"Where are you thinking? When Ruanruan was crying just now, Master had a moment of clarity. Didn't you notice?"

Shen Weixun was speechless and reminded him hurriedly.

He really didn't know what image he had in the minds of his junior sister and senior brother.

Although he usually doesn't like to listen to Master, he always likes to argue with Master.

This is not so treasonous as to wish for the master’s death, right?
After being reminded like this, Ruanruan and Mu Yanchen also reacted.


Just before the master fell down, he obviously woke up and called Ruanruan's name.

Then he fell into a coma.

Mu Yanchen thought about it carefully and realized that Ruan Ruan's cry just now was indeed unusual.

"You can give it a try, but why do you have to do something for nothing? Can't you just make the junior sister cry?"

Anyway, they are helpless now about Master's situation.

Mu Yanchen thought it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

But it would be a bit too scary to directly do simple things for others.

However, Shen Weixun silently focused his eyes on Ruanruan and did not respond to his words.

The silence speaks.

Xiaotuanzi flattened his mouth, held his breath and concentrated, trying hard to hold in his breath and wanted to cry, but he couldn't recall the feeling just now.

After groaning for a long time, he lowered his head in frustration and said, "I can't cry."

Shen Weixun, with an expression I knew from the first glance, shrugged and said, "Look, if we don't do some matching of the situation, it's simply impossible for Ruanruan to cry like that again."

"Master is not really dead. Even if a mourning hall is built, the little junior sister shouldn't be able to cry, won't it still be the same?"

Mu Yanchen felt that he understood these two children less and less.

The brain circuits are different from ordinary people.

And he deeply felt that the younger junior sisters were all brought up by these three junior brothers.

If it weren't for a "good role model" like Shen Weixun, the junior sister wouldn't be so different from ordinary people sometimes.

"Not necessarily. Ruanruan should have a gong magic weapon that Master collected before, and a suona. Both of these things have the effect of calming the soul. One of us beats the gong, and the other blows the suona, and we are responsible for crying every year. , three-pronged approach, I don’t believe it, Master can’t even wake up like this.”

Shen Weixun actually has a way to make Ruanruan cry immediately, but this is not a good method in his opinion.

Ruanruan is the only one who cries, no matter how loud she cries, her effect is limited.

In the field of mourning, although human cries are the main factor, the accompanying musical instruments are also necessary to help.

Anyway, it's going to be like a funeral.

Just organize one for Master directly.

Think of it as preparation and practice for Master a hundred years from now.

Mu Yanchen was speechless, but thinking of the two soul-soothing magic weapons, he felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong with what the third junior brother said.

He frowned and thought for a long time, and finally nodded.


Now that the senior brother has agreed, the three of them started to take action immediately.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare. It is impossible to really decorate this dilapidated house into a mourning hall.

What's more, this barren mountain and ridge is surrounded by deserted people. Even if they want to decorate this place as a mourning hall, they don't have the materials.

He only used a straw mat that was almost burned next to him to wrap the master completely. He pulled two rags to cover the ground and asked Ruanruan to kneel in front of the master.

Then Shen Weixun and Mu Yanchen, one holding a suona and the other holding a gong, stood on both sides.

This is considered ready.

Before starting, Shen Weixun deliberately walked to Ruanruan, leaned over, and whispered a scare.

"Ruanruan, if the master can't wake up within five minutes, he may really burn himself to death in his dream. This will be the real funeral of the master."

Hearing this, Ruan Ruan's frightened little face turned pale.

Out of her trust in the third senior brother, she never doubted Shen Weixun at all. These words were meant to scare her.

In addition, the straw mat covered her master's face, making it impossible for her to see what her master looked like now.

You can't even see Master panting.

I believed it a little more.

Third senior brother is still much better than her in some aspects.

For example, she had never heard of the life-burning technique used by the master. She could only see that the master's life was passing quickly.

She has always had little knowledge of these non-inherited methods, but the third senior brother knows a lot about them.

Maybe what Third Senior Brother said is true.

Third senior brother must have seen something!
Thinking of this, she cried softly.

She doesn't want her master to die.
As soft cries sounded, Shen Weixun and Mu Yanchen looked at each other and immediately blew the suona and the gong.

The sound of music that is unique to children during funerals sounded, making the atmosphere at this moment even more sad and sad.

As time passed, Ruanruan went from eagerly hoping that the master would wake up to being anxious that the master would not wake up yet.

As the last five minutes passed, Shen Weixun stopped playing the suona in time and waved his hand to make Mu Yanchen stop too.

Xiaotuanzi's crying stopped suddenly.

She glanced at Shen Weixun in confusion, with undried tears still hanging on her face.

Shen Weixun sighed helplessly and shook his head, saying only five words: "Five minutes have passed."
To Ruan Ruan, this sounds like the third senior brother is euphemistically saying that the master has died and there is no way he can be saved.

Thinking of this possibility, Ruanruan cried again.

This time Ruanruan is truly sad, the kind of extremely sad.

The feeling of mourning became more and more real, and Sticky's body was once again covered with a layer of faint white light.

Seeing this, Shen Weixun quickly blew the suona again, and Mu Yanchen also continued to move.

At the same time, Taoist Priest Qingyun, who was lying motionless on the straw mat, suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were no longer cloudy and red, but now clear and sparkling with light.

When I heard the heartbroken cries of children next to me, as well as the melodious suona and the sound of gongs, I felt an inexplicable irritation in my heart.

He raised his hand and sat up suddenly. The straw mat on his face had not yet been lifted, as if he had pretended to be a corpse.

But the three senior brothers and sisters were shocked.

All the sounds stopped suddenly. Taoist Priest Qingyun pulled off the straw mat covering himself. When he turned around, he saw his three disciples wearing sackcloth and mourning, with expressions on their faces as if he was dead. He suddenly lost his temper. Come to one place.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? I'm not dead yet, and you're so anxious to send me away! What's going on with you three brats?!"

After Taoist Master Qingyun finished his roar, he realized that something was not right.

How could he see Ruanruan here, who is obsessed with learning from him?
Xi Jinping’s third disciple who is a heretic and never does his job properly?
Didn’t he send these two things home?! (End of Chapter)

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