was no one outside, she asked with a mysterious face: "Are you here for Yunjia Village?"

Yunjia Village?
After hearing these three words, Xiaotuanzi, who buried his head in the bowl, immediately raised his head.

Subconsciously he looked at the landlady, his eyes full of inquiry.

Her actions were self-inflicted.

Shen Weixun, who originally wanted to deny it, could only continue: "Well, because of some things, I want to go to the village to visit. Is this village famous here? How did the boss lady know that we were going there?"

The suspected landlady smiled good-naturedly, raised her head and said, "Yunjia Village is indeed quite famous in our local area, but I know you are going to Yunjia Village because there have been many people wearing Taoist priest uniforms coming to our town recently. Come on, ask about this village. I see that you are also wearing Taoist robes. You must have come with a master or something, right?"

Are there many Taoist priests?"

Shen Weixun frowned slightly. Among the information he checked before coming here, there was nothing like what the landlady said.

To be precise, there was very little information about the disappearance of Yunjia Village among the information I found before coming here.

After all, what he wanted to inquire about was the old woman who had instigated people to kidnap and sell weak people. The main purpose was to inquire about the person's whereabouts. So this aspect has been ignored a lot.

"Yes, there must be more than a dozen people this month, right? Our county is so big, what's going on? Every household knows that there are so many foreigners in colorful clothes here at once, it's easy to You can tell."

The landlady responded with a smile.

The town they were in didn't have any scenic spots, it wasn't a traffic fortress, and it had no other attractive places.

Most of the people living here are locals.

There are very few outsiders.

Even the young people in the town dislike the backwardness and poverty of the town, and will run away and settle in big cities whenever they have the opportunity.

Suddenly, so many strangely dressed outsiders came to the small town, so the news spread easily.

And when these people wearing Taoist robes came to the village, they only asked about one place.

That is Yunjia Village.

After hearing what the landlady said, Shen Weixun was not so vigilant now.

I guess the landlady was just curious. Seeing their two half-year-old children wearing Buddhist robes, she asked about them.

Nothing malicious.

"Is there anything special about Yunjia Village? Did the Taoist priests say what they were going to do when they went to Yunjia Village?"

Judging by the enthusiasm of the landlady, you can tell that this person must be a gossip-loving boss.
Such people are very well informed.

Maybe after a few chats, we can find out everything they want to know.

To avoid running around again.

Sure enough, the landlady immediately became energetic when she heard the inquiry.

These two children were exquisite and cute, and they looked kind-hearted, so she was willing to talk a little more.

"Yunjia Village is really special. It is a famous ghost village here. No one has lived in it for twenty years. But every night, when people pass by the village entrance, they can hear the sound of crying inside. , Ouch, that sound is so scary, even us locals dare not go that way."

"I heard from those Taoist priests that they seem to be looking for something inside. Are you the same?"

The description of Yunjia Village by the landlady was too simple.

There is almost no valuable news from the other party's mouth.

Such stories about strange powers and deranged gods are spread in almost every town or small village.

Although it is certain that there must be some problems in Yunjia Village.

But whether it is related to the ghost crying and wolf crying mentioned by the landlady is unknown.
Shen Weixun was just very confused. Shen Weixun was just very confused.

What is there in such a famous ghost village that deserves so many Taoist priests to come and find it?
But this has nothing to do with them.

It doesn’t matter if there are monsters, monsters, or magic weapons inside.

They are just here to find someone.

"We're not, we're here to find someone."

"Looking for someone? You go to that village to find someone?"

The landlady looked surprised and even doubted her own ears.

Shen Weixun didn't feel that he had said anything wrong, and asked confusedly: "Can't you find someone?"

"It's not that I can't, I just didn't expect it. Didn't he say that no one has lived in that village for nearly twenty years? In fact, in addition to that village, some people around him have also moved away long ago. You go to that place to find someone. .
Before the boss lady finished speaking, Shen Weixun understood what she meant.

Go to a deserted village that has been vacant for decades to find someone.

It does sound outrageous.

“Why is there no one living in Yunjia Village?”

Shen Zhuxun did not continue this topic.

He didn't want to expose his master's affairs, and he didn't want others to think that they were the only two children traveling without adults watching.

"It's not a special reason. It seems that there was a fire in the village suddenly one day, and almost all the houses were burned down. But fortunately, Yunjia Village happened to be in a state of ecstasy that day, and everyone was outside. No casualties were caused, and the fire was After the fire was extinguished, the government paid for them to build a building to serve as resettlement housing. The land was being reclaimed at that time, so the people in Yunjia Village took advantage of this opportunity and moved to the city. After that, the village was empty. "

"How could the village be haunted without any special reason?" Xiao Tuanzi, who had been listening to the chat between the third senior brother and the proprietress attentively, suddenly became suspicious.

It sounds like the reason why Yunmi Village was transferred was very normal.

But the fact that Master is trapped is enough to show that there are evil spirits in Yunjia Village.

As a result, it would be impossible for the people in the village to live peacefully for so long.

Ruanruan always feels a little weird.

"Harm, who knows? It is said that Yunjia Village is haunted, but no one has actually seen it. The sounds of ghosts crying and howling are also coming from others. No one has heard it specifically, but everyone here has heard it. I believe this more, so with such rumors, people generally won’t go there.”

"I heard some people say that maybe some dirty things took over after the village was empty. As the old saying goes, empty houses tend to attract evil spirits, but I think there should be something in there. In the first few years, There were a few children who were disobedient and insisted on exploring inside. As a result, they went in and never came out. Anyway, we still don’t know where they are. We all said that these children must have been captured and eaten by ghosts. "

Speaking of the rumors about the disappearance of several young people, the landlady patted her chest with lingering fear.

