Taoist priest Qingyun had deep doubts about himself.

For the first time in my life, I felt stupid.

If the Holy Cult's goal is Ruanruan, then put Xiaotuanzi back to her parents and let the child face the conspiracy of those jackals and tigers alone.

He is truly incompetent as a master.

Originally, he wanted to keep Ruanruan away from danger, but now it seems that his little apprentice is getting closer and closer to danger.

Actually, people who were taught by the Holy Spirit came to the door.

"Ruanruan, tell Master everything that happened after you came down from the mountain in detail. The more detailed the better, don't miss any details."

Taoist Priest Qingyun's tone became serious.

He rarely gets so serious, especially when dealing with Xiao Tuanzi.

Except for some necessary character education and teaching orthodox Taoism, his attitude towards Xiaotuanzi has always been gentle the rest of the time.

If the master had not shown such an expression, Rourouan's spirit would be highly tense, and his attitude would also become extremely serious.

Xiaotuanzi cleared the noise, because he had been crying for too long, and his voice was still a little hoarse.

The sound of milky milk is slow.

Xiaotuanzi told me about his experiences from the time he came down the mountain to now, including the three meals he eats every day.

Thanks to Ruanruan's good memory, the trip down the mountain only lasted a few months, so there was no pressure in recalling it.

This lecture lasted about two hours.

After Ruanruan finished telling everything, Taoist Priest Qingyun's expression became even more ugly, as if he had swallowed a dead fly.

"Master, Master, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaotuanzi tugged on Taoist Priest Qingyun's sleeve. He didn't know why the master's face looked so ugly.

This made her a little uneasy. Perhaps Taoist Master Qingyun noticed that his current expression was a bit scary, so he quickly calmed down and said, "It's nothing, I just suddenly felt like I was being tricked."


Ruanruan tilted her head, expressing confusion.

I heard the master let out a long sigh and said: "Hey, the reason why I came to Yunjia Village is because I found traces of the person who killed your master's wife."

Taoist Master Qingyun also told the three disciples present what happened after he came down the mountain.

Not even the eldest disciple who has been following him knew about these things.

He always thought that by not saying anything, he was protecting these disciples, but now he thought about it, he was harming them.

When he calculated that Ruanruan's family was going to suffer a bloody disaster, he received a letter at the same time.

The person who sent the letter was none other than the person who had killed his wife.

The man's name was Gu Huan.

Was still his friend.

It wasn't until the other party killed his wife that he realized that the so-called friendship was all fake.

At that time, he fell into the trap of luring the tiger away from the mountain. Gu Huan said that a ghost king was about to be born in a certain place. He really couldn't handle it alone and needed his help.

And he left the Taoist temple without thinking to support Gu Huan.

But when he got there, he discovered that Gu Huan had deceived him.

When he returned home, he found that his wife had passed away.

The method of hurting his wife was Gu Huan's unique voodoo technique.

What's more, his wife's spirit is missing.

There is no such person in the underworld on earth.

After that, he chased Gu Huan all over the world and traveled to many places trying to find him, but he couldn't find him anywhere.

This person seemed to have disappeared into heaven and earth.

That's when he picked up wood smoke.

At that time, Mu Yanchen was forced to go to the streets to beg, but he did not get much money back. The people who forced him planned to break his hands and feet and make him a disabled person to pray and defraud more money. At that time, all he could think about was looking for revenge against Gu Huan, and he didn't want to care about this matter.

But when he looked at Mu Yanchen and saw eyes that looked very much like his wife's, he finally felt compassion and saved the child and kept him by his side.

After that, he really couldn't find Gu Huan, so he had no choice but to return to the Taoist temple and search for the soul every day, thinking that if that didn't work, he could find his wife's soul.

A stick of soul-inducing incense burns in the Taoist temple.

Since then, he has never left the Taoist temple, looking forward to when the soul-inducing incense can bring his wife's soul back.

But this expectation turned into despair as time went by.

But Gu Huan's letter ignited his hopes again.

In the letter, Gu Huan confessed that he was also a member of the Holy Cult and expressed great regret for having hurt his wife.

His wife's soul was taken away by him in the first place.

It was the Holy Religion that needed his wife's soul.

He follows orders.

But now, the Holy Cult is preparing to betray him and want to use his whereabouts as bait to capture Taoist Priest Qingyun.

If his bait fails, people from the Holy Cult will most likely send people to approach Taoist Qingyun, and then everyone around Taoist Qingyun will become very dangerous.

I hope Taoist Priest Qingyun will be careful.

Gu Huan said that he was betrayed by the Holy Religion, and he deeply felt that he was just a tool of the Holy Religion, and he planned to change his past.

If you want to seek revenge from him, come to Yunjia Village, and he will bring the soul of Taoist Priest Qingyun's wife with him.

This letter was indeed written by Gu Huan. Neither the handwriting nor the remaining breath were fake.

Taoist priest Qingyun couldn't tell whether the other party was sincere or sincere.

But whether this letter is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, after searching for so many years, I finally got some information.

Taoist priest Qingyun never wanted to give up.

When he first calculated that Ruanruan's family in the mortal world was in danger of being destroyed, he originally planned to let Ruanruan solve the problem on his own, and then take the child back to him when the problem was solved.

But after receiving this letter, he planned to cut off all escape routes and release all the remaining disciples who could return home.

Although he didn't know why the Holy Religion targeted him like this, he really couldn't bear the pain of losing his loved one again.

But today I heard about everything Ruanruan went through.

He felt like he had missed a lot.

When Gu Huan killed his wife, it was probably because of her eight special circumstances and the need of the holy religion.

Not to target him.

Now this letter, perhaps from the beginning, I wanted to get rid of it and stay away from softness.

Leaving the child alone makes it easier to attack.

Tsk! It almost went wrong.

"is that so?"

Shen Weixun also didn't expect that this was the reason why the master let them go down the mountain.

At first, he thought his master was so cunning and cunning.

Did he think that his master was too smart?!
So speechless, really speechless!
Thanks to their few apprentices, except for the senior brother, no one was willing to listen to him.

If you really follow Master's arrangements.

How simple would Ruanruan's situation be now?
"I don't really want to be rebellious, but I really want to curse others."

Shen Weixun sighed and rolled his eyes at Taoist Priest Qingyun.

Elder Qingyun's face turned red from suppressing his emotions.

He admitted that he was being smart this time.

But what happened to the traitor?!
Are you despising him? (End of chapter)

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