Chapter 300 Cave
The bounce and speed of the white-haired zombie are unmatched by ordinary people. Ruanruan is very lucky that he has a lot of magical charms in his small satchel.

It won't take too long and lose the goal.

Zombies shuttled through the forest, with Ruanruan trying hard to catch up behind them. In the lush jungle, there was only one person and one corpse left, with the sound of hurried jumping and footsteps.

After chasing for a long time, when they were halfway up the mountain, the sound of jumping zombies disappeared.

Ruanruan quickly stopped and looked warily at the denser jungle around her.

Recall the direction of the zombie's last jump and search carefully.

The leaves in the forest are lush and the branches are criss-crossed. It is silent all around, not even the birds are heard.

Her feet stepped on the dead branches, making a rustling sound. Ruanruan frowned and looked around, and finally locked her eyes on a tree in front of her to the right.

Suddenly, she raised her head and saw a black shadow falling from the sky.

Ruanruan dodged the blow nimbly, but did not retreat too far like before. He took a step back, missed his body, and put a little distance between himself and the zombie.

Just when the opponent's hand slammed into the soil,
Ruanruan jumped straight into the sky, raised the long sword and used the sharp edge on the side to strike fiercely.

Then hit the zombie's head,
Following the inertia of gravity, she used the long sword as a machete.

But this sensitive zombie was not a vegetarian. He reacted quickly, raised his arm, and collided with the long sword, making a loud clang.

The long sword cut into her arm, and the long white hair was cut neatly and fell to the ground.


Ruanruan quickly retracted the sword horizontally, leaving a neat gap in the zombie's arm.

The arm was injured, and the white-haired zombie was very angry. Although she didn't know pain or fatigue, she still retained a little bit of human emotions.

Those malicious eyes turned red. "Roar!"

The white-haired zombie opened its big mouth and roared at Ruanruan.

And this roar was like a signal to attack, and the zombies stopped using other tactics, waving their claws, and rushed straight towards Ruanruan.

Ruanruan stepped back and fought back.

Find the right opportunity to chop a few times on the zombie's arm.

Each time, he was able to cut accurately and hard on the wounds that had been created before.

The arm that had been punched out had turned into flesh and blood under repeated heavy hammer blows.

But just to this extent, it cannot limit her activities.

On the contrary, it will arouse her ferocity.

The zombie attacks are becoming more and more fierce and faster.

His soft forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat.

Killing zombies is really a physical job.

Xiaotuanzi knew that now was not the time to relax. This time she no longer aimed at the zombie's arms, but instead aimed at the zombie's neck, slashing bit by bit.

The iron pestle is ground into a needle, and sooner or later her head will be cut off.

Brush brush brush.
The long sword was flying, and only afterimages could be seen.

Every time she passed by a zombie, there would be scars on her body, cutting to the same location.

The zombie kept waving its arms in place, trying to resist the blade. But one of her arms has been chopped off, and she won't be able to recover for a while, and the limp speed is too fast. She can stop this attack, but not that one.

This kind of fighting style, which is comparable to Ling Chi, is a bit unbearable even for a zombie with strong walls and iron bones. She jumped up, turned around and ran back again.

Ruanruan had no choice but to continue to catch up, raised his sword and pursued the victory.

After chasing Xiaotuanzi, he saw a cave, and the target of the white cat zombie was also the cave.

She slipped straight into the cave, and Xiaotuanzi quickly chased after her. It was pitch dark in the cave and he couldn't see anything clearly.

But here she felt a lot of corpse energy, which came from zombies and corpses.

Xiaotuanzi took a few steps back involuntarily, and even wanted to run away.

Such an atmosphere made her experience for the first time what it means to have a numb scalp.


There must be more than one zombie here, there are many, she felt many, even if she couldn't see anything, she was sure.

Just one zombie has already caused her so much misery, and a few more will definitely be unbearable.

But when he was about to retreat outside the cave, Xiaotuanzi stopped.

This mountain belongs to the Shen family, and the top of the mountain is the Shen family's mansion. Regardless of this cave or the white-haired zombie, everyone in the Shen's mansion will die.

Who is raising so many zombies in this place? The most important thing is that the Shen family has no idea.

Ruanruan knows that the third senior brother's family is very powerful, and the third senior brother is also very powerful. There is almost no way to trouble him with any problem.

But the third senior brother who wants to take everything into his own hands is about to turn his family into a zombie nest.

It’s so tricky and troublesome!
What should I do?!

The sound of a mouse came from the cave. Xiaotuanzi lowered his head and saw a pair of green eyes looking at him.

This is a big gray mouse, but normal gray mice have red eyes, but this one has green eyes.

The mouse was drooling and looked very abnormal. It was holding a piece of meat from an unknown creature in its hand, which should be its food.

Xiaotuanzi suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

She took two more steps back, took out a fire charm that could ignite fire from her small satchel, and threw it into the cave.

The fire talisman was lit and Shandong suddenly became bright, and Ruanruan finally saw clearly what was inside the cave. Instead of just one rat, there were thousands of rats crawling on the mountain of corpses. Not all of those corpses were zombies, many were just ordinary corpses.

The zombies stood upright on both sides of the cave.

The fire was like a sting, and all the rats in the cave became restless. Fortunately, the zombies inside were not disturbed.

Ruanruan finally couldn't stand this nerve-wracking scene anymore, and quickly ran towards the back while the mouse didn't react.

He quickly found a bush and covered his body.

Fortunately, the fire talisman did not last long. After the light went out, the sparse rattles inside gradually became quiet.

Xiaotuanzi quickly called the third senior brother to inform the third senior brother that Shen Weixun knew that there were so many zombies and strange rats, and he was shocked in the cave on the top of his mountain. He had not been home all year round, and he really didn't know about it. Not even a clue was found.

But he was not at home, and the Shen family's security guards were not strict either. Who could arrange so many dirty things in the Shen family quietly?
This is to plan to kill their entire family in one fell swoop when the time comes.


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