Chapter 265 Forget You
When Xiaotuanzi returned home, he was lying on the bed, and a translucent rabbit appeared above his head.

This rabbit is like a human, standing with its feet in the air.

The hair as white as jade exudes colorful light, and it is as beautiful as if it came from a fairyland.

"Little guy, thank you for saving me today. I am a blackmail beast, although I am a bit tortured now.

Cruel, but your natural spiritual power is still there. Do you have any wishes you want to fulfill? If there is anything I can do to help, just ask. "

Blackmail beast?
Good guy, he really did come from fairyland.

It is said that the black beast has a beautiful face, elegant manners, and aura overflowing in every move and every move, and that all creatures in the world have a natural affinity for it.

But this guy has a problem, that is, he likes to lie. It can be said that he is the founder of the fraud world.

According to legend, it once trapped two phoenix eggs from the Queen Mother of the West.

He deceived the Queen Mother of the West.

Although this little guy is small, he is very powerful and has such a strong affinity that no matter how badly you are deceived by him, you will involuntarily want to forgive him.

Xiaotuanzi scratched his head and suddenly understood why when he heard the sound during the day, he felt very friendly and eager to rescue it.

This should be the charm of the blackmail beast.

But the Black Beast has no other magical powers except lying. Why does she need help from a spiritual beast who can only lie?
"No, no, I went there specifically for the Evil God Statue, so

I will save you no matter what. You don’t need to come over to thank me personally or give me any thank you gift. "

Ruanruan sat up from the bed and waved her hands.

The Black Beast is a spiritual beast that has existed since ancient times. Regardless of seniority, age or status, she must treat each other respectfully and with true respect.

The beast's eyes were full of approval.

This little guy is pretty good. He actually recognizes it and is quite respectful. He is a lovable little baby.

He just likes cute little babies!
"Are you going there specifically for the Evil God Statue? Then you should know that there is a group of people who are specifically hunting spiritual beasts. I usually have nothing to do, and I just like to steal the most precious things from others. I met a person that day. I saw him She had a cunning face, thinking she was not a good person, so she wanted to deceive him, but she didn't expect that when she was hunting geese all day long, she was pecked in the eye by the geese, and in turn, he sold her to a woman.

I didn’t know what kind of magic weapon the woman had in her hand. I felt a slight pain in my body and my mind became groggy. I wanted to sleep. When I woke up again, my soul had been restrained in the evil spirit. .

Although I have been suppressed, I am still a spiritual beast who has been practicing for many years. When I am trapped in those truths, I can still perceive the outside world, but there are not many capable little Taoist priests. I have been trapped for many years, and I only saw you.

A little doll, there shouldn't be anything special that needs help, but if you want to track down the idol, I can tell you that it doesn't have the features of a woman, and where they made the idol. "

The beast thought about it and felt that Ruanruan needed help the most and wanted to hear these things the most.

It really has no other magical powers, which sounds pretty useless, but its divine consciousness is powerful enough to kill most spells instantly.

Those idols have an insulating effect, and the people who made the evil idols seem to be very confident about themselves.

It does not block the perception of the spiritual beast, but leaves it free in the evil god statue. Anyway, the Evil God Statue has its own isolation. Even if the soul of the spirit beast is tossing back and forth in the three-acre land of the Evil God, there is no way to know where it is or where it is going.

The person who made the evil god statue probably didn't recognize it as a blackmail beast and carelessly exposed his base camp in front of it.

Except for the period of coma, it clearly remembers everything those people did to themselves during the rest of the time.

Now just let it draw a map on the spot. It can accurately mark the turns of a few hundred meters, and then it can find the bad thing's lair.

"Really? Can you really tell me where their base camp is?" Xiaotuanzi suddenly heard this and his eyes lit up instantly.

At this time, the ancestor of the Tu family who was taking a nap on the side couldn't sit still. He quickly floated to Xiaotuanzi's ear and whispered: "Don't believe everything, it is a false beast! Do you know the goose beast? From its mouth Don’t even believe a punctuation mark when you say it!
Listen to my little darling, you can close your eyes and go to sleep now, and I will be responsible for sending this evil beast away.
Go, when you wake up, take me to find your fourth senior brother, and let me take care of the rest. "ah?
Ruanruan's mind was a little confused for a while, and it took her a long time before she suddenly slapped her forehead.

Oh, she asked why she always felt like she had forgotten something when she went out today, but she just couldn't remember it.

She had completely forgotten about the old men of the Tu family.

She didn't say much after she came back.

So now the old man of the Tu family is still eagerly looking forward to showing off his skills in front of his descendants?
Xiaotuanzi suddenly felt guilty.

He quickly rubbed his hands and apologized: "I'm sorry, Grandpa Tu, I have already been to Fourth Senior Brother's house today.

The evil god statue has been found and destroyed, so this evil beast is the spirit beast soul released from the evil god statue. "

Upon hearing this, the old man of the Tu family turned to stone on the spot.

So he hurriedly and slowly stabilized his soul, geared up, and was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. He made perfect plans and arrangements, just to show his face in front of his descendants and let people recognize his ancestors.

As a result, the matter was perfectly solved before he even knew it? This is a bit too deceiving for the old man!
"Grandpa, don't be angry. Grandpa is sorry."

Ruanruan saw that the old man of the Tu family was stunned, as if he had received a heavy blow, and felt even more guilty.

Apologize profusely.

The old man of the Tu family also knew about this, no wonder Ruanruan.

Xiaotuanzi was also obsessed with planning Liu Chuchen, not to mention that they had only known each other for a short time, so it was normal for them to be forgotten easily.

"Forget it, there will be a chance in the future."

The days are still long, and this is not the only time that I can get in touch with Liu Chuchen and show my face in front of him.

From now on, he must follow Xiaotuanzi closely so that he can wait for opportunities and find opportunities to take action anytime and anywhere.

"Stop talking, old man, you are worrying too much. There is no truth in my mouth, but it does not mean that I will not tell the truth. I will not lie to a child, let alone a child who saved me. You don’t have to worry about that. I cultivate the right path and don’t do such ungrateful things. "

(End of this chapter)

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