"oh oh."

Hearing Master say that he was not hurting him, tears accumulated in his soft eyes. They immediately held it back.

Well, it doesn't matter if it's not to hurt her anyway.

Seeing Xiao Tuanzi looking pitiful one second, and then changing his face and returning to normal in the next second, Qingyun Dao knew that he was a ghost, and his little disciple was just pretending.

This little guy is very self-aware about his looks.

She seems to be a little girl who loves stinky beauty.
She knew that she was delicate and cute, and sometimes she would put on this expression to confuse him when she made a mistake.

Of course, most of the time the little dumpling will succeed. After all, who can withstand the cute light waves of the little cotton-padded jacket?
"Little devil."

Taoist Priest Qingyun smiled and cursed, pinched his soft little nose, and spread his hands helplessly.

Xiaotuanzi chuckled, huddled in the master's arms and acted coquettishly for a while, and then slowly got off him.

"Master, should we leave now? This temple looks strange."

Although the temple made her feel very safe, Ruanruan still didn't want to stay any longer.

Her intuition told her that if she stayed here for too long, the safe place would become very dangerous sooner or later.

Now it's best to go find the senior brother and third senior brother to gather together.

In addition, there are brother Xiaohei and brother Xiaobai.

No matter how powerful the demons are, there is no need to be afraid.

Xiaotuanzi was already ready to walk out.

But I never thought that Taoist Master Qingyun coughed twice, shook his head and said: "No, I can't leave now."

"Ah, why?"

Ruanruan didn't believe that his master couldn't see the weirdness of this temple.

Master's talent is considered very good among Taoists.

Coupled with many years of practice, his cultivation is naturally much higher than hers.

The master must have sensed more of the weirdness in the temple than she did.

How could you not want to leave?
"Ahem, I'm a bit exhausted as a teacher right now, and I can't really move around. It depends on whether Lao San's idea is a good one, but he's a bit too unreliable to be a teacher. I don't know what's going on around here. There's not much at all. Just a ghost, I'm afraid that the ghosts I've summoned are too few and not enough, so I increased my strength. I'm a little exhausted now, my bones all over my body hurt, and I really can't walk."

Taoist Priest Qingyun waved his hands repeatedly.

What they were saying was that Xiaotuanzi's attack just now was neither gentle nor heavy. After shaking him a few times, the bones all over his body hurt even more now.

But these are small details.
Don't worry about it at all. If there is a mistake, it must be Laosan's fault.

"Ah, aren't there any ghosts around?*
Xiaotuanzi was extremely surprised. Thinking back to the scene of hundreds of ghosts walking at night when he ran to the foot of the mountain, he really couldn't believe it.

"Yes, as usual, there are many villages within a ten-mile radius. Generally, cremation is not popular in these villages, and they will all choose burial. Even after cremation, they will take the ashes to their own ancestral graves for burial, and there will be fox spirits and wild ghosts."

"But the surrounding area is surprisingly clean. I tinkered there for half an hour, and a total of twenty ghosts came. They were all newly dead, confused, and had not even passed the first seven days."

Speaking of this, Taoist Master Qingyun felt bitter and wanted to break up with his young disciple.

I originally agreed with Lao San’s idea, but I just thought that the surrounding villages would attract ghosts. Wouldn’t that be a matter of minutes?
Even if you can't attract the evil ghosts and resentful ghosts, gathering more ghosts can attract the attention of Black and White.

But it took a lot of effort there, and after half an hour everyone was dumbfounded.

Looking at the group of old, weak, sick and disabled ghosts, he had no choice but to expand the area covered by politics and law.

It expanded from ten miles to twenty miles, but two or three kittens still came.

It wasn't until the formation expanded to a radius of forty miles that so many ghosts gathered.

At that time, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Seeing that the number of ghosts was almost there, I narrowed the range of the formation back.

Otherwise, there would be even more ghosts gathered.

But this incident can be regarded as half of his life, after all, he had been in a state of madness before this.

Not only did he lose a lot of his life, he also lost his body.

If not, he wouldn't be easily attacked by that thing.

Five little ghosts moved it to this strange temple.

"Then master, please rest first, I will protect you!"

