Chapter 231 What a lie
"md! Are you crazy? If this continues, the house will collapse! We will all
Buried underneath!"

The surrounding wind formed a circle, and even the young man's body was in a circle. He could not move forward and retreat. If the house collapsed, none of the three people would be able to avoid the fate of being buried. Ruanruan turned a deaf ear to the other party's shouting.

She didn't want to tell this big bad guy, she had already prepared a plan to deal with it.

Xiaotuanzi remained silent, just pursed her lips and competed with him. The bricks of the house have begun to shake.

It looked shaky, as if it would collapse in the next second. At this moment, the person in charge who wanted to bias his family suddenly appeared at the door.

Seeing the messy scene in front of me, I couldn't help but be shocked, especially when I saw that the young man's soul was about to be torn out, I felt bad.

He shouted: "Stop it!"

But no one paid attention to his shouting. He is busy fighting, who has time to pay attention to him?

Ruanruan is still increasing his control over the formation, and the natural power summoned by the Fengzi Jue has a tendency to destroy everything.

The gourd in her waist that had taken away the woman's soul suddenly trembled. There is a little connection between Ruanruan and Gourd.

Suddenly a woman's voice came to her ears, and she said weakly: "Let me out, I have a way to cure your senior brother."

The woman in the gourd said that she was the head of the Hu family.

The young man in front of him and the old monster in his body also used the Hu family's magic.

Ruanruan glanced at the house that was about to collapse, and then looked at the gourd on his waist.

Still stopped silently.

She stopped suddenly, which no one expected.

The effects of forces are reciprocal.

The strong wind suddenly stopped, and the old monster and the young man who were trying their best to pull against Soft and Soft couldn't hold back their strength at all, and they only suffered internal injuries.

There was a crash.

The young man vomited a large mouthful of blood, and then his soul went back, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Ruanruan gave him a faint warning look, took out the gourd from her waist, and released the woman's soul.

The person in charge named Hu looked even more surprised when he saw the woman's soul. He trembled with his fingers and said, "Head of the family?!"

"Take me, him, and these two children back to Hu's house quickly. I have to return to my body quickly."

The woman's words were somewhat choppy, which showed how weak her soul was now.

"But now
"Nothing but!"

The woman interrupted the person in charge. Her eyes were cold and cold, as if she were looking at a dead person.

The man was shocked by the look in her eyes and involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

Then he lowered his proud head and said respectfully: "Yes."

Seeing that the person in charge nodded, the woman lowered her head and looked at Ruanruan and said softly: "Thank you, little guy, but I have to trouble you to come with me next, and your senior brother. I have to take him back." Treatment, I don’t have that ability right now.”

"Okay, but I have to tell Master."

The result of the competition is no longer important at this moment. If the first place prize is not given to her like this, it will be exactly what the third senior brother and master said.

This competition was all shady. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get any prizes.

If so, there is no need to continue wasting energy on this matter. At this moment, Ruanruan was more concerned about whether Shen Weixun could be safe and sound.

"Don't worry, come back with me and you'll be fine soon."

The woman made a promise, and Ruanruan chose to believe it for the time being.

She was always like this, trusting others easily, and with such a simple temper, I didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Ruanruan called Taoist Master Qingyun, but did not explain the situation on her side. She simply said that she was going somewhere else so she didn't have to wait for her to eat. Taoist priest Qingyun didn't know the situation and thought Ruanruan was accompanied by Shen Weixun. He agreed without even thinking about it.

After claiming peace, Ruanruan once again put the woman's soul under the gourd.


The person in charge looked at her with a very strange look, and then consciously carried Shen Weixun on his back and led Ruanruan and the others into a car.

The car slowly drove out of the city and arrived at a house in the suburbs. This house is not small, and it seems to have been passed down from ancient times.

There is a plaque hanging on the door of the courtyard with three entrances and three exits, "Hu Mansion". The plaque looks to be quite old.

It seems that the Hu family has been a wealthy family since ancient times.

Ordinary folk warlocks do not have such a magnificent residence.

After entering Hu's house, the person in charge took her to a relatively large courtyard. He first arranged Shen Weixun to a side room, and then took Ruanruan to the main room.

As soon as he entered, Ruanruan saw the woman lying on the bed.

The woman looked exactly like the soul in the gourd.

She is actually alive?
Ruanruan scratched her head. This was the first time she encountered this situation.

The woman on the bed seemed to have just fallen into a coma, and this situation is the soul leaving the body.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't be unable to distinguish between living souls and dead souls.

But when she saw the woman, she really thought that it was the soul of a dead person, without any vitality of a living person.

"Can this little Taoist priest release the soul of our family master?" The person in charge's attitude toward Ruanruan changed drastically at this moment.

It's so disrespectful.

The arrogant look was completely different from the previous one when they were discussing the rankings. Ruanruan was in a daze and almost didn't recognize this person.


Ruanruan nodded slightly, quickly took out the gourd, opened the lid, and released the woman's soul.

The moment the soul comes close to the body, the soul disappears and then merges into the body.

After a moment, the person on the bed groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

There was nothing strange about him except that his face was pale and he looked a little weak.

"When are you going to cure my third senior brother?"

Ruanruan had no time to care about a stranger. Now that the woman had woken up, it was time to fulfill his promise and hurry up to save people.

"Don't worry, I'll ask Uncle Hu to prepare something first. When everything is ready, I will help your senior brother."

The woman smiled softly, her eyes full of love as she looked at him softly.

Normally, when faced with such a look, Ruanruan would have a strong impression of the other person.

But this time, she just wanted to step back. So fake.

It’s so fake.

She felt that this aunt didn't like her as much as she seemed.

But her expression was so real.

It's like what Third Senior Brother said about the weasel giving New Year greetings to the rooster.

"Uncle Hu, go get the set of magic tools that I usually use, and wait for me to calm down for a while.

Son, go and help that child get rid of the yin energy in his body. "

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