The Holy Religion is a mysterious and huge organization.

The members of its organization are not just members of Xuanmen, sorcerers from outside the country.

The membership of the Holy Cult is very complex.

From farmers to senior officials.

They range from small businessmen to hawkers, to officials and dignitaries.

There are members of the Holy Cult in all walks of life and every field.

Some people provide shelter specifically for them and are responsible for erasing traces of their movements outside. Some people specialize in collecting intelligence, but the specific information collected is unknown.

Some people specifically provide money or magical support.

Whether one can become a core member of the Holy Cult does not depend on how powerful or powerful the person is.

Rather, it depends on their loyalty and contribution to the Holy Religion, and whether they agree with the core concepts of the Holy Religion.

Their core philosophy is actually quite simple.

It’s about turning the world upside down.

In fact, most of the high-ranking dignitaries are just pawns in the eyes of the Holy Cult. Most of the core members of the Holy Religion are people who are unsuccessful in life.

Some of them hate the unfairness of social rules, some hate their ordinary background, or they hate their own weakness.

They have only one thing in common, that is, they all hate the world.

The Holy Religion has tried many ways to subvert the world, modify the rules, or redesign the rules.

But strangely, they don't crave power.

Because in their view, if they become the person who controls power, they will be tainted by power and become what they once hated most.

What they want is world unity, where everyone is truly equal, regardless of religion, height, fatness, poverty, or wealth.

At first glance, their intentions sound good.

But the premise for them to create such a world is to destroy the current world first. They do not hesitate to provoke war, or use some metaphysical means to make the people of one party miserable. There are innocent people who died in the process of building a new world.

But the people of the Holy Religion say that this is a necessary sacrifice to achieve great things.

What they do is completely contrary to what they say. In fact, their essence is not much different from those in power.

It's just a matter of thinking and acting.

But it seems that they are less lucky every time and fail every time.

There will always be people of this kind who will jump out and become the next generation of emperors, stabilize the situation, and gain more support from the people than they do.

The Holy Cult has never given up on their so-called great things until today. They are like weeds, wild fire cannot burn them out, and they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

Perhaps as you walk by, the most ordinary person you see is the core member of the Holy Religion.


What's scary about them is not how much money and power they have in their hands. It lies in their penetration and deployment in all walks of life.

If you mess with them, this group of lunatics will always find ways to remove all obstacles and try their best to get rid of dissidents.

Maybe just an old man at a roadside stall can destroy your family.

"Before you have fully grown and become stronger, I actually do not recommend that you have such a large team.

Damn it, if such an organization wants to play some conspiracy, it is really hard to guard against it. No matter how powerful you two kids are, you will still be unable to defeat four hands with two fists. "

The ancestor of the Tu family said this sincerely, and it was all for the good of his two children.

If it were anyone else, he wouldn't bother to waste time. "Luck...luck. You said they always lack a little luck. Maybe we have better luck than them."

Shen Weixun subconsciously focused his attention on Ruanruan.

He probably also understands the deeper reason why the Holy Cult is so obsessed with Ruanruan and loves and hates it.


In fact, it was because of the merits of Ruan Ruan.

Heaven will always favor some people.

And Tiandao's partiality is not unreasonable.

The more good things a person does and the more merit he has, the better his luck will be.

When luck reaches a certain level, no matter what you do, you will succeed.

It was with the blessing of this level of luck that the emperors of the past dynasties were able to become beings above ten thousand people.

Ruanruan's merits are enough to make the Holy Cult's wishes come true.

But this merit has always existed in Ruoran until the Holy Religion found a way to take it away.

So every time I encounter a problem with the holy religion.

As long as Ruan Ruan thinks about it, he can always find a breakthrough, and the Holy Cult often stumbles upon Ruan Ruan.

This is really Xiao He who succeeds and Xiao He who fails.

"Third Senior Brother is right, we must be luckier than that Holy Cult, and they want to harm me
If my family still wants to harm me, I must find them all and eradicate them all!"

Ruanruan also followed suit, clenching her little fists tightly, with a high-spirited attitude, as if she had rounded her fists, and quickly found a person from the Holy Cult to have a fight.

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry. There are some things we must do. These two children have already become the targets of the Holy Cult. Even if we don't do anything, they will come to our door one day. So those of you who are hiding Can you tell us the news?"

Taoist priest Qingyun, who is a master, also followed the instructions of the two young apprentices.

The three of them were like this, which made the ancestor of the Tu family lose his temper. Okay, okay, you three share the same enemy.

A stubborn donkey from the first division.

"One month later, at the Dana Hotel in the Imperial Capital, at eight o'clock in the evening, it was time for them to worship the evil god.
Wait, these were the old beast's exact words. "

As an ancient person, the ancestor of the Tu family could not understand modern people's concept of time. He had never even heard of the S city hotel.

So I can only repeat the original words word for word.

"Thank you, Hu family. You can handle it yourself. We will leave in three days. If you still want to follow Ruanruan, you can handle it within three days. We will wait for you here."

Shen Weixun nodded slightly.

This is the most critical information. Get the exact information and stop talking nonsense. Let these enemies and creditors decide the life and death of the Hu family.

"I'm not the kind of person who keeps his word. Now that I've said it all, if you two kids help me, I will make a contract. If I follow you, I will never break my promise. I will definitely be back within three days. , I will always listen to Xiaoyou’s orders from now on.”

The ancestor of the Tu family has entered the state now. He has put himself in the position of a wage earner and speaks respectfully.

Suddenly being saluted by an old man, Xiaotuanzi froze on the spot. If the old man of the Tu family hadn't said anything, she would have almost forgotten this incident.

"Wait a minute, let me calculate for you whether there are any descendants in your family."

The words have been said here, and the premise that has been promised must be done as soon as possible. Ruanruan promised the old man that she would help him find his descendants, so he immediately stopped wasting time. He quickly took out the copper coins and turtle shells in his small satchel and began to divine fortune.

The first hexagram. The second hexagram. The third hexagram.
The results of three consecutive hexagrams made Xiao Tuanzi a little bit unable to believe his eyes.

Isn’t it true that she made a mistake? Is there such a coincidence in this world? (End of this chapter)

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