Chapter 218 Chapter 219 Kill you

The girl was tortured for a long time. She finally escaped from the sea of ​​suffering and died silently on a rainy night. The rain washed her face that had changed beyond recognition. If you look closely, you can still vaguely see her former beauty.

The girl who was supposed to bloom like a flower was left behind forever by the mountains. She also once had a promising future. This is the case for every daughter-in-law here.

Women have no dignity in this village. Those who obey are left here to live a life of poverty and hopelessness. For those who are disobedient, the corpses in the jar serve as a warning.

The illusion gradually ended, just like the end of a movie, everyone gradually became transparent until they disappeared, leaving only the jar standing there, Shen Wei Xun hugging Ruan Ruan, and Chen Mo for a long time.

After a long while, he sighed and slowly said: "Let's go back first. The fantasy world should have finished telling its story."

Ruan Ruan remained silent, staring at the jar on the ground and not knowing what she was thinking. After a long time, she also sighed and lay on the shoulder of the third senior brother. Her whole body looked wilted, without any peace at all.

Shen Weixun looked back at the poor girl again, with mixed feelings in his heart, and finally began to leave the area around the jar.

Back in the room, Meng Xiaoming was hiding in the corner shivering with his quilt in his arms. When he saw Shen Weixun and Ruanruan coming back, Meng Xiaoming's eyes lit up, as if he had seen a savior.

"You are finally back!" Meng Xiaoming said excitedly.

"What's wrong with you?" Ruanruan wondered.

"Soon after you left, someone kept knocking on the door. I didn't dare to open the door, so I could only hide inside and make no sound." Meng Xiaoming felt goosebumps all over his body when he thought of the terrifying environment just now.

He is only good at Feng Shui, catching ghosts is not within the scope of his business at all!
I'm going to be scared to death, woo woo woo woo
As soon as he finished speaking, there was another sound of children knocking on the door. The illusion was still circulating. This time, no matter how noisy outside, Shen Weixun and the others did not open the door. After a while, the outside stopped.

"This illusion should be the result of the bride's obsession. This bride should have a lot of resentment." Shen Weixun frowned.

"Then how do we get out?" Meng Xiaoming asked.

"We haven't seen ghosts so far. Holly has been fine here for so long. The illusion probably has no intention of harming anyone. The only obsession left here is the bride. All she needs to do is find the bride's bones and bury her properly. "Shen Weixun analyzed.

"The bride's bones should still be in the middle of the village, but we are in an illusion. Everything is fake. We don't know which jar is real or not." Ruanruan continued.

"Let's go and have a look. It's better than being trapped here." After that, Shen Weixun and Ruanruan walked out of the room, leaving Meng Xiaoming alone in the room and continuing to tremble.

The fantasy outside the door jumped back to when the bride was put into the jar. Shen Weixun looked at the still breathing bride and didn't know what to do. This time the fantasy changed. It was different from the indifference just now. A young man walked from the entrance of the village. Come over.

This young man was very unfamiliar. In the bride's tragic past, Shen Weixun and Ruanruan witnessed the atrocities committed by men in the whole village, but they had never seen this mother. He squatted down and groped for a long time from his arms, and took out the After taking out a steamed bun, he broke off a small piece and stuffed it into the bride's mouth.

"I have nothing else to do for you. I can only give you some clean food. I know you are in pain, but my brother and sister-in-law and I are outsiders and can't help you. I'm sorry." The young man fed the bride while He said guiltily. "Drink some more water. I have to go back. If anyone sees my brother and sister-in-law, disaster will happen." The young man took out the kettle and carefully gave the bride a few sips of water before leaving in a hurry.

Shen Wei looked in the direction where the young man disappeared, which was the house where they lived.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"The bride in the jar suddenly started crying. Because she had no tongue and teeth, the cry felt weird.

"Woooooooooooo~~Ah!~~" The bride cried and suddenly a piercing scream came from her mouth.

The screaming sound was like a blade sliding through the brain, making people dizzy. Shen Weixun and Ruanruan hurriedly frowned and covered their ears. Along with the bride's scream, the house around them began to burn, and for a moment, the flames were blazing into the sky. It illuminates the dark night like day.

Upon seeing this, Shen Weixun hurriedly pulled Ruanruan back to the house where Meng Xiaoming was. The entire village was burning with raging fire, and only this house was intact.

"Outsiders! Outsiders really don't have good intentions! Come out and attend my wedding! My wedding!"

The child who greeted them at the door to attend the wedding had red eyes. He banged against the wooden door with all his strength and tried to rush in, but the wooden door remained motionless as if it had been welded shut, and the child's voice turned into a rough male voice.

The fire was still burning, and there were cries of men and women all around. After a while, the fire finally disappeared, and the child who hit the door also disappeared. Shen Weixun looked at the blackened house and his mind was racing.

"We thought differently. This is not the bride's obsession at all, but the groom's!" Shen Weixun finally figured out the key to the matter.

No wonder the whole fantasy kept repeating the bride's tragic experience, and no one came to help her throughout the whole process. Originally, they thought it was an obsession transformed from resentment, but they forgot one thing, how can any resentment not harm others?
The one who really wanted to harm people was actually the groom. He kept asking them to attend his wedding. The whole illusion came from the groom's resentment. The scene they saw in the end was the bride's obsession. She killed everyone in the village who had hurt people. Her people have been protecting this house because there was someone in this house who helped her.

Everyone in the village died at the hands of the bride, except for this family of "outsiders". The groom hated the "outsiders", so he was very hostile to the living people in this house.

The moment they chose the house, they had already chosen the bride's camp. The bride prevented the groom from breaking into the house and killing Holly, and the groom had been seducing them. No matter the meals at the banquet or the scene when the bride was abused, it was the groom who seduced them. Their bait.

If they eat the food, they will be assimilated into the village and will never be able to leave. When the bride is being abused, if they overflow with sympathy and help the bride, they will definitely be eaten away by the villagers in the illusion.

"Is the groom's coffin always in the lobby of the village home?" Shen Weixin asked Xiang Ruanruan.

"Yes, there was no movement in the illusion just now." Ruanruan recalled and nodded.

"Go to the village chief's house and open a restaurant."

Shen Weixun narrowed his eyes slightly. The child just now should be the resentment of the groom. As long as his corpse is destroyed, the illusion of the groom will be destroyed.

Dare to set a trap for him and kill him.

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