Chapter 283 Psychosis

Taoist Master Qingyun briefly talked about the Holy Religion, and it seemed that Meng Chang and the two of them had heard the name of the Holy Religion for the first time.

The papermaker struggled to no avail in the end, and was carried away with his hands tied up. It's just that the issue of his ownership has caused some discussion.

Taoist priest Qingyun and Meng Chang's brainless fan came online and thought that they should hand over the paper maker to Taoist priest Qingyun. As a member of the relevant official department, it is naturally impossible for Luo Song to agree with this matter.

Insisted on taking Zizhajiang to the official.

In fact, neither Ruanruan nor Master were fighting over the paper maker, and it was just a one-sided quarrel between Meng Chang and Luo Song.

In the end, Taoist Master Qingyun couldn't stand it and said he was taking the people to the relevant departments, and they followed him to ask about the Holy Religion.

The officials dispatched personnel to handle the follow-up work, but the officials still had to worry about what kind of reasonable explanation they should give for that corpse.

When we got in the car, we were hesitant to talk. Several times I wanted to ask Master why he didn't like to see the relevant departments.

But with Meng Chang and Luo Song beside him, it was difficult to say such things in front of others. I can only hold it in forever.

After getting off the car, Taoist Priest Qingyun patted Xiaotuanzi on the head, sighed and said: "Be mentally prepared, no matter what you see, don't be too surprised, remember, you must not imitate them. "

Xiaotuanzi blinked in confusion, really not understanding what the master meant. But after seeing the relevant departments, Xiaotuanzi was completely speechless.

Naturally, it is impossible to show the facade of the relevant departments.

The exterior is disguised as a mobile phone repair shop.

Seeing Luo Song and Meng Chang coming back with so many people, the middle-aged man sitting at the counter was stunned for a moment. The three of them checked each other's colors, and the man pressed one button on his phone without saying a word. button.

Then a secret door was opened and the stairs wound down. That was the true face of the relevant departments.

Follow the two of them down.

My eyes suddenly opened up.

No one knows why a department that specializes in metaphysics has an office location full of technology.

Electronic light screens suspended in mid-air, automatic robots walking around, 360 surveillance cameras and tightly closed doors one after another
This is less like an office and more like a science and technology exhibition hall. The most outrageous thing is that Ruanruan also saw a lot of guns, weird-shaped guns.

The magazine doesn't look like it's holding bullets. I don't know what it is because it's so square.


"This is the relevant department. The place where prisoners are interrogated is at the end. I will take you there. If you have anything you want to ask then, just ask. There are not so many rules in the development of our provinces and regions. Just be careful not to kill people. That’s it. “

Meng Chang's words were very cryptic, meaning that as long as the person did not die, the death penalty was arbitrary. It is also what they face, they are not ordinary people in the first place.

Sometimes they would catch spirits, sometimes they would catch evil cultivators, and even ghosts and ghosts were within their capture range.

Do we need to talk about human rights when dealing with such strange creatures? They are not human beings, so why talk about human rights?

As they walked all the way to the innermost side, they passed by many rooms.

Xiaotuanzi looked around curiously, passing by the room and seeing the scenes inside through the glass. Each one was more bizarre than the last.

There was a big sister crawling darkly on the ground, twisting her limbs into strange shapes. There is a big brother who is holding shamanic tools and jumping back and forth in the center of a formation.

There is also an old man squatting on the ground to learn how to bark.

A middle-aged man who hangs himself from the ceiling and doesn’t know what he’s thinking
In short, any person in the relevant department who pulls it out seems to be a performance art that is incomprehensible. Are these all Xuanmen people?
He is truly a Taoist priest, so much so that he feels magical when he sees it.

"You know why I'm not tired and come here, now it's just what you see, really

After getting in contact with them, you will find that these people are all crazy. "(
Taoist priest Qingyun was unforgiving and walked past these rooms with a black line on his face.

When he came here decades ago, the people here were like this, and they are still like this after all these decades?!
Taoist priest Qingyun simply felt that these people were all sick, and the long exposure time would really affect his IQ.

But if there are other problems with the people in the relevant departments, even he can't find them.

Relevant departments are very strict in selecting candidates, and their character, temperament, and skill cultivation are all thresholds.

Those who can work here will not be said to be upright, but they will definitely not be a big evil person, or even a small evil person.

This is why Taoist Priest Qingyun agreed to Ruanruan's proposal to come along.

If the relevant department is really not a good place, Taoist Master Qingyun will definitely sign the team and not let her come.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

One after another, distressed sighs came, attracting Rourou's attention.

Xun Sheng looked over and saw a bearded uncle, sitting on the ground without any image, surrounded by talisman papers one after another, biting the wolf-hair pen in his hand, with a sad look on his face.

There seemed to be a formation on the ground, and it looked like it was a protective formation.

Ruanruan couldn't help but stepped forward out of curiosity, and stood outside the formation to ponder it carefully.

This formation is incomplete, and there are deficiencies in many details. Among them, the most important core of the formation eye has not yet been completed. With slight changes in other places, the effect may be better.

Just thinking about the little dumplings makes my hands feel a little itchy.

She silently took out her writing brush, took out a piece of cinnabar, squatted on the ground and started to write.

The middle-aged man, immersed in his own world, did not notice Xiaotuanzi's approach, let alone her movements.

By the time he reacted, Xiaotuanzi had walked in front of him unknowingly. Ruanruan raised her head and met the eyes of this sloppy uncle.

Both of them looked confused.

The air seemed to be stagnant for a few seconds, and then Ruanruan heard the deafening shout from the uncle: "Where did the child come from! The formation I have studied for so long was destroyed like this!
Where are the people? Where have all the people died? Who let the little kid in!"

Uncle Tongluan looked very anxious, so angry that his hair stood on end. The roars one after another startled Ruanruan.

She quickly added the last touch, turned her head, and jumped into the arms of her third senior brother.

"Third Senior Brother, I seem to have done something wrong."

You shouldn't touch other people's things casually.

Ruanruan is also an afterthought.

She just saw that the formation was novel, and she felt a little itchy since she had never seen it before. She couldn't help it, so she stepped forward and made a few corrections.

But she ignored that this was not the formation she drew. Xiaotuanzi, who had done something wrong, buried his head low.

The uncle also noticed that there were a few strange voices at the door, as well as two familiar people.

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