He focused his attention on Xiaotuanzi and Shen Weixun. Looking at the two children, one was younger than the other, and he still didn't forget to give a warning.

"You two children must follow the adults closely. Don't go to such dangerous places."

"Thank you, boss lady."

Shen Weixun smiled and agreed. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the soft noodle bowl had reached the bottom and asked, "Are you full?"

"Yeah, I'm full!"

Ruanruan nodded and patted his belly with his little fleshy hand, like a greedy little cat.

Shen Weixun also ate the food in front of him in three swipes. When he scanned the QR code to pay with his mobile phone, he seemed to suddenly remember something and made a move.

Then he raised his head and asked the landlady: "Do you know that there was a river near Yunjia Village where people drowned? I remember that the person who drowned seemed to be a woman, and she seemed to be quite old.
"Hey, do you know about this? There is indeed one, but the people who drowned were not rivers, but reservoirs. Less than two miles west of Yuanjia Village, a woman drowned this year, and her body was fished out. It stinked when I was there. Later, a man took his child there to go fishing. As a result, the child also fell into the river and died. The two dead were both women, one seemed to be over fifty. Years old, and one is just a teenager."

"When this happened, we all said that something from Yunjia Village came out. It scared us so much that we didn't dare to go out at night."

The death method of the fierce ghost that Ruan Ruan saw was confirmed, and Shen Weixun didn't ask any more questions.

He nodded slightly, paid the money quickly, and left the noodle shop with Ruanruan.

After leaving the door, Xiaotuanzi asked in confusion: "Third Senior Brother, the place where Auntie Li Gui died is shown in the life and death book. I saw that the life and death book was blurred. She didn't lie. Why do we need to confirm it again?"

"It's nothing, maybe I'm a little too respectful." Shen Weixun pursed his lips and shook his head.

It's not that he doesn't believe Ruan Ruan's words, nor is he afraid that Li Gui will favor her, but he thinks this Yunjia Village is very weird, and the news he received before coming here is very weird.

According to what the landlady said, there are many Taoist priests in the town during this period.

Among the dozen or so people, there should be their master and senior brother among them.

And so many people have asked about Yunjia Village.

While he was investigating, he was able to accurately receive the news that his master had been here and was missing.

I know nothing about the fact that other Taoist priests have also inquired about Yuanjia Village.

It's really intriguing.

It was as if the information they had found out before they came was specially presented to them.

The purpose is to lure them here. He couldn't help but want to think of the Holy Religion.

They have even begun to think about whether that fierce ghost is also a member of the Holy Religion.

It is a link specifically designed to attract Ruanruan to Yunjia Village.

However, the book of life and death cannot be wrong, and there are indeed such cases in the local area. You can't fake it if you think about it.

Maybe it's just a coincidence?
After all, the dead ghost was the one who stole Ruanruan out.

And Sheng Min wished he could live under their noses or simply be taken away by them.

If Li Gui was really a member of the Holy Cult, the master would not have had the chance to take Ruan Ruan to the Taoist temple.

"Third Senior Brother, when can we enter the village?"

Ruanruan asked impatiently.

The third senior brother said before that he was not in a hurry and wanted to inquire about Yunjia Village. Now that he has learned so much from the noodle shop proprietress, can he enter the village immediately?
Seeing Xiaotuanzi's impatient look, Shen Laixun smiled helplessly.

"It's too late now, it's already dark. Let's set off as soon as it gets light tomorrow, okay?"

It was already sunset.

The darker it gets, the heavier the yin energy becomes.

The magic-eating monsters dormant in the dark depths are most active at this time.

To be on the safe side, it is best to enter the village during the day.

Xiaotuanzi also understood this truth. Looking at the sunset, he hesitated for a moment and nodded obediently.

"Well, Third Senior Brother, you can't lie to me. We will set off early tomorrow morning."

Rouan's heart was obviously very uneasy.

Otherwise, if she trusted Shen Weixun so much, she would never feel that the other party was favoring her over and over again.

Even Shen Weixun, who knew her best, was helpless with such a little dumpling.

There was nothing he could do except give her a gentle pat on the shoulder to comfort her.

Xiaotuanzi was lying on Shen Weixun's shoulder, his whole body was a little wilted.

Back to the hotel, I took a shower early and went to bed.

I look forward to getting to tomorrow sooner so that I can go to the village to find the master. It was just dawn and the rooster crowed in the early morning, and Xiaotuanzi quickly opened his eyes.

A carp jumped up from the bed, ran to Shen Weixun in the next bed, grabbed his arm and shook him.

Shen Laixun, who had never woken up so early since going down the mountain, was almost stupid, but he had promised Ruanruan yesterday that he would set off early in the morning. There was nothing he could do to change the day or go to bed.

Otherwise, Ruanruan will really be labeled as someone who does not mean what he says.

Helplessly getting up from the bed, Shen Weixun's whole body exuded low pressure.

But Ruanruan was not afraid of him at all. Even if Shen Weixun looked ugly, she would insist on watching him wash up, urging him while watching.

Shen Weixun was so tormented by Xiaotuanzi that he lost his temper.

I yawned, washed my face and brushed my teeth in a hurry, without even arranging my hair, picked up the little Ruanruan and left the hotel.

Drivers are not allowed to take them with them. The roads in the countryside are not easy to walk, not to mention that what they have to do is dangerous.

It would not be appropriate to involve the innocent Mr. Driver.

Fortunately, there is a bus from the town to the countryside, and you can get there in half an hour.

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