This is a conservative number.

What Ruanruan didn't say was that these thirty or so were ghosts that had always existed in the villa before. If you count the ones she brought back, there would be nearly a hundred.

However, the rest of the Tu family had been taken into the gourd by her to live temporarily, and they would not be with her usually. They would only come out when the old man of the Tu family called, or when she needed help.

So we can’t count.

Although Ruanruan had reservations about what he said, Mu Guoyi was still shocked by the number of more than thirty.

He also has the experience of encountering ghosts.

And that experience of running into a ghost was something he would never forget in his life. The hideous-looking ghost almost died that night.

Do you have more than thirty of these ghosts at home?!
"Dad, don't worry, they won't harm us, they are just lonely souls who wandered here accidentally.

It's just a wild ghost, he will leave soon. "

Ruanruan saw her father's stunned and even frightened expression, and quickly spoke to comfort him. The jade has been dug out, and she will definitely destroy it.

There will no longer be a steady stream of yin energy in the home, and it will be a matter of time before these lonely ghosts drift away on their own.

'That's good, that's good.'

Mu Guo also patted his chest.

As long as it doesn't hurt his family.

Everything else is negotiable.

Mu Guoyi also found that his heart seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Since his daughter came home, he had seen various magical means of reaching the sky, opening the door to another world. For such weird things, the acceptance and tolerance have become extremely high.

If someone had told him before that there were more than thirty ghosts wandering around his house. Even if there were no harm done to him, he would still have to live in fear every day.

But now he actually feels that as long as he doesn't harm anyone, it doesn't matter if he lives with ghosts.

"Dad, I will go back to the room to deal with this piece of jade first, and I will go out with my senior brother and the others tomorrow." Ruanruan held the jade in her hand, and she could feel the cold air above it through the box.

This thing is a disaster if left alone for even a second. It needs to be dealt with quickly.

I said hello to my old father, held the box softly, and ran up quickly.


The first thing I did when I went upstairs was take out the Pure Yang Talisman. The whole bag was on the box. Recite the magic formula orally to activate the talisman.

When the red flame ignited on the box, Ruanruan stretched out two fingers and tapped the bottom of the box.

Then the flame became smaller and smaller, and it seemed to be alive, and it got into the box.

The jade inside was burned and crackled.

But a moment later there was a clear sound of glass breaking. Opening the box again, the jade inside was broken into pieces. This thing is easy to handle.

It's not even difficult to do
But even such a gadget can kill people invisible.

The old man of the Tu family even pushed the hanged man back into the house with a pole.

After taking care of Jade, Ruanruan asked, "Where does the person you mentioned live?"

"The place where he lives is a bit strange. He lives in the mountains. I'm not sure if he still lives there. After all, it has been four or five years. I can only tell you what I know."

"Don't worry, I won't blame you even if I don't find anyone."

If you can dig this thing out and hang it, the information provided is crucial. Ruanruan is not an unreasonable person.

What's more, I didn't plan to do anything to these good ghosts in my family from the beginning.

If they really wanted to kill and drive them away, they would have died eight hundred times already, why would they wait until today?

"That's good, that's good. Xiao Daotong, you are kind. That man lives in Shuangtuo in the east.
Shuangtuo Mountain has two peaks, and he lives halfway up the second peak.

He is a man, about 1.75 meters tall, very thin, with a slovenly beard, and looks a bit like a homeless man. "The Hanged Man got the promise and not only told the location, but also racked his brains to describe the person's physical characteristics.

Seeing that he was so sensible, Ruan Ruan was not stingy. He took out a few jade fragments from the box, handed them to the hanging ghost and said: "There is still a lot of yin energy stored in these jade, which is enough for you to use for a while. Take it away." "

"thanks, thanks!"

The hanged man was ecstatic to be rewarded. This is really an unexpected surprise.

From the moment the jade was dug out, he was thinking about it all the time. For some reason, the little jade plaque had a fatal attraction for him.

Seeing the jade being destroyed, he felt heartbroken.

I really didn’t expect to get fragments of jade.

Even these few dollars are enough for him to practice.

After putting away the jade fragments, the Hanged Ghost drifted out of the window.

He usually swings on the tree at the door with a hanging rope. Surprisingly, this time he did not play with his own hanging rope. Instead, he sat on the tree and looked at a few jade fragments, giggling. "Shuangtuo Mountain in the East."

Xiaotuanzi sat in front of the desk in a daze, looking out the window and mumbling to himself.

The mountains to the east.

A thousand steps behind Dongshan, there is a nature god hidden in the cave.

These were the words Weihe, the weird twin sister, left for her before leaving.

Later, she and her third senior brother also searched for Dongshan.

But there are too many place names called Dongshan in the world. The key is that there is no peak named Dongshan in this city.

After searching to no avail, I didn’t think about it more carefully.

Now that I think about it, the Dongshan that the young lady mentioned was probably Shuangtuo Mountain, right?
Ruanruan thought of this and quickly sent a message to the third senior brother, telling him his guess and today's discovery.

Soon, Shen Weixun's reply came.

Only four words.

【You will know as soon as you go】

Ruanruan knew that this was the third senior brother, and could not deduce the correct answer based on these two clues.

These are just speculations. Only after true confirmation can we know whether the two are related.

But we have agreed to go to Fourth Senior Brother’s house tomorrow, so we can only postpone our trip to Shuangtuo Mountain.
One push.

But there is no rush in this matter.

The Hanged Man said this happened several years ago.

With such a long time apart, if people wanted to run away, they would have run away long ago and would not have waited until now.

It makes no difference whether you go a day earlier or a day later.

Seeing that the time was approaching eleven o'clock, Luanruan stopped worrying about being sleepy, yawned, and lay down on the bed with her eyes closed to sleep.

When I woke up the next day, while I was still in a daze, my third senior brother dug me out of the bed.

She put on her clothes mechanically, packed everything up, and followed the third senior brother out the door. I even slept in the car.

Finally, we arrived at the door of Liu Chuchen's house. As soon as we got out of the car and before our feet even touched the ground, a middle-aged man came to greet him at the door.

There was a bright smile on the man's face, but this smile was not directed at Xiaotuanzi.

But for Shen Weixun.

"Oh, this is Master Shen, right? I am Chuchen's uncle. I heard that you and Chuchen in our family are junior brothers. If you don't mind, you can call me uncle along with Chuchen. (End of this chapter)

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