Yuan Qi took out a lot of thunder talismans and explosive talismans and gave them to Jiang Junjing, and told him how to use them.

Seeing her serious look, Jiang Junjing did not dare to look down upon her, and curiously asked Yuan Qi: "Is it that serious? I think it's okay."

Yuan Qi did not answer his question directly, but said: "Did you see the jade pendant, pendant and gold hairpin on His Highness the Fifth Prince?"

Jiang Junjing thought for a while: "I didn't pay attention, but don't all princes wear it like this?"

Yuan Qi shook his head: "Everything he wears are magic weapons."

Jiang Junjing couldn't believe it: "Really? I really don't see why he wears so many magic weapons? It's not like he encounters evil spirits every day. Could it be that his horoscope is too weak?"

Yuan Qi gave him an analysis: "It's normal for ordinary people to wear one or two pieces of self-defense, but not many wear so many like him. Even you, second brother, only carry an amulet and a hairpin with you, and I You don’t wear the hairpin I gave you every day, right?”

Jiang Junjing nodded in agreement: "According to what you said, he is a little suspicious, so you should be careful."

He took what Yuan Qi gave him and murmured to himself: "No, I have to ask your third brother about this matter. Your third brother always has many ideas. He may have a way."

Yuan Qi had no objection to him asking Jiang Junyu. Jiang Junyu did have a lot of information. She hummed: "Go ahead and tell him the matter in detail. Maybe he will be able to detect something."

As soon as Jiang Junjing left, Wen Zhujun came over with a tea tray and poured her a glass of water: "This matter doesn't seem to be directed at your brother, but rather at you. I'll go with you tomorrow."

Yuan Qi nodded: "Why don't you invite Tu Shanli to join us?"

Wen Zhuyun touched her head: "That's right. When you encounter trouble, just call for help. How old are you? There's no shame in asking for help."

Yuan Qi spoke to her meaningfully, and after a while he asked her: "Are you sure you didn't just say that because you wanted to see Tu Shanli's skills? He is very powerful."

Wen Zhuyun snorted: "You don't tell the truth when you see it, do you understand?"

Yuan Qi curled her lips and said nothing. She took out a bunch of various talismans from the cloth bag, including immobilization talisman, blasting talisman, invisibility talisman, teleportation talisman, and even water repellent talisman and explained their usage in detail.

Wen Zhuyun kept it all in mind silently. Although she had not yet learned the simplest peace charm, she could still learn how to use it. She studied very seriously and tried each one.

Early the next morning, Yuan Qi put aside his work of refining medicine and set off early in the car with Jiang Junjing, along with the three sisters Jiang Jiulu, Jiang Bailu and Jiang Trulu.

The four women were chattering excitedly in the car, especially Jiang Srulu. She felt that Jiang Jiulu was going to rob Xiao Zhen from her, and they talked particularly enthusiastically on the way.

Not to be outdone, Jiang Jiulu almost quarreled with her several times.

Yuan Qi pretended not to see it and raised the car curtain to look at the scenery outside.

The Saihe River is ten miles south of the city. It has picturesque scenery and open terrain. There are many slender dragon boats parked on the river. There is a cowhide drum on the bow of each dragon boat. Before you get close, you can hear the loud sound of the drum. , and shouts.

The people on the dragon boat are all wearing uniforms and sitting neatly inside. The drummer beats the drum rhythmically, which is inspiring.

"It's so exciting!" Jiang Jiulu saw the lively scene, and his whole body became energetic, and the fatigue of the car ride was gone.

A few girls ran towards the trestle on the riverside. There were many people standing on the trestle, and they all came to watch the fun like them.

Jiang Jiulu and Yuan Qi found a seat near the front and pointed at a red dragon boat: "Look, that red boat is so beautiful!"

Jiang Junjing had already gone to change clothes, and told the guards to keep an eye on the four young ladies. There would be no trouble if there were too many people.

Yuan Qi looked carefully at the surface of the river, and there was indeed a strong evil spirit floating on the water where the sky and water met, but ordinary people couldn't see it.

It is estimated that there are water ghosts or water monsters here, and there are no water birds flying or circling in that area. Yuan Qi felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see Tu Shanli and Wen Zhujun standing behind her.

Tu Shanli used the invisibility charm to make people around him automatically ignore his beauty and temperament, and even ignore his Xun Zai. In the eyes of others, he is just an ordinary man.

"Did you see that place?" Yuan Qi pointed at the thick evil aura.

Tu Shanli said: "You saw it, so it's obvious that I can't see anymore and am not blind anymore? When will you prepare the medicine I gave you? It's waiting to be sold. If you don't hurry up, I will close the door."

Yuan Qi scolded him angrily: "Why bother? Just wait. Refining medicine doesn't consume spiritual energy? The process of refining medicine is complicated, and I don't have many people, so I can't do it quickly."

Tu Shanli took advantage of his height and knocked her on the head: "No one dares to talk to me like that except you."

Wen Zhujun envied Yuan Qi for being able to talk to Tu Shanli so casually, unlike her. She spoke carefully in front of Tu Shanli and considered every word before speaking. She didn't dare to be so rude to others.

And Tu Shanli didn't regard her as a friend. In Tu Shanli's eyes, she was just a servant.

I don’t know when she could talk to Tu Shanli so casually.

Jiang Trulu and Jiang Jiulu's sharp eyes saw Xiao Zhen and Jiang Junjing's boat almost at the same time. They pointed at the red dragon boat excitedly: "Look where the Fifth Highness is over!"

When the two shouted, everyone looked over, and the girls in the crowd screamed.

"Your Highness the Fifth Prince is so handsome!"

"Young Master Jiang is still good-looking!"

There were some people in the crowd who praised everyone. Wen Zhuyun sneered: "No matter how good-looking they are, they can't compare to us in Tushanli."

Yuan Qi was quite proud, as if he was talking about his own son: "That's right, he is a nine-tailed fox, naturally charming, and everyone who sees him is obsessed with him."

Tu Shanli hit her on the head again angrily: "You are the only one who talks too much."

Wen Zhuyun suddenly thought of something: Could it be that he liked Tu Shanli because he was naturally charming and seduced people unconsciously?

She shook her head and got rid of this thought, feeling that she was being a villain. Tu Shanli's strength is almost that of a demigod, so there is no need to seduce anyone.

Yuan Qi had seen Jiang Junjing's boat a long time ago, and he passed by that area where the evil spirit was relatively strong, and he didn't see any trouble with them. Moreover, there were many people and dragon boats passing there, and no one was unusual.

This is very strange.

Accompanying the dragon boat team, many big fish three to five feet long jumped up from the river, following the dragon boat team as they moved forward rapidly.

Many people saw it, cheering and screaming one after another.

"The Dragon King has appeared!"

"The Dragon King has appeared!"


Many people knelt down devoutly, kowtowed and prayed.

Yuan Qi and Tu Shanli felt that it was unusual. There were only one or two fish accompanying the dragon boat. So many fish were too abnormal.

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