Shen Weixun remained silent, and his meaning was already very obvious.

The two people looked around again, and by the light of the flashlight, they saw what seemed to be several symbols in the corners of the rock wall.

Ruanruan walked over curiously, and when she reached the rock wall, she realized that these were not symbols, but rows of words.

"Third Senior Brother, come here, I don't know these words."

Ruanruan pointed at the rock wall to greet Shen Weixun.

The words on it do not belong to modern times.

It's neither Traditional Chinese nor Simplified Chinese. It looks very ancient, even a bit close to Oracle Bone Inscriptions.

Ruanruan really couldn't understand it, so she could only call the third senior brother, the cultural man, over. Shen Weixin came towards this direction after hearing the sound, and after a few glances, he frowned.

"This seems to be a family tree. Wait a minute and I'll take a closer look."

Shen Weixun just took a cursory glance.

Looking at the first few lines of text, all the names are recorded.

The name is followed by an explanation of the generations of the Tu family.

This is basically how genealogy is written.

But the question is who would be so sick as to carve his family's genealogy on the stone wall? More importantly, isn't this a forbidden area for the Hu family?
But everyone on this family tree has the surname Tu.

Shen Weixun looked down carefully word by word. This was indeed a genealogy.

Judging from the text, it should go back thousands of years.

Shen Weixun patiently read to the end, and finally saw the rest of the text except the names and descriptions of generations.

"Hu Buqun married Tu Miaomiao, the 120th generation head of the Tu family. Twenty years later, he became disobedient. He dug up the graves of my Tu family ancestors, detained the souls of my Tu family ancestors, killed his wife and children, and changed the Tu family to Tu Miaomiao. The family is a fool, stealing my Tu family's secrets and not doing the right thing. "

"Tu Miaomiao is ashamed of his ancestors, but he is now unconscious, unable to escape, and unable to take revenge. He leaves this genealogy in the hope that the descendants of the Tu family will one day see this book and expose Hu Buqun."

"The unworthy descendant Tu Sensenliu."

Shen Weixun saw the key point and read it while translating.

Just three lines of text seem to be able to piece together a complete story

No wonder.

The Hu family's techniques are both good and evil.

And it seems that the backlash is quite serious, a bit incomplete.

A family head, as the most outstanding one among his generation, could actually have his soul taken away from his body while he was practicing. He almost lost his soul and had it used to create a Feng Shui formation.

It's really unbelievable that it's been ruined like this.

As for the old monster possessing the young man, its Yin Qi attack was extremely powerful. It looked quite powerful, and it also made the technique seem less useless.

It feels like neither fish nor fowl, and here is the problem.

It was not Hu Jia's own thing in the first place, but he tried hard to change it, but of course it was broken into pieces.

It can be seen from the text above that no matter what the original Tu family's technique is, at least it is on the right track.

But that doesn't seem to be the case with the Hu family now.

"It's a pity. I'm afraid there are no descendants of the Tu family in this world. This text should have been written three hundred years ago. Counting down from the genealogy, this family should have continued for at least six hundred years. After a long time, So far, the Hu family has become more and more prosperous, and the white-eyed wolf back then probably wouldn't have given the Tu family any chance."

Shen Weixun sighed.

Since Xiaotuanzi was standing next to him, he spoke a little more tactfully. You can imagine with your hair what kind of fate the descendants of the Tu family will have. A man who endured for twenty years, ruthlessly killed his wife and children, and finally succeeded in usurping the throne.
How could a person allow someone to shake his position?
There is probably no descendant of the Tu family left in that generation.

So that no one has ever discovered this text, and no one remembers the hatred of the Tu family.

It is even less clear how the Hu family made their fortune.

"Senior brother, are they the ancestors of the Tu family?"

Ruanruan turned around and pointed at the souls who were still fighting for the Soul Renewal Grass and asked. Now when I look at those evil spirits, I don’t think they are scary anymore. On the contrary, I felt a little pity for them.

"I guess so. If that's the case, it actually gives us an opportunity to take advantage of it."

machine. "

Shen Weixun's mind was spinning again and again. The situation that he had just thought was troublesome suddenly became clearer now.

The Tu family must have had a deep grudge against the person surnamed Hu. Although hundreds of years have passed, this hatred of genocide cannot be erased with the change of generations.

The souls inside should be unconscious now.

All their actions are as if they were programmed by programmers.

Instructions tell them what they should and should not do, and what to do when there is nothing else to do.

It has no logic of its own at all.

Shen Weixun also probably understood why these souls always clicked to the end instead of completely devouring each other's souls.

It is estimated that they still retained a little bit of their sanity.

They clearly know that the souls around them are their relatives and ancestors, so they will not kill them.

But a certain set of programs makes them unable to resist attacking each other.

This has led to the current situation.

If they can awaken the intelligence of these souls, it doesn't matter whether they are evil ghosts, ghost kings, or even ghost emperors.

Because they are not opposites.

Not to mention ghosts that can make them happy, these evil ghosts have no reason to embarrass them.

The ones who should be embarrassed are the Hu family who are living comfortably outside.

Shen Weixun touched his chin, tapped the text on the rock wall twice with his fingertips and said, "Has their good spirit disappeared?"

According to the Hu family's regular methods, these flexibility should have lost their coolness.


Once Xiaoling leaves, her soul will automatically dissipate if it takes too long.

Just like some ghosts wandering around the world for too long, they will lose their souls.

But this time is based on the strength of the original soul.

These evil ghosts don't look weak, and Shuang Ling may not disappear within a hundred years.

But whether it has dispersed or not, we still have to ask Ruanruan. He's not good at this kind of thing.

Ruanruan pinched her fingers and figured it out, directly counting the oldest and most powerful ghost.

Calculating the fate of the ghost is extremely draining of one's own vitality. But I can't care about that much at the moment.

Ruanruan pinched her fingers and calculated back and forth four or five times to make sure that she would not make a mistake. Then she nodded slightly: "It's still there, but it's just far away. I summoned it alone."

Can't get that much back. ""And me?"

Shen Weixun asked with a slight frown.

"If both of them try their best, it should be possible, but in this case, we will have no ability to resist. It would be bad if they regain their consciousness and still want to make things difficult for us."

Ruanruan made some mental calculations and gave such an answer.

So now there is a question before the two of them.

Do you want to take a big gamble?
No bets on how kind these souls are.

Just bet on the value of their hatred for the Hu family.

(End of this chapter)

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