After learning that his master was in very bad condition, and that he had been living under his protection for many years, a sense of responsibility that he had never experienced before arose in his heart.

It seemed like she was an adult asking her at this moment.

The master who had provided her with shelter from wind and rain in the past also needed her protection.

He looked at the little apprentice with his chest raised, his face flushed, and his face looking serious.

Taoist Priest Qingyun’s heart is about to be transformed into cuteness.

Who wouldn’t love such a filial, sensible and cute child?
But how could he really let Xiaotuanzi protect him?
Even if he only has one breath left, he still has to protect his little apprentice well.

He fell in front of his apprentice.

However, looking at the proud look on Xiaotuanzi's face, Taoist Priest Qingyun could not dampen her fighting spirit.

He smiled and said perfunctorily: "Okay, okay, no problem, our little baby will protect me.

"Master, I actually think this temple is quite safe, but it's a bit strange. The little monk who just sent me here and disappeared suddenly is actually a human being. He seems to be a real monk."

Not long after her master woke up, Xiao Tuanzi discovered that the little novice monk who sent her here had disappeared at some point.

But she didn't pay too much attention.

In fact, it is more reassuring to have no one around at this moment.

"Master once taught you that when you come to a strange place, if you feel that this place makes you uncomfortable, what should you look at first?*
Elder Qingyundao had long discovered the strangeness of this temple.

But he didn't want to tell Xiaotuanzi directly.
Only by training your child's thinking ability can she become more independent more quickly.
"Well, you have to look at the feng shui first, and then look at the posing."

Ruanruan thought about it carefully and responded quickly. "I remember everything, but did you read it just now?"

Taoist Master Qingyun felt that the most stupid thing about his young apprentice was that there were some things that he was not very interested in. After listening to them once, he only understood the superficial meaning and put them aside.

They can't learn and apply it.

I can't remember it at all without being reminded, just like now.

"Hey, I...I forgot."

Xiaotuanzi scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Then now carefully recall the layout of this temple."

After listening to Taoist Priest Qingyun's words, Ruanruan closed her eyes and began to carefully recall all the scenery she had seen when she entered the temple.

Soon a floor plan emerged in my mind.

Entering from the gate of the temple, at the front is a one-story Buddhist hall with a horizontal structure.

After passing this main hall, there are two rows of Buddhist halls with vertical buildings behind.

A two-story Buddhist hall was built in the center, which looks like a small building.

At the back are the houses built horizontally where people live.

Further back is the wing where the pilgrims live, where the Master is now.

It is divided into two rooms and is built in two rooms, located at the four corners of the backyard.

Except for the wing rooms and the small building in the middle, all the houses are built very long. Most of the trees used for greening in the temple are peach trees and willows.

There are few flowers and very little grass.

There are no unnecessary decorations except the tripod used in temples to offer incense to pilgrims.

This layout is very strange.

For places like worshiping gods and Buddha statues, there must be some Feng Shui considerations when building them.

What is forgotten in a place like a temple is that the speaker is a living person. The statues enshrined in the temple also need to be alive if they want to be spiritual.

The activity that Feng Shui pays attention to is circulation.

But such a construction layout would prevent wind from flowing and light from shining. After turning around, she didn't find any ponds or pools.

There is not even circulating active water.

Regardless of whether it is a yin house or a yang house, this kind of feng shui is extremely bad.

The willow tree attracts shade, so it is planted at the entrance of the temple to attract shade.

The peach tree counteracts yin and is planted between the rearmost wing and the monk's residence to prevent yin objects from leaving.

The entire temple is spread out, forming a word "trapped".

To sum up, the feng shui decoration of the temple is like a container specially designed to welcome the arrival of evil spirits.

The pattern of Feng Shui is like a square Feng Shui array specially designed to suppress evil spirits.

Ah, I see. No wonder Master, you can't attract ghosts. Are all the ghosts around you attracted here and then suppressed? In that case, the person who built this temple should be a good person. "

Ruanruan opened her eyes and suddenly realized.

She just said, how can a place feel dangerous and safe at the same time?
It turned out to be a feng shui problem.
The Feng Shui of the old temple has definitely attracted a lot of evil spirits and ghosts since its construction until now.

