Chapter 296

"Ah, I remembered, that's where I saw her!"

After being reminded by the third senior brother, Xiaotuanzi also recalled this woman's face.

She finally knew why it looked so familiar.

I just saw it the night before yesterday.

There was a man sitting next to this woman. The man's face was somewhat familiar, and he seemed to look quite similar to the little girl they rescued later.

That night they were sacrificing to the evil god. Later, when they fought with the evil god, everyone present was sucked dry by the evil god and sacrificed.

The person who was supposed to die there took action to kill Mr. Shen afterwards. This is enough to prove that the woman is unusual.

When she appeared in that small auction, she was likely to be in a leading position to participate, and she might even be a member of the Holy Cult.

But today, what happened to Mr. Shen, Lu Mengyao was just a matchmaker or someone who was used. This woman, or the Holy Cult behind him, was the real culprit.

So the Holy Cult is targeting the Shen family?
She must be the bewitched young girl's father, the bad woman who wants to sacrifice her biological children and resurrect his wife, right?
With doubts in his mind, Xiaotuanzi continued to read the information.

But in this data display, there is no data showing that the woman is married or pregnant. Even the names don't quite match.

It's a bit ordinary just looking at the resume, but the further down you look, the more something is wrong.

The woman's name is Qiu Dongmei. She comes from a small place. She used to be a farmer digging in the fields. She has been married before, but it was not a good marriage. Her father is a bad gambler and her husband is a bad drunkard. They don't regard her as a human being. You see, when her husband domestically abused her, she accidentally killed her husband when she resisted, separated him and threw him in the cellar of his house, and then he has been on the run and has not been caught to this day.

This is the information after she changed her identity. During this period, she kept working in various cities. But suddenly one day she changed her identity and directly became a teacher in a private education institution. From this time on, her whereabouts became very suspicious.

This Qiu Dongmei is a typical example of tearing up everyone's umbrellas when she gets caught in the rain.

The educational institution where Qiu Dongmei once worked has long since moved away.

The name is Blue Sky Educational Institution. The previous site occupied a large area, at least more than twice the current area.

The reason why the old site was abandoned is also somewhat mysterious. It is said that seven or eight teenagers suddenly died in the institution at the old site. However, the deaths were all teenagers who were usually naughty and mischievous, and the institution did not pay much attention.

These people who died all died due to accidents. Some people died after falling down the stairs because of a fight, some people who went to the chemistry laboratory for mischief and were blown up, some people choked to death while eating, some people died from leg cramps when they went to the gym to swim, and they died. There were various laws, but none of them had anything to do with the institution. The family members kept coming to make trouble, but it was no use. They only received some compensation and ended it hastily.

Everyone thought these were just accidents. How could so many people in the organization not always be safe and smooth? It just happened that this time they all happened at the same time, just a little more.

The institution thought there was no problem, but the teenagers talked about it privately and wrote many campus horror stories. Later, a chemistry class caused a test accident due to improper operation by teenagers, and the entire class and staff were not spared.

The institution was forced to suspend classes and undergo an investigation. Due to public opinion and the panic among teenagers, the institution had no choice but to cancel the chemistry major.

Blue Sky Educational Institution was backed by capital and had a good reputation, so it was unlikely to go bankrupt. In the end, it restored classes and order. However, just a few days after the school started, a large number of teenagers were poisoned by food. More than a hundred staff and teenagers died together. After so many things, the boss is going to lose his hair.

In the end, it was found that a large number of plague-infected rats died in the institution's water pipes, leading to this large-scale food poisoning incident. One incident after another connected together seems to be a coincidence, but it has left an indelible shadow on the boy and the staff. The most widespread and most vicious rumor is that the female ghost has come back to take revenge. It destroys the organization’s feng shui.

The principal had no choice but to choose a new address, which is the current address. As the address of Blue Sky Educational Institution, unexpectedly, after moving to the new school address, no weird incidents happened in the institution. .

But after this incident, the institution's admissions standards plummeted. Not many parents are willing to send their children to this institution now.

But there are still many legends about the old institution circulating in the institution, and the speculation about the girl's revenge is still talked about by people to this day.

According to people who have taken classes there, there was a girl named Xiaofang in the institution before. Because her family was poor and she didn't talk much, she was often bullied in the institution.

Her family was trying to get her to study at an institution to make up for her tuition, hoping that she would get ahead, but she didn't expect that the natural gap in status between people would cause so much harm to her.

Some teenagers in the institution who were from better families or who were naughty liked to bully her for fun. Xiaofang sued the staff, but the attitude of the staff was to make it a big deal and make it a trivial matter. Look, everyone is even more unscrupulous when they bully her.

Even the other teenagers who were not involved in this violent incident also took on the role of standing by and watching. From top to bottom, no one dared to talk to Xiaofang. There was once a little girl who couldn't stand it and just kept talking. After saying a few words to Xiaofang, she was naturally ostracized and resented.

One of these bullies, who came from a relatively good family, took the lead and humiliated the girl who helped to speak. He bullied Xiaofang and the girl together. Later, this war between good and evil ended with the girl transferring to another school.

From then on, no one dared to speak for Xiaofang. Then one day, Xiaofang suddenly jumped off the rooftop of the teaching building of the institution. It is said that at that time, a teenager saw four boys dragging Xiaofang upstairs. .

I don’t know how these four families operate. In the end, the witnesses changed their confessions, and Xiaofang was judged to have committed suicide.

Xiaofang's parents have been struggling for a long time and have not given up the appeal until now. However, lack of evidence has never been able to change the result.

Xiaofang was the first child to die in the institution. Coincidentally, the teenagers who died after her were the ones who bullied her the most.

Qiu Dongmei did not have any changes in the institution. According to the teenagers and staff, Qiu Dongmei had a good reputation during her teaching career, but she was a one-on-one full-time employee who took care of Xiaofang.

After reading these, whether it is Xiaotuanzi or Shen Weixun, it is difficult not to start conspiracy theories about the matter.

Qiu Dongmei's role in it was by no means just a bystander who stood by and watched. There must be a reason to attract her and not leave.

When the organization moved out of its old location, Qiu Dongmei also submitted her resignation application. Shen Weixun suspected that Xiaofang's tragic fate was most likely caused by Qiu Dongmei.

As for Qiu Dongmei's purpose of doing this, he could not guess yet, but if this person really worked for the Holy Religion, then no matter what she did, she could not do without the support and deployment of the Holy Religion.

This woman must be arrested, and the Holy Cult must also investigate.

How could you not investigate the clues that hit the muzzle?
Xiaotuanzi and the third senior brother looked at each other and decided to go to the old site of the organization to have a look. After all, people are not immortals. As long as there are traces, they can always catch something. Maybe if you follow the clues, you can not only find information about the Holy Religion.

The people they arrested before were all dead, but this time they had to keep one alive no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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