What Ruanruan heard was misty.

After all, her little brain couldn't digest so much information.

She only understood one thing.

The reason why Shengjiao is so entangled with her is because she has a treasure on her body, and Shengjiao wants the treasure on her body.

Ruanruan lowered his head silently, looking left and right, hoping to see something unusual about himself.

But after searching for a long time, I found nothing.

The most valuable thing on her body was the small satchel around her waist, and the contents in it seemed to be obtainable with a little effort.

It's simply not worth snatching.


The Holy Cult must have made a mistake, as there is no treasure in him.

"Okay, we have already stranded Taizu here, and now we should go back to the underworld. We have already dealt with the lonely ghosts who wandered here, and there is still a lot of mess left to clean up. Next time If something like this happens again, if you say hello in advance and get so many ghosts, we will almost be overwhelmed with just four ghosts."

Hei Wuchang shook his head helplessly, and finally opened the passage to the underworld and disappeared together with Bai Wuchang.

Taoist Priest Qingyun touched his nose sarcastically.

The co-author knew from the beginning that those ghosts were gathered here by them.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have made all the preliminary preparations.

Just let Ruanruan go down and shake people.

"Let's go quickly. Let's take Ruanruan to the hospital first. Master, you come with us."

Taoist Priest Qingyun was really careless. Shen Weixun glanced at the blood-stained softness on his stomach and was anxious to leave this place.

This visit was not fruitless. At least I knew why the Holy Cult dealt with Ruanruan in this way.

He also rediscovered his wife’s soul.

Although there were many changes in the process and no one was caught alive, at least they finally had a preliminary understanding of the Holy Religion.

It’s no longer a blind man crossing the river, just one step at a time.

After returning, they began to study how to fight back.

Currently Ruanruan is a person that the Holy Cult wants to take away but cannot harm.

To change the way of thinking, think that Ruanruan might still be blessed by the Holy Religion.

Most of the news in Yunjiacun is false.

The ghost that Ruanruan happened to meet in the underworld must have told the truth, but she was also part of the conspiracy.

There was indeed an old woman behind the scenes who instigated Li Gui to steal Ruan Ruan before he died.

The Holy Cult should also know about this matter.

But the person who invited Li Gui to come to Yunjia Village may not be the person who originally wanted to steal Ruan Ruan.

After that person is killed, he will definitely go to the underworld.

Shengjiao is probably very familiar with him. He has a good network of connections, and also knows that he has the habit of often wandering into the underworld. Sending such a ghost to the underworld will easily reveal his identity and some of the things he did during his lifetime.

Both Ruanruan and Black and White have a good relationship with the judge, so no matter whether Ruanruan actually happened to encounter that evil ghost or not.

If she instigated others to steal her behind her back, the sticky old woman would be exposed to them.

The final address will only point directly to Yunjia Village.

It's really hard for them to try so hard to throw out such a bait.

"I'm fine now, can I not go to the hospital?"

When I got in the car back to town, I pulled my clothes softly twice and found a big hole in my clothes.

My stomach doesn’t hurt at all, and there’s not even a scar. Why go to the hospital?

She didn't like places like hospitals at all, they were gloomy.

"No, I have to go."

Shen Weixun decisively rejected Ruanruan. Although Ruanruan's wound has healed now, the shocking scene at that time still seems to be vivid in his mind.

How could it be possible to breathe a sigh of relief so easily. You have to see what you need to see.

The medical system in the town was not perfect, so I went to the hospital and had a basic physical examination inside and out.

It was finally confirmed that there was nothing wrong except for a little anemia, and Shen Weixun felt relieved.

Taoist priest Qingyun finally chose to go back with them. Now that he knew that the true goal of the Holy Cult was Ruanruan, he naturally no longer needed to hide outside.

The most critical issue is that he needs soft help to stabilize his wife's soul.

Before going home, Ruanruan specifically asked her master and senior brothers to accompany her for a walk around.

I bought a lot of souvenirs.

As a home gift for mom, dad and brothers.

After receiving the gift of a thoughtful little cotton-padded jacket, all the parents were almost in tears.

Whose little girl can be as smart, well-behaved and obedient as their baby?

When you go out to do some serious things, you know how to give gifts to adults when you come back. What does this prove?
This proves that they have quite a status in Ruanruan's heart.

Mu Guoyi finally saw Taoist Priest Qingyun, whose voice he had only heard but not seen.

The two middle-aged men, who both considered themselves fathers, felt like old friends at first sight when they met for the first time.

In the end, I was so drunk that I almost gave up.

Ruanruan spent a long period of leisure time.

During this period, Shen Weixun deliberately bought the villa next door to Ruan Ruan's family and decisively abandoned the larger and more comfortable manor there.

This villa is specially for their senior brothers to live in.

Ruanruan lives in her own home today and next door tomorrow. She has a very happy life.

The worst offender was undoubtedly the second senior brother.

His legs wouldn't recover for a while, and he could only stay in the hospital all day long to get moldy.

At the very least, I have to rest for half a year before being discharged from the hospital.

Lin Xun has his own home, and he can only come over to Xiaozhu occasionally, but life is just like this, and he is satisfied with his soft stool.

Originally, there were so many lonely ghosts in the Mu family that they should move.

When Ruanruan came back, she wanted to remind her parents.

But in the photo album at home, he saw a person and gave up the idea.

That person is the old man who often hangs out in the living room.

Dad told her that was her grandfather.

Dear grandpa.

Ruanruan could see that his father missed his grandfather very much. Originally, he wanted to open his eyes and let his father see his grandfather again.

But grandpa didn't want her, he just wanted to accompany his family silently, and didn't want to disturb their lives with his soul.

Anyway, these ghosts in the house will not harm her family, and one of them is her biological grandfather.

Ruanruan feels that it would be good to continue living here.

It’s better not to mention the move again.

Life returned to normal, until the unlucky guy came to visit again.

One day, before dawn, the soft phone and watch started to ding.

The caller was none other than his first customer and the only customer so far, Luo Wuyou.

When the call came in, Luo Wuyou was in a panic and spoke incoherently.

"Little Master, Little Master! Help, help! There is a ghost! There really is a ghost!!!"

Ruanruan is speechless, Ruanruan is really speechless...

Normal people may not encounter ghosts from birth to death, but Luo Wuyou could have such troubles again and again.

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