"How many people have you killed in total?"

Ruanruan looked at the man calmly.

His experience is indeed regrettable. Those who shirk responsibility help those who should be responsible cover up the matter.
In fact, those who force men to desperation deserve their punishment.

But with so many corpses in the cave, aren’t the people inside innocent?
Even if those people died of natural causes, their bodies would be so ruined after death, left to be eaten by rats and turned into zombies. Why did they suffer such a crime?
Everything comes down to one code.

What a man does is wrong. Although there are extenuating circumstances, it is still wrong. Xiaotuanzi's question shocked the man's heart.

He suddenly turned around, revealing a face that looked neither human nor ghost. The face was hideous and terrifying, and the facial features could no longer be seen.

It was as if it had been burned thousands of times by scorching flames.

"Many, many of them I don't remember anymore, but if they don't die, I won't be able to take revenge, and I won't be able to get my wife and daughter back."

"Perhaps they also have the same father as your daughter. If you kill them, their father will be very sad. It's just that they don't have the ability like you to avenge their children in the way you do."

Ruanruan calmly said what the man least wanted to think about. He doesn't have much conscience.

In the dead of night, he had thought that he had committed so many murders just to save his daughter and wife, but when these two people really came back, they would still be able to accept him as a husband and father with blood on his hands. ?
But he can't control that much.

He just wants his wife and daughter back.

Even if he followed him into Abi Hell, he would not hesitate.

"I brought you here because I didn't want to take action against you. You are as old as my daughter and you still have a bright future and a long way to go. If the Holy Cult takes you back, you will face I know everything better than anyone else, so I'm here to remind you that as long as you don't block my way, we will go back to our own way, and I won't do anything to you, nor will I do anything to your teacher. "

The man promptly changed the subject. He didn't want to go back and forth about who was right and who was wrong.


He himself couldn't tell whether what he was doing was right or wrong.

There were two voices inside that kept fighting and shouting, almost torturing him to the point of going crazy. In fact, he doesn't want to deal with soft things.

But that's without knowing Xiaotuanzi's age.

He lost a child, also a daughter, and his child was so cute, so he didn't want to have a child like his daughter.

"It's impossible. Not to mention that the Shen family is closely related to my third senior brother. Even if we don't have this kind of relationship, I won't ignore it if we meet him by chance. I can ask the third senior brother to come forward and call the man who killed your wife The woman must be brought to justice, but you must also pay for the evil deeds you have done. What you did is not the right thing. Cause and effect are reincarnated, and you should repay the consequences. "

After saying nothing, Luan Rou's body was coated with a layer of golden brilliance.

The long sword in her hand made a buzzing sound, and seemed to be clamoring to strike.

At this moment, her aura was no longer as ferocious as before, as if a god from the nine heavens suddenly descended into the mortal world, carrying a kind of divine compassion and ruthlessness.

"Whatever you say, I've already said this, and you still want to go against me, then
Don't blame me for being rude!'

The man looked thoughtful, and he did not dare to slack off at all. Although the person standing in front of him was just a child who was not as tall as his waist, he knew that this child was extraordinary.

This is a child that even the Liansheng Cult does not dare to take away in a forceful way. He joined the Holy Cult, and of course he also knew that although the Holy Cult liked to do those stupid things, its internal work style was still very tough.

Grab whatever you like and do whatever it takes to get it.

They have extremely huge energy, and as long as they don't particularly expose themselves, they will basically adopt a particularly tough attitude to get it into their hands.

A six-year-old child like Ruan Ruan would have been kidnapped to the Holy Religion's headquarters long ago if he did not have strong strength. How could he be allowed to go out and unscrupulously destroy the Holy Religion's plan?
I want Ruanruan to die, but I can't let her die now. He wanted to take her away alive, but he couldn't defeat her.

This is the reason why the Holy Cult has always been particularly afraid of Ruanruan.

It can be said that the man has already revealed most of his trump cards from the beginning.

I saw him waving his sleeves, and scattered sounds came from all directions. They were very small at first, and then became louder and louder, as if there were millions of insects crawling on the ground.

Then countless rats came from all directions.

This is the inconvenient place in the mountains. If he were in a city, he wouldn't be able to summon so many rats.

The most indispensable thing on the mountain is this kind of snakes, insects, rats, and ants. As long as he wants to wave his hand, a large number of them will come over.

The eyes of the mice were glowing with a faint red light, and their front teeth looked fierce on the outside.

They were dominated by men and quickly surrounded Ruanruan.

To be honest, when I saw this scene, even Xiaotuanzi felt numb inside, but he was purely disgusted.

Then the man blew the whistle, and all the mice became restless and rushed toward Ruanruan in a swarm.

Xiaotuanzi raised his long sword, and the hand holding Jianhua was almost out of sight. But there are too many, too many.

Surrounded by so many rats, she could hardly move. There was only a small vacuum around her that allowed her to move.

It seemed like there was no end to all these rats. If one was cut in half, a second one would pounce on her. There were even many rats piled up on top of each other, almost as high as her.

squeak squeak squeak
There were these mind-numbing cries all around.

The restlessness here also caused a lot of commotion, causing Shen Weixun and the others who were pursuing him not far away to show solemn expressions.

They rushed here quickly.

The black cat who was exploring the cave also frowned, quickly retreated from the cave, and galloped in the direction of Xiao Tuanzi.

Xuan Mao meowed loudly while running. As it meowed, cats meowed one after another in the jungle, seeming to be responding to Xuan Mao.

Even the stray cats in the suburbs not far away couldn't help but pricked up their ears, widened their eyes to identify the direction, and then started running towards the Shen family's mountainous area no matter what they were doing.

The scene was quite spectacular.

(End of this chapter)

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