Taoist Priest Qingyun was stunned.

He subconsciously looked at the top of the small building.

The windows upstairs have been closed by them, so you can't see what's going on inside at all from the outside, and you can't see what your wife looks like at this moment.

But Taoist Master Qingyun felt uneasy in his heart for no reason.

To be honest, he is a little hesitant now.

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh. If you have to make a choice, choose one of the two.

He didn't know who to choose either.

But no matter who he chooses, he will live with guilt and regret throughout his life.

Maybe even if you die, you won't be able to live in peace.

Taoist Priest Qingyun slowly closed his eyes and frowned. After a while, he opened his eyes and his eyes became extremely firm.

"Do you think I will believe your lies? Until now, I won't believe a word of what you said. I don't need anyone. I can save both. You also said that I am a genius in Taoism. , my apprentice is the same, I don’t believe that I can’t save them even with all my strength!”


Gu Huan seemed to have heard some joke, and the sarcasm in his expression became more and more obvious.

After a long time, he finally laughed enough and coughed twice before saying: "Do you know who I gave your apprentice's life to? It's the person you love most!"

"I became like this because I gave her my life. She needs vitality. She needs to become a living ghost king! And your apprentice is so vital. I really don't know why you left. What a damn luck, picking up such a big shot, maybe when your lover eats up all the lifespan of this little guy, I can create a new species. "

"Well, let me think about it, after a ghost absorbs such a strong vitality, will it turn into a human being? This is really something worth studying."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Ruanruan's talent in Taoism is so outstanding that he can now overlook the existence of everyone.

You're still so young, you have a lot of life to waste.

After Gu Huan spent so much effort to steal Ruan Ruan's life, he didn't use it on himself. Instead, he used it on Taoist Priest Qingyun's lover.

Black and White Wuchang couldn't help but focus on Taoist Priest Qingyun.

The same thought came to mind at the same time.

How much this madman hates Taoist Master Qingyun.

Just by using this method of injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging yourself by eight hundred, I want to cause pain to Taoist Qingyun.

Everyone present was speechless for a long time. No one urged Master Qingyun to make a choice, and no one helped him make a choice.

Also includes Shen Weixun and Mu Yanchen.

In fact, from their standpoint, the balance in their hearts is naturally tilted towards Ruanruan.

But the mistress is also the person that the master values ​​the most.

However, they believe in their master and will never make a wrong decision. Choose one of the two or something. Never existed.

"Of course I can show you another way. There is still my remaining spell on the magic pestle. If you are willing, you can find a few more people and kill them with this thing. In this case, when the ghost king is full, If you don't, I will naturally let this little guy go, but in this case, I don't know how many lives will be filled." "Okay, I will wait here and will never interfere in any of your actions. Of course, if you want , you can kill me now, but after I die, you will never ask a word from my mouth. The rules of the Holy Religion are that when a person dies, his soul will be dispersed. As early as when I joined the Holy Religion, my soul has been dedicated to I've killed them, so I suggest you don't take the risk just to get a moment of anger."

Taoist Priest Qingyun and the others had no doubts about what Gu Huan said.

After all, he had come into contact with several holy cultists before, and Dou was in a state of dismay immediately after his death.

They really don't dare to take risks.

They couldn't even do the second method proposed by Gu Huan. How to fill it with so many living people?
Not to mention that they couldn't accept it, even after Ruanruan was really rescued and woke up and realized that he survived in this way, they probably wouldn't be able to accept themselves.

Taoist Priest Qingyun and others looked at Ruanruan in silence, and no longer talked to Gu. Instead, they showed off their magic powers and tried their best to win over Ruanruan.

At the same time, Ruanruan, who was in a coma, was in a void of space.

There was a vague shadow in front of her, and she could vaguely see the other person's appearance.

And this person was none other than the young monk who stabbed her through with the magic pestle.

Seeing this little monk, Xiao Ruanruan felt a little stomachache. She pouted and bowed to the young monk in a polite manner.

"Little donor, I'm sorry for you."

The young monk also made a Buddhist salute to her, his brows and eyes full of gentleness. "You don't have to say sorry. I know you are being controlled, and that is not what you want."

Ruanruan waved her hand. She was the closest to the young monk at the time, so she naturally noticed his abnormality immediately.

But at that time, I was already injured, so I had no time and no way to care about the young monk.

There is indeed no blame in my heart.

Although my stomach hurts a little, it's not the little monk's fault.

"The little benefactor has a clear mind and will definitely do great things in the future. The little monk has no chance to compensate the little benefactor in this life. He also hopes to meet the little benefactor again in the next life. He will definitely repay what he owes today even if he is a cow or a horse."

People who worship Buddha are somewhat stubborn, Ruanruan has always felt this way.

Just like the little monk now.

She has already said she doesn't care, so why is this young monk so flexible but still so persistent?
She is only six years old in this life, and there is still a long time in the future.

Who wants to think about the next life so early!
"No, no, if the little master is really feeling guilty, why don't you answer a few questions for me."

Ruanruan waved his hands repeatedly, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

She still has many questions about this temple. The young monk lives in the temple all year round, so he should know it, right?
"Young benefactor, feel free to ask. Now that I'm a ghost, there's nothing I can't say."

"Well, I saw a lot of clothes in the temple. After being washed, they were hung on the clothes pole to dry. But I only saw you from the beginning to the end. Where were the others? Where did they go?"

Ruanruan was most curious about this question. They were about to demolish the temple. As a result, except for the young monk, there were no other monks in the temple.

It's really strange.

"My senior brothers, they have passed away a long time ago... You should have seen the eighteen Arhat statues. In fact, those eighteen Arhat statues are them."

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