Chapter 242 Someone is coming

Ruanruan took out one small gourd after another from her backpack. There was no way, there were too many ghosts, and one gourd simply couldn't fit in them. After encapsulating all the souls of these people...

Ruanruan and Shen Weixun left the boulder cave as quickly as possible. Seeing no one outside, they turned around and walked towards the depths of the canyon.

They had to pretend that they had never discovered the giant rock cave.

Otherwise, if the Hu family finds that all the souls in the cave are missing, they will definitely associate with them.

It won't necessarily cause much trouble by then.

The two of them walked in circles in the depths of the canyon as if they were going shopping. After walking for an unknown amount of time, the vague shouts finally got closer and closer to them. "Master Shen! Miss Mu."

"Master Shen! Miss Mu."

The shouts echoed in the canyon.

Shen Weixun saw that the time was almost up and shouted louder: "We are here!"

People not far away heard the response and rushed here immediately. It didn't take long before they saw the two children.

The person who came was very unfamiliar. He should be the person sent by the woman from the Hu family to look for them.

Shen Weixun understood clearly and probably guessed that the housekeeper's grandfather had played a role.

Otherwise, that woman wouldn't have put so much effort into sending people out to search for them.

The two middle-aged people who came were overjoyed to see the two children. They hurriedly ran to him with friendly smiles on their faces, trying to show their friendliness. .

"Master Shen, it's great that you are all right. Our head has just woken up. His mind is a little confused. He suddenly thought about some things and made a wrong decision. It really shouldn't have been done.

Our master has now regained his clarity. After thinking about it carefully, he regrets that he specially sent us here to look for you. You two, please come back to us quickly. The master said that he will definitely comply with what he promised you two before. Please don’t Weird, forgive her for being confused this time. "

The middle-aged man kept his posture very low when he spoke, and there was still sweat on his head that had not been wiped off, which showed how much effort it took to run out and look for them.

Shen Wei smiled and said nothing, looking at the man intently. This is really an era where interests come first.

When I originally thought that the two of them were just little Taoist priests who were easy to bully, I brought them here and asked them to get whatever they wanted.

Now that I knew he was from the Shen family, I willingly offered him his help without saying anything, and even admitted my mistakes.

You must know that the head of a family represents the face of his family. Sometimes, even if he is ignored, he still has to argue, otherwise he will lose the face of the entire family.

Now this man is apologizing to them on behalf of the family head and his heart, which is basically equivalent to slapping his own family in the face.

Just saying it can cut off someone's spine for several years.

If he and I were not in the same family before, I would probably laugh about it for half of our lives.

The sincerity of a woman's gesture is actually quite sufficient. But Shen Weixun still won't let him go so easily. There was never anything in his dictionary about being merciful and forgiving. Even if there is, it depends on what kind of thing it is.

The reason why the woman lowered her profile was because of his status as the head of the Shen family.

If today they are really two ordinary little Taoist priests who came out of a small Taoist temple.

Even with the help of help, I still can't get what I want. They may even lose their lives because of a woman's indulgence and guidance.

This kind of behavior can almost be said to repay kindness with hatred. Why should people be treated mercilessly and spare others?
But Liang Zi shouldn't avenge him. Ruanruan also has a series of old ghosts in the gourd, waiting to settle accounts with them.

"Okay, I just happened to be walking around here for a long time and didn't see what I wanted. Since you are willing to take it out, you can save me a lot of trouble."

Shen Weixun nodded calmly, with no sadness or joy on his expression, and did not say whether he would forgive them.

But it was enough for the two men that he agreed to leave here immediately.

Fortunately, Master Shen didn't deliberately make things difficult.

They were not willing to stay in a ghost place like the forbidden area.

Two middle-aged men led the way and led them out of the forbidden area.

Whenever you encounter a pebble on the roadside, you have to kick it aside for fear of hitting the feet of the two young masters and ladies.

After coming out of the maze-filled hilltop, the two men breathed a sigh of relief together.

When they were brought back to the Hu family's living room, the big stone in their hearts was completely relieved.

In my heart, I couldn't help complaining about the head of my family who had been sleeping for several years and started acting like a monster when he woke up.

When she entered, Ruanruan even heard the two men complaining about women.

"Really, if she hadn't had a good father, how could she have been able to secure her position as the head of the family? She wasn't talented enough and had no brains, or she was unconscious. When she woke up, she directly got into trouble with the Shen family."

"Who says it's not the case? She sent us to a place like a forbidden area to look for people. She tricked people into going there. Why doesn't she go there by herself? Just let us go in and take risks."

"Forget it, stop talking. Who told me to have a good father? We don't have the right to speak. Fortunately, nothing happened this time."

"No, fortunately our ancestors were wise and set up such a hidden place. If these two children really let in, our family would probably be in disaster..."

The two of them drifted apart, and the content of their conversation became increasingly unclear.

But enough of hearing this.

The attitude of these two middle-aged men is enough to prove that the Hu family is very disunited. And most people don't seem to be convinced by the woman as the head of the family.

She has been sleeping for so many years and is still able to maintain her position as the head of the family. The most important reason is because she has a good father.

But if the woman’s father is really so powerful and prestigious, why not be the master of his own affairs?
Ruanruan scratched her head and didn't understand, but this question was not important at all, and it was thrown away from her mind after a while.

The person who comes into view when you step across the threshold is Grandpa Butler.

When she was in the luxurious manor and castle, the housekeeper was very kind to her. He was warm and friendly and took good care of her.

A variety of snacks and desserts are arranged for her every day, and sometimes they even turn sugar into sugar for her to eat like magic.

So Ruanruan likes this grandpa housekeeper very much.

After seeing him, he immediately put up a big smile.

Transformed into a small cannonball of human flesh, rushed out like a small whirlwind, and plunged into the arms of the housekeeper.

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