Snowy Chang'an Road

Chapter 98 Shackles and Imprisonment

Wei Shao and Pei Ying were the only two people left in the room. Wei Shao sat by the bed and held Pei Ying's hand tightly.

But he didn't know how to speak.

"Are you feeling bad?"

Pei Ying said nothing.

In fact, Wei Shao really wanted to say sorry to Pei Ying, but he really couldn't. Pei Ying was pregnant, which was a great thing for him.

"You have a good rest. I'll ask the doctor to prescribe you some medicine first."

"You can't take medicine when you're pregnant."


Pei Ying saw that he was confused and turned away angrily.

Outside the room, after Wei Shao talked with the doctor, he learned that pregnant women should not take medicine at will.

"Mr. doctor, my wife's fever persists and she can't take medicine. What should we do?"

"Your Majesty, wipe the princess's skin with a wet handkerchief to reduce the fever. However, the water must be ice cold for the effect to be good."


After the doctor left, Wei Shao asked Yunrou to fetch cold water, and he wiped Pei Ying's face with a wet handkerchief. After trying for a long time, it still had no effect.

Pei Ying's face became redder and redder.

"My lord, is this water cold enough? My maid, please add some ice to it."

"I'm afraid the water is too cold and she won't be able to bear it."

Seeing Pei Ying's uncomfortable look, Wei Shao became more and more anxious.

"Yunrou, ask Bai Zheng to bring the bathtub to the room, get a few more buckets of well water, and get a bucket of ice cubes."


After everything was ready, Wei Shaoqing retreated from everyone and took off his clothes.

Even though it was summer, the irritation of the ice bucket to the skin made Wei Shao couldn't help but shudder. He sat in the ice bucket for a while and felt that his body was getting very cold. He immediately got on the bed and put Pei Ying on the bed. In my arms.

This cooling method was repeated many times. After using several buckets of ice, Wei Shao touched Pei Ying's forehead and felt the temperature of her body drop.

Seeing Pei Ying sleeping peacefully, Wei Shao couldn't help but reach out and touch her flat belly.

Even though there is no bulge there yet, Wei Shao seems to have felt the little life.

Pei Ying slept for a long time. When she woke up, the sunset had already turned red in the sky. The glow filtered into the room through the cracks in the window. She took a look and saw that there was no one but herself.

Pei Ying began to be in a daze, looking at the curtains at the head of the bed and touching her belly.

The doctor said that she was pregnant, which felt very wonderful, but she couldn't be happy, so why was she pregnant?

Wei Shao was carrying porridge, and Yun Rou and Bai Zheng followed him into the room with a lot of food.

"You're awake, are you hungry?"

Seeing Pei Ying about to get out of bed, Wei Shao hurriedly walked to the bed, stopped her, and stuffed two soft pillows behind her to make her more comfortable.

"Don't move. You are better. The doctor told you not to move."

"Wei Shao, I just have a fever."

"No, you must be hungry. Eat first."

After sleeping all day and eating nothing for breakfast, Pei Ying's stomach was already growling with hunger. She picked up the porridge and ate it with big mouthfuls. Wei Shao also held a bowl of chicken soup in his hand and looked at her lovingly.

"Can you not watch me eat?"

"Bai Zheng, Yunrou, please step back."


"And you, can you stop watching me eat?"

Wei Shao shook his head and said, "You are so beautiful."

Pei Ying was so shocked by his words that he was speechless. Just like that, under Wei Shao's gaze, Pei Ying ate a lot. Seeing that her appetite improved, Wei Shao felt relieved.

"On the one hand, this trip to Henan County is for disaster relief. I also want to take you back to your old home in Nanyang to meet your relatives."

"Of course, we'll set off as soon as the things here are finished."

"But you are pregnant now, so you shouldn't be too tired."

Hearing what he said, Pei Ying could no longer hide her desire to stab someone.

"Wei Shao, I'm pregnant, not an amputation. Don't you know that walking more is only good for the fetus in the belly, not bad?"

"Did you agree to have this child?"

Pei Ying said nothing.

"Madam, this is God's will. You have been drinking the decoction to prevent pregnancy. It is difficult to get pregnant. But I didn't expect that God would let us down this last time and allow us to have a child of our own."

Wei Shao's tone could not hide his happiness, but Pei Ying ignored him.

After saying a few more words, Wei Shao felt Pei Ying's unhappiness.

"you are not happy?"


Pei Ying did not hide her emotions, and she would not choose to endure it and make herself uncomfortable.

"Madam, I want to know why you don't want to have a baby?"

"No reason."

"Everything happens for a reason. Tell me, every time we mentioned these things before, you were always uninterested or prevaricated. I really want to know why? Every woman around me is willing to do it. Your husband gave birth to children and blossomed, so why are you different from them?"

Pei Ying looked at Wei Shao and said, "Do you really think that those women who gave birth to children did so willingly?"

"Wei Shao, you don't understand women at all. Let's not go too far, just use my sister Pei Sheng as an example. She is only sixteen years old, but she has already experienced miscarriage and one childbirth. Before leaving Chang'an, I visited the palace. She, her body is still very weak, and the skin on her belly has been stretched, leaving lines that will never go away.”

"If the lines on her belly can be covered with clothes, what about her face that cannot be covered by clothes? She is haggard and weak, and her hair has lost its luster and is falling out in large clumps."

"But these are just not good enough things. What is really heartbreaking is that on the day she gave birth, her fetus was in an abnormal position and she was almost dragged to death by the child in her belly. She had even thought about her last words, fearing that she would not be able to fulfill her filial piety to her parents. You know How uncomfortable do I feel?"

"But what about your Wei family? They ignored her because she gave birth to a girl. Her husband, your brother Wei Huan, stayed with her when she was weakest and needed company most after giving birth. Next to Yongqiang, my sister is left alone."

"This world has never been fair to women. Carrying on the family line is just a yoke imposed on women by the world."

It was obvious that Pei Ying's consciousness in these words was too advanced. If she hadn't said it today, Wei Shao would not have realized it.

"Don't be excited. I like it whether you give birth to a boy or a girl. It is the child of the two of us. I will definitely love him very much."

"I can't take your place in the pain of childbirth, but from now on, it's me, Wei Shao, who owes Madam. I promise Madam that no matter what happens in the future, as long as Madam is unhappy, she can take it out on me. I promise she won't be beaten. If you don't retaliate, I will trade the pain of this life for the pain of my wife, okay?"

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