Yuan Qi and Tu Shanli looked at each other with solemn expressions. They both found that the water was covered with a layer of black evil aura, and it was getting thicker and thicker. They didn't know how powerful the evil spirit in the water was.

Yuan Qi didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of hurting the people on the river.

However, mortal eyes cannot see these evil spirits, and they think that the fish jumping out of the water with the dragon boat is auspicious.

And it was obvious that the dark clouds over the river were slowly gathering, forming a dark cloud cover. The wind was blowing on the river, and the river was gradually turbulent, with high waves on the river.

The people on the dragon boat all realized that the weather was about to change, and they rowed to the shore one after another.

Those who moved slowly were overturned by the boat and its crew members. Some people were even swept up high by the wind and waves, and then slammed into the water, and then disappeared.

In a short time, more than a dozen boats were overturned, and some were even torn apart by the wind and waves.

Even some of the people watching the excitement on the shore were swept away by the waves. Everyone ran away crying and hiding in the carriage, and some even ordered the driver to leave quickly.

The scene was in chaos. Someone accidentally fell down and was trampled on. The sound of crying for father and mother was intertwined with the sound of wind and waves, forming a very scary music.

Jiang Jiulu saw the huge wind and waves, and saw with her own eyes that the slender dragon boat was lifted into the sky, and people floated up and then sank like duckweeds in the stormy water.

Not to mention Jiang Bailu and Jiang Trulu, who were so frightened that they hid behind the guards and had already asked the guards to escort them and ran towards the carriage.

Yuan Qi asked his guards to escort Jiang Jiulu and others back to the carriage to avoid danger. Because Wen Zhujun was made of paper and was not convenient for fighting on the river, he asked her to guard the people on the bank.

Tu Shanli looked closely at the black mist on the river that almost covered the entire river. After looking for a long time, he couldn't find where the evil spirit was.

"Have you found where the evil spirit is?"

Yuan Qi shook his head: "No, this evil spirit is so cunning that he can hide under the water and not come out."

She threw several explosive talismans in different directions, and then used a dozen evil-repelling talismans. The black mist on the river suddenly reduced a lot, but there was still no trace of the evil spirits.

Jiang Junjing did not expect such a thing to happen. He and Xiao Zhen escorted the contestants ashore. The wind and waves on the shore were very strong. The dragon boats could not reach the shore. Some of them were pushed back by the wind and waves. Some people fell into the water from the boat. Seeing that The team members struggling in the water were floating up and down, and they were about to die. The two of them were very anxious.

Jiang Junjing suddenly remembered the talisman given by Yuan Qi, so he took out one and threw it towards the river.

The wind and waves on the shore suddenly became much smaller.

Xiao Zhen was shocked by the power of Jiang Junjing's talismans. He was also surprised that he seemed to have endless use of talismans. Are such powerful talismans free of charge?

"Where did you get these talismans?"

Jiang Junjing replied: "Seventh sister gave it to me."

Xiao Zhen secretly sighed that Yuan Qi was indeed a powerful person, no wonder he could easily discover his Gu.

He asked again curiously: "Are they all painted by Miss Seven?"

Jiang Junjing pulled someone over and replied: "Yes, they were all painted by Seventh Sister. I am grateful for these talismans today. Your Highness, please be careful, there may be evil spirits in the water."

He also took a careful look at Xiao Zhen and found that all the pendants on his body were still there and intact.

During this period, Jiang Junjing kept throwing talismans and seals. Although it was a bit difficult, the contestants on the shore finally made it ashore successfully.

Xiao Zhen was also very anxious. He wanted the water ghost to kill Yuan Qi, but he didn't want him to harm the contestants and the people watching.

He saw that the wind and waves were getting bigger and bigger, and there were still dozens of people who could not get ashore. He was anxious and there was nothing he could do, so he asked Jiang Junjing: "Can you throw the talisman paper farther away?". Yuan Qi threw evil-repelling charms one after another at places where there were people, so that those in the water could get ashore as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Yuan Qi's talismans are very easy to use. After throwing the evil talismans one after another, the wind and waves there have indeed reduced a lot.

"Hurry up and get ashore!" Yuan Qi shouted loudly.

Tu Shanli also took the opportunity to fly to the river, pull out the people in the water and send them to the shore.

After doing this for more than twenty times, almost all the people in the water were rescued.

Jiang Junjing saw that Yuan Qi had no intention of leaving, so he came over to persuade her: "Everyone has left, let's go too."

Yuan Qi said righteously: "There is a powerful evil spirit in the water. If we don't get rid of it today, it will become a big problem in the future. Besides, there will be training and dragon boat races here in the future. We can't let the evil spirit harm people again. We must contain it."

"Then let me help you! Seventh sister, you are still so young, I cannot let you face evil spirits alone."

Yuan Qi pointed to Tushanli on the river: "He's here to help. You should leave quickly and don't cause trouble here."

After saying that, Yuan Qi also flew onto the river, and flew towards the thickest black air with Tu Shanli.

She threw the first few blasting talismans, and the thick black energy dissipated as expected.

"Bang!" There was a sudden loud vibration on the water, and the water splashed up to a height of five feet.

Yuan Qi and Tu Shanli quickly retreated to avoid.

Immediately afterwards, a humanoid monster covered with water plants emerged from the water. The monster seemed to be made of water plants. The water plants kept growing and soon spread over a large area of ​​​​the water.

Moreover, those water plants seemed to have eyes, growing upward from the water below Tu Shanli and Yuan Qi's feet, trying to entangle their feet.

Yuan Qi offered several fire talismans, and Tu Shanli also used long swords to chop down the entangled water plants.

Water plants are not afraid of pain at all, and they are not afraid of fire. When fire encounters water plants, they cannot ignite the water plants, and even go out.

"Seeking death!" Yuan Qi was not afraid. He took out an octagonal mirror from the cloth bag and chanted a spell, and the mirror glowed golden.

Wherever the golden light went, the water plants receded quickly.

Not long after, all the water plants on the water shrank back, and even the human-shaped water plant revealed its true appearance. It was a man in black clothes, all wet, and very handsome. The man shook his body, The water vapor on the body disappeared.

He then turned into a handsome young man.

However, it was a bit disturbing. This young man was filled with black energy and had a ferocious expression on his face.

Yuan Qi and Tu Shanli both saw that this male water ghost was not even a thousand years old but eight hundred years old, and his cultivation was very profound. No wonder he made such a big noise just now.

I don’t know how many innocent people died at his hands in the past two years.

"Who are you and why are you harming living beings here?" Yuan Qi asked him.

"Seeing that you two have some skills in making me reveal my true identity, I will tell you that I am Xuanyuan Lang, the prince of Wu'an in the Baiye Dynasty a thousand years ago. The entire river is mine for thousands of miles upstream and downstream. Territory, if you want to hold a dragon boat race here, that’s okay, just give me a hundred girls.”

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