Snowy Chang'an Road

Chapter 97 Pregnant

"A sneeze", Xiao Shen sneezed hard and big.

After a busy day, he was lying on the bed now. His body was very tired, but his brain was extremely clear. The thin figure kept appearing in his mind.

He couldn't get it out of his mind, he really couldn't forget it. He forced himself not to think about it, but the more he didn't think about it, the clearer the figure became.

What he was thinking about was exactly what Wei Shao and Pei Ying were having a heated discussion.

Seeing Wei Shao's firm tone, Pei Ying continued: "I didn't believe it at first, but Xiao Shen made it too obvious."

"Why is it so obvious? We just arrived in Henan County today. These two people have only known each other for a day. They haven't even spoken to each other. How come they fall in love with each other?"

"Wei Shao, I don't agree with what you are saying. Some people stay together for a lifetime and have no feelings for each other, while some people only need to meet once for a thousand years."

After hearing what she said, Wei Shao smiled.

"why are you laughing?"

"I just remembered that when I first met you, you were dressed very plainly, and you looked extremely cold, with the words "Keep strangers out" written all over your face. Now that I think about it, time flies so fast."

"Then it was love at first sight for you?"

Wei Shao thought for a while and answered her: "Yes."

"It seems that you are a lustful person. To put it bluntly, love at first sight is just lust."

"It's not up to me. Who made you so naturally beautiful that I can't take my eyes away?"


When I first met Wei Shao, he was not a good talker. After getting along for a long time, the two of them were gradually attracted to each other's characteristics and gradually moved closer to each other.

"Don't talk about the two of us. If you don't believe it, if you observe Xiao Shen more tomorrow, you will find that this boy not only works hard, but also looks towards the place where Zhan Rao is from time to time."

"Okay, I'll take a look tomorrow."

After the two of them finished talking, Wei Shao consciously returned to the couch. This is the kind of person he is. He must do what he says and do what he says.

Pei Ying already felt lucky that the two of them could still live in peace since the last incident of avoiding the child's decoction. She originally thought that the relationship between the two might collapse because of this incident, but she didn't expect that Wei Shao's mood was very stable, and he didn't. What extreme actions and words.

The relationship between the two seems to have changed, but it also seems to have stayed the same.

The next morning, Pei Ying woke up early. After all, she was not at home. In addition, she was a little uncomfortable with the bed, so she didn't sleep well all night.

She thought she woke up very early, but when she left the room and saw Yun Rou and Zhan Rao busy, she couldn't help but sigh that she thought it was early, but it was not too early.

"Princess, you are awake, I will bring you some water to wash your face."

Yunrou probably didn't expect Pei Ying to wake up so early. She usually brought the washing water to wake the princess up, but today was strange.

Pei Ying came to the courtyard and saw her coming, Zhan Rao stopped what he was doing.

"Princess, you are awake. How did you sleep last night?"

"Good that you took the trouble."

"I have already made arrangements for the porridge shed. You can go and have a look after breakfast later."

"it is good."

After breakfast, Pei Ying went to the porridge shed for a walk. After yesterday's arrangements, the women who were affected by the disaster were put into work and were responsible for everyone's meal. The men went up to the Yellow River to block the breach, and the old man was responsible for taking care of the children. People do their best and everything is in order.

Zhan Rao was young after all. After finishing the work in the porridge shed, she went to the Yellow River again.

Pei Ying walked around in a circle and felt tired. Accompanied by Yun Rou, she returned to the Sheriff's Mansion to rest.

"Yunrou, I don't know what's going on lately. I always feel tired and have no appetite for food."

"Princess, you drank a small bowl of porridge this morning. Do you have stomach trouble again?"

"That's not the case. I don't feel any discomfort in my stomach. I just don't want to eat."

"I've been on the road a lot these days, and I was busy until late yesterday. Maybe you're tired, so you should have a good sleep."

"Okay, but everyone is busy, so why don't I help?"

"It's okay. Your Majesty is just taking you out to relax. They can handle the disaster relief work."

Hearing what Yunrou said, Pei Ying felt better. After all, everyone was busy working on disaster relief, but she fell asleep in her room. Yunrou scented Pei Ying, tucked her into bed, and left the room.

During this sleep, Pei Ying slept so deeply that she didn't even know when Wei Shao would come back.

Wei Shao was busy all morning and returned to the governor's house during lunch. Pei Ying was nowhere to be seen. When he returned to the room, he found her sleeping soundly.

"Madam, madam"

He called several times, and Pei Ying woke up in a daze. Wei Shao saw her face flushed, her eyes blurred, and she was unconscious. He reached out and touched Pei Ying's face.

"Why is it so hot?"

"Wei Shao, are you back?"

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"It's so cold."

In such a hot summer, Pei Ying felt cold. It was obvious that she had a fever.


"Your Majesty."

"Go and ask the doctor quickly, the princess has a fever."


Yunrou walked out of the room and met Bai Zheng head-on.

"Yunrou, why are you so panicked?"

"Brother Bai, the princess has a fever, I'm going to ask the doctor."

"I'll go."

"it is good."

Seeing Bai Zheng running away, Yunrou was a little lost in thought.

In the room, Wei Shao waited anxiously behind the doctor, Yun Rou also stood by the bed, and Zhan Rao stood further away, but also looked at the princess with great concern.

Everything was fine, why did it suddenly get hot?

After the doctor entered the house, he met the county governor and learned the identity of Princess Pei Ying of Beiping. Therefore, he was very cautious when diagnosing the pulse at this moment. Even if he had the answer in his mind, he repeatedly asked for confirmation.

"My lord, congratulations, the princess is pregnant."


Pei Ying, who was in a daze from being burned, suddenly became energetic after hearing this. She forced herself to sit up, and Yun Rou quickly helped her.

"How could I be pregnant?"

"The princess has been pregnant for more than a month, and the fetus is still small and difficult to detect, so I repeated the diagnosis several times before I was sure."

Wei Shao's calm heart was completely disturbed by the doctor's words.

After more than a month, Pei Ying began to think back. The last time was probably a month ago. Because of the confession with Wei Shao, she was also upset and did not drink the anti-child decoction. But it was just that one time. Why did she get pregnant? Are you on it?

Pregnancy, is it that easy?

No, this is too outrageous!

How is it possible to get pregnant at once?

Pei Ying was so distraught, she was still dizzy from the fever, so she could only lie down again.

"Mr. Doctor, thank you, Bai Zheng, come in."

"My lord, what's wrong?"

"The princess is pregnant. Please take the doctor down to receive the reward."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wei Shao glanced at Pei Ying lying on the bed and walked to her excitedly.

Seeing this, Yun Rou pulled Zhan Rao and silently retreated.

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