Maybe some weird fairies were attracted here.

With so many bad things coming and staying here, it naturally creates a particularly dangerous and strange atmosphere.

But because the Feng Shui pattern here is like a suppressive formation.

Those who visit the temple will be suppressed and trapped here, giving the living people a sense of security.

"It's not that simple."

Taoist Priest Qingyun did not agree with Xiaotuanzi's last words.

This kid is good at everything, but it's too easy to think the best of people.

But this is also the most endearing thing about her.

After all, children of Ruanruan's age are at the time when they see mountains as mountains and water as water.

It is precisely because Ruoruan itself has a clear mind. So no matter what I look at, I will subconsciously think about the good side.

But the world is inherently evil, and it would not be easy for the little guardian Xiaotuanzi's purity to prevent her from the evils in the world.

"Those who catch ghosts and suppress evil spirits are not necessarily good people, and those who conspire with ghosts are not necessarily bad people. You have to bypass these appearances and look at the essence to understand the strangeness."

Taoist priest Qingyun said something that completely went against Xiaotuanzi's three views. She was confused and confused.

But a figure appeared in my mind for no reason.

The girl who turned her sisters into puppets.

She is from the Holy Religion, but she doesn't seem to be a bad person.

She also told herself how to find people from the Holy Religion.

Hey. It’s so complicated.
Xiaotuanzi couldn't control his expression when he was thinking about something. A small face, sometimes frowning, sometimes relaxed.
Over and over again, very confused.

Taoist priest Qingyun couldn't help but want to laugh.
"Ruanruan, what ghost are we trying to catch?" "Of course it's a ghost that harms the world."

Ruan Ruan was able to answer this question. This sentence was taught to her several times by her master and senior brothers.

This is also the purpose of their sect.

"Then let me ask you, are the ghosts attracted by this temple only those that harm the human world?"

This sentence was a shock to Xiaotuanzi, and he immediately understood the meaning of what Master just said.


The feng shui layout of this temple is so inviting that it will attract all the ghosts wandering around.

Some of these ghosts may be interested in bringing harm to others, some may be resentful ghosts who want revenge, but they may also be good ghosts who are harmless to humans and animals.

There are still a small number of fierce ghosts and resentful ghosts in this world. Most of them are good ghosts who died naturally or accidentally.

Others may even be good people who did countless good things during their lifetime. If even such good ghosts are attracted to suppress them and their souls are driven away, it is equivalent to destroying the order of the underworld and doing bad things.

How can people who build temples be considered good people?
"I understand, Master."

Xiaotuanzi realized the mistake in his thinking.

"It's good to understand. Your two senior brothers will definitely come here. Let's wait here first. Maybe we can wait for Black and White Wuchang together. By then, we can touch what is in this temple. clear."

Taoist Priest Qingyun fell back and lay back on the bed. He glanced at the bright moonlight outside and looked calm.

Xiaotuanzi actually ignored one thing, that is, the five ghosts who carried it to this temple.

The five ghosts came and went freely in the temple.

So it's not just suppression, it's as simple as recruiting ghosts. Maybe there are people raising ghosts in this temple.

But Taoist Master Qingyun didn't want to remind his young disciple of this.

If Ruanruan knew about it, she would definitely want to find those five ghosts.

This child is very curious.

If it arouses her interest, Ruanruan will definitely find ways to run around

Damn it, he can't stop it.

"Ah, then shall we wait here?"

Ruanruan always feels that they should do something first.

In such an environment, she really couldn't calm down and had no choice but to wait quietly as her master said.

This will make her very insecure.

"Then you should make a defensive formation first. All the belongings of our gym are in your little bag. Master is poor and tired now, so I will leave this big responsibility to you."

Taoist Priest Qingyun orders a six-year-old child to let nature take its course.

It doesn't feel wrong at all.

Lying on the bed with my legs crossed and humming a song felt very comfortable.

Ruanruan doesn't think there's anything wrong with being ordered around.

After nodding repeatedly, he took out a pile of jade stones from his small satchel and prepared

Set up the formation.

But at this moment, a woman's scream suddenly came from outside the door.

Xiaotuanzi's hand paused.

The smile that Priest Qingyun maintained on his face also froze.

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