There was a sharp pain in his stomach, and he turned around subconsciously, only to see the little monk who had disappeared before standing behind him, with a sinister smile on his face.

Tick ​​tock.

The area where I just felt a sharp pain was a little wet and sticky.

Ruanruan opened her mouth to say something, but an uncontrollable fishy sweetness surged out of her throat.

The body also fell backward uncontrollably. She glanced down at her belly subconsciously.

There was a big hole made by the demon pestle. It hurts
Ruanruan grinned, wanting to cry loudly, but her throat felt like it was blocked by cotton.

Tears welled up and she held them back. There is one last thing left to do.

the most important thing!
You have to do it before you fall down.

Feeling the pain of tearing her body, she gritted her teeth and endured, then turned around again with difficulty.

He put the talisman with a little blood on his hand and attached it to the pillar. In an instant, purple lightning appeared, and all the ghosts gathered around him turned into black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

The little monk standing softly behind him was also convulsed by the electricity. Ruanruan gritted her teeth and held on for a second, then raised her hand and pulled off the charm.

Then he closed his eyes and leaned back.

When her vision was blurred, she seemed to see her senior brother and third senior brother running towards her.

It must have hurt a lot when it hit the cold stone platform. Well
But she felt no pain.

It must have been the third senior brother or the eldest senior brother who caught him. hey-hey.

"Soft! Soft!"

Shen Weixun saved Ruanruan who was about to fall to the ground in time.

But when I saw that the little guy was taking in less air and giving out more air, he was in a panic and was at a loss what to do.

Black and White Wuchang finally arrived at Ruanruan's side at this time. He frowned tightly, his eyes also filled with distress.

"Hurry up, seal her acupuncture points first. If she continues like this, she will bleed to death."

Hei Wuchang reminded him hurriedly.

Shen Weixun finally regained some sense and hurriedly tried to stop the bleeding.

The bleeding has stopped, but this is only treating the symptoms, not the root cause.

The soft demon pestle that was pierced through had been fed by evil spirits for a long time. This object was no longer a holy magical weapon, but an evil weapon full of filth.

The sky thunder formed just now, and they watched helplessly as something happened to Ruanruan, but they couldn't get close.

Especially black and white.

Yin difference can also be regarded as a kind of ghost.

As Yinhun Tianlei, they have a natural restraint effect on them. If you rush in rashly, you might also be thrown into confusion. He could only stand outside in a daze, watching helplessly as he fell to the ground softly.

The culprit, the little novice monk, was already lying on the ground, being electrocuted and making no sound.

Bai Wuchang squatted on the ground and carefully inspected the body of the little novice monk. "It's an empty shell. There is no soul in this body for a long time. He must have been possessed by some lonely ghost before, but now the evil ghost in his body has been smashed to pieces."

Shen Weixun remained silent.

This matter is not important to him. The most important thing now is whether there is a way to save Ruanruan quickly.

When evil spirits enter the body, it will speed up the life loss of Ruan Ruan. Now even if we use the fastest speed to send Ruanruan to the hospital for timely diagnosis and treatment, the evil spirit is still there, and it is useless.

The key is that this evil spirit is also mixed with curses, which is very complicated. "Mad! Who is causing trouble? Come out here! If you can, come at me and hurt my apprentice!"

Taoist Priest Qingyun was about to be furious.

His wife was suffering in the small building, he just didn't pay attention, and his little apprentice almost died again.

These successive blows almost pushed him to the brink of collapse. "Master, please calm down first. The top priority now is to save the little junior sister. Master, do you have any solution for the curse on the little junior sister? As long as the curse is removed, the evil will not be a problem."

Mu Yanchen caught Taoist Priest Qingyun in time, who was about to rush out to look for someone.

Trying to stay calm, he asked hurriedly. "Yes! Yes! Save your junior sister first."

Taoist Priest Qingyun hurriedly returned to Ruanruan. He first felt Ruanruan's breath and pulse, and then formed seals with his hands to cover Ruanruan's body.

A faint trace of black energy emerged from above the soft forehead, but retracted in the blink of an eye.

But in just a second, he caught the breath of the curse.

"MD, it's him again."

Although he told family members that they shouldn't say bad words, Taoist priest Qingyun really couldn't hold back his temper.

This familiar curse, familiar breath, familiar method. Wasn't it the bastard Gu Huan who killed his wife? It was him again, it was him again!
The thing that Taoist Priest Qingyun regrets most in his life is meeting Gu Heng. He even made friends with this kind of person. "Master, is there any way to solve it?"

Shen Weixun saw that Taoist Master Qingyun recognized the curse and asked quickly. "I can't figure it out. I have to find Gu Heng." Taoist Priest Qingyun was frustrated.

Ever since he met Gu Heng, he had been studying this curse. This is a spell passed down from their ancestors.

When it was passed down to his generation, it was almost half lost. There are only so many words and phrases that can be obtained, and I don’t know why the most crucial parts are not passed down.

Gu Heng has been pursuing the completion of this curse all his life.

At that time, Gu Heng used this spell when he killed his wife. However, he did not fully study the spell at that time. If it weren't for the fact that his wife was just an ordinary person and had no power to fight back, Gu Heng would not have been able to do it so smoothly. succeed.

But now, he seems to have completed the spell

The function of this spell is to cast a spell on another person through a medium, so that the other person's life can be stolen.

The stolen life can be grafted onto others or oneself.

There are many spells in this world that can steal the life span of others. If it had been that simple, Gu Heng wouldn't have spent his whole life pursuing such a spell.

The most outrageous thing about this curse is that other similar spells have a discount when it comes to stealing other people's lives.

For example, if you steal twenty years and graft it onto someone else, you may only have one or two years.
And as much life as this curse steals can be grafted into it. If the research is successful, to a certain extent, it can make a person immortal.

The most important thing is that this thing is not just about stealing lives. While stealing lives, you can also steal the opponent's luck.

If used on someone who is also the inheritor of Taoism, it can even steal the other party's cultivation.

At that time, he tried to dissuade Gu Heng, saying that this kind of technique was a heretic and not a good thing, and told him not to study it anymore.

Gu Heng said that he just wanted to complete calligraphy so that the skills passed down by his ancestors would not be lost.

The most ridiculous thing is that he actually believed this statement.

He should have figured it out at that time that Gu Heng himself was a person with evil intentions, that's why he was so persistent in this spell.

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