Chapter 198 Disappeared
Ruanruan has its own set of behavioral logic.

And they didn't care about the people in the castle, so the blood people couldn't do anything to her.

It seems that all the trump cards have been taken out, and the value of force has been completely misjudged. If you want to design a trap, you will become the sting catching the turtle in the urn.

One can imagine how aggrieved the indigenous people on this island are.

Ruanruan didn't even give him a chance to speak this time. The magic formation they got was probably a magician who had some heresy and accidentally broke into the island. Instead, he was skinned and his memory was taken away.

Apart from this explanation, there seems to be no other possibility.

There are almost no good people who practice evil arts. Even if such people are cursed, there is nothing to regret.

Ruanruan glanced at the big fish on the table.

No longer giving the bloody man a chance to speak, he rushed forward and killed it with just one knife.

At this moment, all the shining pearls around him suddenly dimmed in color.

The bright jewelry seemed to be covered with dust and lost all value.

Seeing that the treasure house had turned into a garbage dump in the blink of an eye, the bloody man could no longer hold back.

Ruanruan was extremely fast and exited the ancestral hall and stood under the sun.

The furious Bloody Man forgot for a moment that he was naturally afraid of the sun.

After chasing him out again, the sunlight hit his skin and made a squeaking sound.

He is like the little mermaid in the fairy tale Caspian's Daughter. In just a few seconds, it turned into a pile of dark red foam, and it couldn't die anymore.

"For rats who have been living in the gutter for a long time, sunlight has become the most deadly danger to them."

Shen Weixun sighed with emotion.

Finally, he turned around and took Ruanruan back to the tunnel. He walked through the tunnel and followed the secret door, and rode all the way back to the castle.

The evidence inside is somewhat confusing.

It seems that those young sorcerers who are half-empty are slightly at a disadvantage.

But when they arrived, the layman began to change his mind.

It turns out to be a curse from the goblin that has expired.

The bloody man wearing someone else's skin began to dissolve from the inside, and his internal organs melted extremely. Just like the bloody man standing in the sun, it turned into nothing in a short time.

A few of them had quick eyes and quick hands. They looked at the human skin on the ground and quickly put it on themselves. It fit perfectly.

One of them had a moment of astonishment in his eyes when he saw Ruanruan and the others.

But he quickly adjusted.

He picked up the human skin on the ground and put it on himself. For a moment, he was no different from an ordinary person.

These people who have put on human skin merge with the human skin at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally become one body.

These skins originally belonged to them.

Of course there are also Luo Wuyou's friends among them.

And all the other people in the real village turned into bubbles.

The curse is never intended to target others, so from the beginning, as long as someone kills the fish, the subsequent curse will be easily solved.

Ruanruan sighed silently in his heart.

It's really pitiful to have cultivated to that level and end up like this.
Just like the legendary shark clan.

It is said that the sharks' tears will turn into pearls when they cry. They are covered in treasures. Fish oil can be made into lamp oil, which makes them immortal. The fish skin on their bodies can avoid fire and water, making them invulnerable.

Just one bite of fish can prolong your life. Fish bones are made into weapons, comparable to Qingfeng swords.

Although they look a bit like humans in appearance, no one has ever regarded them as human beings because of their special nature.

The Shark Tribe had gone ashore in the early years.

Later, due to the large-scale hunting and culling by humans, Zuodian finally lived in seclusion in the deep sea of ​​Guixu.

After all, the Shark tribe is a race that can live in seclusion in the deep sea, leaving green mountains behind, without fear of running out of firewood.

But this fish I encountered today.
I guess this is the only one in the world.

"What are you thinking about?"

The chaotic battlefield gradually quieted down, and the entire hall of the castle turned blood red, but those inhuman and ghostly things had disappeared, and they no longer needed to worry about being together.
Shen Weixun turned around and saw Ruanruan lowering his head and frowning, not knowing what he was doing.

His eyes were empty and lifeless, and he looked like he was thinking about something. He asked Wen Sheng.

"It's nothing. I'm just wondering why everyone can't be less greedy. It's good to have enough food and clothing. Why does it have to be so much? Why do you have to harm others just for money?"

Although Ruanruan also activated the attribute of greed for money, she did not fall into the eyes of money.

Money is dispensable to her.

If you have more, you can buy more delicious and fun things; if you have less, you can just eat enough.

She really couldn't understand why people were so persistent in their pursuit of money.

I would rather turn myself into a monster that is neither human nor ghost, just to guard those treasures.

It would be nice if they weren't so greedy in the first place. "Human desires are endless, we just have to be ourselves."

As a capitalist, Shen Weixun really has no way to answer this question every year.

Everyone has different reasons for pursuing those things outside of themselves.

You can only rely on yourself to realize it.

There is nothing wrong with the bad roots of human nature, everyone will be greedy.

But that doesn’t mean greed is necessarily bad.

Some people are greedy for the beauty of this world and work hard to protect it.

Some people are greedy for the company of their family, even if they give everything.

Some people are greedy for fame and keep doing good deeds
Greed comes in many forms.

Only by looking at the definition and starting point can we judge whether it is good or bad. "The third senior brother I know."

Ruanruan nodded in confusion.

She still has a lot to learn. To practice, she must cultivate her mind first. The trip down the mountain is indeed worth it.
If we stay stuck in our ways, we will never be able to see or experience these things.

"Hey! Finally there is a signal. We have contacted the ship. It is estimated that someone will come to pick us up soon."

Luo Wuyou ran over from nowhere.

When the battle situation was chaotic just now, as the only loser in the audience, he had been hiding.

He didn't dare to come out until he saw that all the bloody people had turned into bubbles. He saw his friend, back to normal.

After many tests, he confirmed that they were his former friends, and after exchanging pleasantries, he came over to look for them in Nian Nian.

"Is there a signal?"

Shen Weixun asked doubtfully.

There was no signal on mobile phones before. Even if they wanted to call someone, they couldn't even sail a boat to take them away:.
But can these bloody people still affect the radio magnetic field?
Why is there a signal just after death?

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