Chapter 309 Zhan

Zhan lowered his head and called his name, because he was so happy and his eyes were bright and beautiful. "I want to continue my practice, so I'll take my leave first." After saying this, the monk turned and left.

Zhan looked at the monk's leaving figure, stretched out his hand to stop his progress but hesitated to speak. After a while, he put his arm down, swallowed what he wanted to say and turned it into a sigh.

Ruanruan thought that this was just an incident and that the good-looking monk would never be seen again. Unexpectedly, half a month later the monk came to the forest again. This time his purpose was very clear, he was here to find Zhan.

Zhan was not frightened this time and shrank back to the tree trunk. He was happy for a long time when he saw that the visitor was a monk, smiling silly like a child.

"Donor, it's just the books I collected from the human race, and I gave them to you to pass the time when you have nothing to do.
between. "The monk took out the thick book from his back and handed it to Zhan Dao.

"But I can't read." Zhan finished the book, flipped through two pages carefully, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter. The benefactor has just transformed into a human being and walked around the world. It's normal for him not to recognize him. The poor monk is willing to answer his questions." The monk smiled lightly and said warmly.

"Well, please excuse me." Zhan imitated the way the monk thanked him before, clasping his hands and bowing.

Wuchen was amused by Zhan's imitation, and Zhan blushed like an apple. Fortunately, this embarrassment did not last long, and soon Wuchen picked up a book and taught Zhan how to read.

Fairies generally have low IQs and learn things quickly. Zhan memorized each word carefully, learning from early morning to dusk, and stopped when the sun went down and there was no light. This book also Learned most of it.

"It's getting late today, and the poor monk will come back tomorrow." Wuchen stood up from the ground, looked at the moon hanging high in the sky and said softly.

"Okay, then you must come again tomorrow! I'll wait for you!" Zhan nodded happily and said happily.

Wuchen left, and Zhan spent the whole night immersed in the ocean of books, reviewing the knowledge he had learned in White Hall. However, he was not reading silently, but reading aloud in a low voice, and the sound did not stop, although Zhan's original voice It sounds great, but I can't help but talk about it like a mosquito.

Ruanruan felt like her head was about to explode, just like Monkey Sun who heard the curse and cried while holding his head.

Why does she have to bear so many things that she shouldn't bear at her age? It's so difficult for her.

Early the next morning, Wuchen came to the big tree. The two of them read a book and a day passed in a flash. Before leaving, Wuchen asked Xiang Zhan: "What is the donor's wish?"

"Ah? My wish is that I want to see the prosperity of the world and experience the happiness of the world! Now that I have hands and feet, I also want to truly be a human being!" Zhan thought for a moment and said.

His emotions were high at first, but when he thought of his own body, Zhan, he lowered his head and said dejectedly: "But, I can't live without this mountain."

"I understand." Wuchen turned around and left the jungle without saying anything or any words of comfort.

From that day on, Monk Wuchen came to Zhan every day, during which he taught him many things, such as literacy etiquette, cooking and chopping firewood, and also helped Zhan build a small thatched house.

Zhan's learning ability is extremely fast, and he is constantly absorbing knowledge and is eager to ask questions. If he has endless doubts, Wuchen's temper is also good at venting anger. No matter how complicated the questions are, he will always answer everything he can know.

The two have close contact. Zhan likes this monk very much, and Wuchen also likes this clean and pure tree demon. Both parties regard him as a confidant and get along very happily. Suddenly, on a thunderstorm night, monk Wuchen suddenly went up the mountain with bundles of scriptures. Wuchen usually went up the mountain in the early morning and set down at sunset, but this time he appeared at night for the first time.

Before Zhan could say anything, Wuchen hurriedly entrusted the scriptures he brought with him to Zhan for safekeeping. For such a long time, no matter what happened to Wuchen, he had always been indifferent and unconventional.

Huo Ruanruan once felt that Wuchen was a robot with no emotions.

Seeing Wuchen panic like this, Ruanruan was also very surprised. To be able to break the calm quality of a Buddhist cultivator, Wuchen must have encountered something big.

"Mr. Mu, the poor monk is no longer able to protect these Buddhist books. The poor monk regards them as treasures and wants to entrust them to Mr. Mu today. If we can meet again in the future, we will take them back." Wuchen said eagerly.

"Okay. I'll keep it for you, but what happened to you?" Zhan agreed.

Concerned question to Wuchen

Wuchen did not respond, just shook his head and sighed helplessly. Before leaving, Wuchen hesitated again and again, and said to Zhan as if he had made a huge determination: "Master Mu, it is not easy for plants and trees to become spirits, and people's hearts are the worst. You can practice alone away from other living beings. If you feel depressed, you can read the Buddhist books at will, but the poor monk can only leave here."

The monk left, and Ruanruan never saw him again. He was depressed for a while because he lost his close friend Zhan. Since then, he has added another activity, reading.

Now it's better. Meditating alone is enough to make Ruianruan bored, but with the addition of scriptures that can make people sleepy, this life is simply torture for Ruianruan.

Spring and summer alternate, and Zhan's life is very regular. He doesn't get tired of doing the same thing day after day, year after year. Ruanruan also desperately hopes that the monk can come back soon and there won't be any accidents. Zhan is already doing well. A demon in China always looks into the distance from time to time, with lonely and lonely eyes.

The grass is green again in spring, and Ruanruan is looking at the sky in a daze. The day has passed so long that she no longer knows what year it is. Suddenly, a bird suddenly hits the tree trunk above her head, startling Ruanruan. , and also alarmed the people under the tree.

Zhan saw the bird that fell from the tree trunk and suddenly appeared. He carefully picked it up and said with a helpless smile: "Why are you so careless? I will take you to heal."

Zhan held the bird in his hands, walked into the house and put it on the bed. The bird seemed a little scared and kept flapping. Zhan comforted him softly: "Don't be afraid, my name is Zhan. I am a tree demon in this mountain. I will not hurt you." of."

It is not easy for a tree to become a spirit. Generally, it takes great fortune to open up the spiritual wisdom, and because it is a blessing given by heaven and earth to become a spirit, all the tree monsters are pure and kind people, and there have never been evildoers. Birds listen

Hearing Zhan's comforting words and knowing that the other party had no ill intentions, he calmed down.

He laid the bird flat and sent spiritual energy to it. Ruanruan looked at it and kept mumbling: "Big brother, big brother, it's almost done. If you send it any further, you will collapse. Don't do good things and get yourself involved." ah!"

Ruanruan naturally knew that no one could hear her, but she just couldn't stop talking. In addition, after being together for such a long time, Zhan, the monster, had long been classified as one of her own, and she couldn't help it. Become worried.

Zhan didn't stop until his face turned pale and bloodless. Although his words were a little weak, he was still as gentle as ever: "Your injury is a bit serious. I will heal your injuries tomorrow when I recover."

Ruanruan was watching from Zhan's side as he healed the bird on the bed. Every time Zhan sent spiritual power to the bird, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

It seems that it has been more than a month, and the bird's injury has finally recovered. It is jumping lively and its chirping is clear, loud and especially pleasant. It has been chattering around Zhan all day long, lively and clever.

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