Chapter 312 Cooperate with me
This group of bad warlocks sacrificed human beings to steal other people's luck.

You can tell with your hair that after they took away the luck, they would definitely not do it well.


Master said that the Tao is heart-centered.

She wanted to live, but she also didn't want to see Zhan die.

I don’t want to be stolen by these bad guys and cause innocent people to be injured or killed. One always has to be sacrificed.

Actually there is another way.

Her whole body is a perpetual motion machine that can produce good fortune. If she were sacrificed in Zhan's place, the gourd would not be able to bear it.

But in that case, the limit would be exchanged for one, and both would perish. never mind.

Have lived so long.

It would be difficult for ordinary people to live for 100 years. Ascetics may live longer, but not more than 200 years.

She has lived for so long, what else is there to live for? Ruanruan thought for a while and carefully recalled the steps to transform into dragon form.

After twisting his body twice, he turned into a giant dragon, floating and hovering in the sky. She rushed to the gourd.

Got sucked in.

It felt like there was fire burning all over my body, it was a feeling of being refined. It was really uncomfortable, but I soon got over it.

Suddenly she seemed to hear a loud explosion. Then he fell into endless silence and darkness.

"how do you feel?"

It was that empty and silent space again, and another figure came from behind. Xiaotuanzi suddenly turned around, Duan Qiu.
"What do you want to do?"

Ruanruan looked at him warily, and there were already signs of making a knot in her hands.

Duan Qiu smiled softly and shook his head. He raised his head and looked at the empty sky, his eyes slightly red.

He let out a long sigh, and the words seemed to be spoken to himself as well as to Ruanruan. "After drinking Meng Po soup, the past will disappear, and you will be able to start a new life after walking on the path of reincarnation.
Students, you all have to move forward and stop thinking about the past. I am the only one trapped in this world.

Here, trapped in the memories of the past, unable to get out no matter what.

Why is this happening? It's obviously the same soul, it's obviously the same person, but just because you've crossed that door, is everything really written off?
If it was really written off, how could you meet him, remember him, and hold him in your heart for several lifetimes, but you could completely forget everyone else except him? Leave no ties behind.

Is this really fair? Is this really fair?”

Xiaotuanzi couldn't understand a word of what Duan Qiu said.

What kind of mess is this?
However, he still used his little brain, thought for a while, and answered the question seriously: "Some people's ties can last for several lifetimes, while some people's fate may only last a lifetime and then break up. It's just fate." A question of depth.”

"The question of the depth of fate? Is our fate shallow? Even if you are like this now, you probably don't realize that the wood spirit is Shen Weixun." Duan Qiu chuckled and returned his gaze to the soft Soft body. "Ah? Is that Third Senior Brother?"

Xiaotuanzi was really confused. She really didn't realize that the Wood Spirit Society was also the third senior brother.

There are big differences both in temperament and appearance.

So it’s not that she took over the body of the little koi, but that she is the little koi?
Everything I experienced before is just a memory of past and present lives?
"Yes, you have ruined the operation of the Holy Cult more than once. The first time they wanted to use your dragon luck to achieve world unity, but you ruined their plan with a few words. The second time you also knew that they One group of people keep doing good deeds and doing good deeds to accumulate good fortune, while the other group of people do dirty things behind the scenes to eliminate dissidents, and in the end they are destroyed by you.

Why do you think you can bear the fate of so many people with a mortal body? You are not a mortal in the first place, you are the only dragon transformed from a koi in the world.

So as long as the Holy Religion exists, they will not let go of your special existence. No matter how long you reincarnate, the essence of your soul will not change.

I have only one request, to kill everyone in the Holy Religion without judging their merits or demerits. As long as you agree to my request, I will join you and wipe out everyone in the Holy Religion together with you. "

Duan Qiu looked at Ruan Ruan intently. The emotions in his eyes were a bit complicated and unpredictable. It seemed that he was looking forward to it, but also as if he was filled with hatred.

Duan Qiu just said that there are two types of people in the Holy Cult, one is those who only do good deeds and accumulate merit, and the other is those who go back and do some dirty things.

Xiaotuanzi tilted his head and thought for a while.

Still shook his head slightly.

"No, if there really is a good person like you said, who only does good things and never does bad things, I will not take action against him, no matter what his identity is."

Ruan Ruan refused too decisively, and Duan Qiu's mood suddenly became extremely excited after hearing what he said.

"Then they will never be eliminated! So what if people like that do good deeds? They do good deeds for a purpose, and they accumulate merit to destroy the world. They are not good people in essence, why should they? Let them go?! Why are you always so womanly?
You have to know that all of them want you to die, and everyone around you to die!"

Ruanruan shook her head, disagreeing with his theory.

There are not many people in this world who can truly be honest with their words. Most of them are people who don’t mean what they say.

You cannot judge what kind of behavior a person will do just because of what he or she is like inside.

This is the most superficial and unfair theory.

"It doesn't matter what they think. If they really put their thoughts into action and start doing bad things, I will naturally not ignore them. But before they take action, they are all good people. This is not the kindness of a woman."

Even if his heart is extremely dark, this person has never done anything wrong or hurt anyone in his life. Why can't he be a good person?
This argument is wrong. Some people talk nonsense and think they are so kind, but they still feel guilty about the things they do. That is not the essence, that is hypocrisy. "

Ruanruan's reasoning is clear and logical. Although she is obedient. But he has never been the kind of person to be easily brainwashed.

It can only be said that Taoist Qingyun and the others have raised Ruanruan very well.

Xiaotuanzi has the ability to think independently and can also strengthen his own beliefs.

"So there's no need to talk about it? As expected, the past has been wiped out. Even if you remember everything, you won't be able to restore your previous relationship. In this case, we have nothing to talk about."

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