When Ruanruan returned to the ward, Mu Cong was spinning around in circles.

When he saw Xiaotuanzi coming back from outside, he hurriedly ran up, crouched down and asked with a brow, "Where did you go? You started running around as soon as you woke up. If you were lost, your parents would have to You can’t peel off my skin.”

Hearing the familiar voice of his second brother, Xiaotuanzi remembered to ask about what happened during this time.

"Where are the second brother, my master and senior brother, and my wife? Shouldn't I be at the third senior brother's house? Why did I end up in the hospital?"

Mu Cong fell into silence for a long time.

He lowered his head so that no one could see his expression, and didn't speak for a long time.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head, with a blue face, and said hesitantly: "Ruanruaner.
Let me tell you something. If you know it, don’t worry. "What Mu Cong knew was actually what he heard from others.

But what is certain is that everyone who was at the top of Shenjiashan that day disappeared. Whether it's Shen Weixun or Taoist Priest Qingyun.
Meng Chang said that after Ruanruan separated from them, some of them went to the mountains to support others and others went to the city to organize evacuation.

Fortunately, because of the misunderstanding caused by the animal agitation when Xuan Mao summoned his younger brother, most people chose to leave the city.

The evacuation went very smoothly, but a few ordinary people were scratched by zombies.

Perhaps because we were only dealing with ordinary people, there were not many zombies at the foot of the mountain, so they did not cause too much commotion, nor did they cause any incalculable consequences.

On the mountain, including the white-haired zombie, there were a dozen of them besieging Qingyun Road.

By the time they went there, Taoist Master Qingyun could no longer walk steadily, and he had killed ten of them.

I heard from Meng Chang that there was a ghost king next to Taoist Qingyun, who used his soul to open a barrier and couldn't get close to Taoist Qingyun while carrying the last two zombies.

They still chose to use thermal weapons to blast away the zombies until not a single scrap was left. Unfortunately, the white-haired zombie ran away in the end.

Taoist priest Qingyun told Mengchang that there was something strange happening at the foot of the back mountain and they needed to rush to support.

Originally, Meng Chang didn't want to go, but when he saw the Ghost King taking care of Qingyun Dojo, he didn't hesitate too much and turned around and went to the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain they saw the white-haired zombie escaping. There is a man standing next to the zombie

That man was the one who summoned the rats before to deal with the soft ones.

He stopped the Shen family from evacuating and used the same trick again. He brought over a group of rats and blocked their way out.

However, he didn't expect anything to happen with this group of rats.

With Xuan Mao here, no matter how powerful or numerous these mice are, there is nothing they can do

He just used this method of constant harassment to slow down this group of people.

And he seemed to be waiting for the white-haired zombie.

When the white-haired zombie arrived, he immediately directed the zombie to rush into the crowd. His movements were so fast that people were caught off guard, several times faster than before.

The power that exploded at that time was simply not comparable to that of an ordinary white-haired zombie. Too many people.
Large weapons of destruction cannot be used at all.

Meng Chang and the others could only use the most primitive method to deal with the white-haired zombie. A dozen people followed

They fought together for nearly twenty minutes but failed to win. Five people from the relevant departments even sacrificed their lives.

In the end, the white-haired zombie didn't want to fight them, so they saved the rest.

When they reacted and tried to look for Ruanruan and Shen Weixun, they found that the two of them had already disappeared, along with the man controlling the zombies. They returned to the mountain to look for Taoist Priest Qingyun and wanted to report the news, but found that Mu Yanchen, who had not even shown his face, was missing together with Taoist Priest Qingyun.

They searched the entire mountain and found Ruanruan who was unconscious in the jungle.

After being rushed to the hospital, it was blocked off, and all the streets that could be left were still open to traffic.

The investigation continued for half a month. There is just no trace of these three people.

The next missing people were Liu Chuchen and Zhang Zicheng.

The people who took them away were purposeful.

Xiaotuanzi was unconscious for half a month, and no one knew what happened to him. Whether examined with scientific instruments or using metaphysical methods, his body reflected that he was in a very healthy state.

It's like a person falls into a deep sleep and falls into a nightmare, unable to come out.

There was no other way but to wait quietly, hoping that Ruanruan would wake up.

During this period, not only the relevant departments were trying hard to find Taoist Priest Qingyun and others, but Rourou's parents were also busy.

Only Mu Cong, who seemed unreliable but somewhat reliable, was left to guard Ruanruan.

They knew how important everyone in the sect was to Ruanruan, so although they were worried about Ruanruan's body, they still chose to find others first.

I'm just afraid that Ruanruan will be sad when she wakes up.

"Sister, everyone has tried their best, and the relevant departments have used their greatest strength, but there is no way
I can't find their whereabouts. It's as if they have disappeared from this world. I know you are sad and must be very anxious, but you must not rush. When you get better and the doctor says you are fine, we Can you just leave the hospital and find your master and the others?"

Mu Cong looked at Ruanruan with blank eyes and bloodless cheeks, feeling heartbroken and bad.

His sister looked so fragile now. She no longer looked as steady, calm and strategizing as before.

Now Ruanruan is like a fragile porcelain doll, which makes people want to hold it in their hands.

But such a clueless matter cannot be resolved in a hurry.

He couldn't do anything except verbal comfort.

"Second brother, I'm fine. Master and the others will be fine. I want to go to the underworld first.
Tell your parents, I will be back soon!"

I heard the news that all my master and brothers were missing. The soft heart is getting heavier and heavier.

She remembered Duan Qiu's last words.

That person wanted to attack her master and brothers and wanted her to lose them. Xiaotuanzi's hands clenched tighter and tighter under the large hospital gown.

The small satchel is not there, it must have been taken away.

Ruanruan didn't find the talisman paper on her body, so she simply bit the tip of her tongue and used her own essence and blood to draw a talisman for escape.

After opening the door to the underworld, he walked in without hesitation.

Without thinking, Mu Cong wanted to follow him, but in the end he missed it.

After stepping in softly, this door quickly disappeared without a trace. (End of chapter)

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