Chapter 326 Chapter 327. Water Ghost
Mu Ruanruan rubbed her head irritably and stood up again. This time she went out openly.

He also deliberately created a little noise.

No matter how well-built the houses in rural areas are, there is still no place to go to the toilet in the yard. If you want to use the toilet, you have to go outside the house.

So she made this little noise just to notify the village chief and his wife that she was out. As for whether they thought they were going to the bathroom or whatever, it doesn't matter.

It was obvious that the old village chief wanted to hide the secrets of the village, so he would have as little contact with them as possible.

She deliberately made noise and went out. Even if the old village chief didn't sleep, he still had to pretend to be in the house.


It is more convenient for her to visit the village in the middle of the night.

During this trip, Mu Ruanruan didn't want to do anything else.

I just wanted to find out if there were any ghosts in this village.

Still nothing.

This hilltop is very suitable for burial in the underworld.

This shows that after someone dies in this village, they still build tombs normally like other people. Typically, people linger around their graves after death.

You can always catch those two ghosts.

It is impossible not to have curtain points.

Mu Ruanruan went straight out of the village and started wandering around the country roads. There was nothing in the two grave bags seen during the day.

She saw a few more after that.

The truth was just as she thought, there were indeed graves and graves, but not a single soul. Strange things.

If there is a ghost, catch it and ask a few words.

It seemed like the village had more secrets than she thought.

No soul?
Where have all the souls gone?
Mu Ruoruan walked towards a hill outside the village with doubts.

There are so many elderly people. It is normal for four or five of them to die in three or four years.

No. That means this village has a big problem.

She went to several graves specifically to read the words engraved on them. The most recent death was last year.

When she came during the day, she noticed several graves on the road.

Go find it now.

After wandering outside for almost an hour, Mu Ruanruan also planned to go back. After all, this is the limit time for squatting in a large size.

Unless he died in an accident, had a grudge, or was reincarnated. It's impossible for this village not to die in recent years.

Except for the custom of burial in villages along the fields, most of them are buried in the mountains. We will also find a geomantic treasure land that can protect future generations.

Since they chose to be buried. Namu monuments and curtains will inevitably be built around the village.

This is really strange.

Sticking to the magical talisman, he quickly rushed towards the old village chief's house.

When passing by a dry well in the village committee, she suddenly stopped.

The few times I went in and out of the village before, I always walked through the village head.

Just because I went to Dahou Mountain, I had to enter from the end of the village when I came back. Just like this, she discovered that the yin energy was spreading in the dry well in the village. Um. Familiar taste.

Familiar ghost.

Mu Ruoruan hurriedly walked towards the dry well.

It was cloudy today and I was far away just now. I could only see the outline of a roof, but I didn't realize that the wellhead was pressed down by boulders.

Mu Ruanruan raised her eyebrows slightly. Without thinking, he just lifted the stone and moved it aside.

Looking down, he saw a fierce ghost who had been erupted, glaring at the scarlet double

Eyes, t is also staring at her.

"Hey, come up?"

Mu Ruanruan didn't panic at all.

She can still beat such a powerful ghost.

This ghost should have drowned in this well before it died, and its body had been soaked in the well water for a long time, which is why the soul now looks like a giant.

In fact, ghosts can return to their normal appearance when they were alive.

But most evil spirits like to scare people.

He likes to show his broken and miserable appearance in front of others. This ghost, which has taken on the appearance of a giant, can no longer even distinguish between male and female. Under Mu Ruanruan's greeting, he actually floated slowly and leisurely to the top. But only half of the body was drilled out.

Half of them will never come out alive or dead.

"From outside the village?"

"Are you from the village?"

Mu Ruanruan and Li Gui asked questions at the same time. The answer is also self-evident.

The strange thing is that when Li Gui knew that Mu Ruanruan was an outsider, he just ignored her. His eyes only stayed on her for a second, then he turned to look into the village.

His eyes were full of sorrow and hatred.

Everywhere he looked, there seemed to be places he hated.

"How did you die? Were you killed by someone or did you accidentally fall into a well?" Mu Ruanruan didn't care about Li Gui's actions.

Ghosts with resentment are like this, as if they are mindless. Although they have IQ, all their reason will be blinded by hatred.

All he wants is revenge, revenge, revenge. Not interested in other people at all.

Li Gui didn't answer, nor did he make any move, he was still staring straight into the village. Mu Ruanruan changed her mind and asked in a different way: "Do you hate them very much?" "Oh, I hate everyone in this village!"

Li Gui reacted this time.

Emotions were visibly running high.

Mu Ruoruan felt that she must have said the wrong thing, and quickly comforted her: "Can you tell me? I overheard the village chief saying that they want our bodies."

"You'd better leave the village quickly. This is not a good place. Even if I tell you, you can't solve it.

Li Gui said that he was going to float back to Daobingli. It was obvious that he should know many things, but for some unknown reason, he refused to mention them.

Mu Ruoruan felt that Li Gui was probably afraid that innocent people would be implicated.

If he really had evil intentions to harm others, he wouldn't say so many words to her.

"Wait a minute, I might have a way to solve the people and things in the village. I am a charlatan, and I came here specifically to track down an organization called the Holy Cult."

"You are so young, what can you do even if you are a warlock? Leave quickly and don't get involved in this muddy water."

Li Gui's voice was full of helplessness, and there was a bit of distrust in his eyes.

"Don't you know what the people in this village are most afraid of? They act with me during the day, pretending to be normal people, and they talk secretly at night. What they fear most is that things in the village will be exposed. Tell me now, Even if I can't beat him, I can run away quietly and spread the word about what happened in the village, which will make them miserable, right? In this way, you might be able to clear the case. "

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Li Gui suddenly looked shocked.

What is he wary of?
Shouldn't he expose this village?
So shouldn’t we catch a person and tell him the secret of the village?
Regardless of whether he is from another village, he is from that village.

Anyway, as long as he is not from this village, he can say whatever he wants!
Didn't they kill him just because they wanted to hide the secrets of the village?

"I was killed, by all the people in the village. They teamed up to tie me up, threw me into the well, covered the manhole cover, and let me drown alive in the well.

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