Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 164 The 3rd ‘Miss Li’

Chapter 164 The third ‘Miss Li’

I frowned and hesitated for a moment, then opened the door of the second room with the iron safe in hand.

I'm not sure I have what I want, so I'd better take another look.

Fortunately, this journey was very smooth. It seemed that I was right in judging that the danger was not on my side, and I could try walking again.

If it didn't work, I would break the window and escape. Compared to the beatings of the Tzu Ching girls, the height of the third floor was nothing.

I calmed down and started looking through things according to the old rules.

Although the layout of this room is similar to the previous room, it has many decorations and the walls are covered with certificates of honor.

There was even a half-drunk bottle of whiskey on the bedside table, and in the wardrobe there were well-pressed suits, shirts, and polished leather shoes.

There is also an old black-and-white photo on the desk. The young man is holding a heavy diploma. He indeed looks good and has a dignified appearance.

It's Zhu Shang.

This is Zhu Shang's room, and it is obviously not Miss Li's room.

Do these two people live separately?

I flipped through it casually and spared no effort to find a few discarded letters with signs of tampering in the mezzanine of the desk.

Sure enough, in that era, letters were still relatively important. Traces of letters could be seen everywhere as a formal communication method.
  I held the safe and refused to leave it. I could only lean on the desk and began to read the letters abandoned by the owner with one hand -

[It’s over, it’s over, everything is over, Miss Li is dead! I】

The brief letter ended abruptly.

The second letter is obviously more formal——

【Dear, my love:
  See the letter and know that my heart still loves you!

Everything was over. I bought the poison, but before I could do it, Ms. Li committed suicide.
  Who can believe this? Who would believe it? !

There are rumors outside now, and it is said that I killed Miss Li. I am really going crazy!

My love, please tell me, what should I do?
  I should obviously be happy, but I just went to check the Li family's property and found that there is no money at all in the public accounts!

I'm really going crazy! Damn it——】

There was some smearing at the end of the curse words, as if I felt it was inappropriate, so I copied the previous content again, and then wrote——

【.No one believes me, I only have you, my love.

I know you also have me in your heart. Now let’s just say I was wasted in the Li family for two years.

Although we don’t have the money to go abroad now, our love is stronger than gold and we will definitely be able to make a comeback.

I just have to humiliate you and dance for a short period of time. I will use my diploma to find a class. We will definitely be happy!

It’s so abominable! That bad woman didn't even let people live in peace when she died, but she died at this juncture. I still don't know why she committed suicide.

Obviously that morning, we were called downstairs by the housekeeper, had breakfast together, read the newspaper, and exchanged a few words. After I stayed in the study for a while, someone came to the study to disturb me, saying that Miss Li was dead.
  I do not understand
  And where is the money? Obviously we are almost able to go abroad and buy you a jade bracelet——】

There was another alteration on the jade bracelet, which obviously seemed inappropriate again.

Considering that the dancer lover had an quarrel with Zhu Shang because of the jade bracelet, it seems that Zhu Shang was afraid that his lover would be angry again, so he copied a new letter.

The latter letter must have been sent, because the fourth letter has another beginning -        我爱,   Why don't you reply?

I've heard some bad rumors lately and I'd like to know that none of this is true, right?
  How can a woman like you, who has grown up in the mire but is not stained, become Boss Qian's second wife?

And didn’t we agree to grow old together?

Those rumors are all false, right? ? You are not such a vain bitch——]

‘Bitch’ was crossed out, followed by another one:
  [Please, please reply to my letter?
  I.I need your help and I wish we could meet.

I have been having trouble falling asleep all night recently. Whenever I fall asleep, I see Ms. Li lying dead in front of the glass tank where the snakes are kept.

That crazy woman was really a crazy woman. When she died, the vat was filled with blood, and the snakes in it almost drowned.
  Why does she have such a big hatred? Does she hate me?

But I was very careful. I didn’t leave any clues at all. Even every time you sent me a letter, I would write it down after reading it and then burn it.
  I feel so tired every day I live in the Li family. Recently, every night, I can feel something looking at me in the dark, accompanied by strange noises.
  I am a staunch materialist, but I really can’t hold on like this every night. I need your help. I miss you very much xx——]

The back is unsightly, presumably because it was abandoned.

But after reading the letter, I had no time to think about why the letter was discarded. All I could think about was——

The fake Miss Li really committed suicide!

But she committed suicide, obviously not because of Zhu Shang, because if a ghost turns into a ghost after death, the period just after death will definitely be the most ferocious, and Zhu Shang is not dead.

Not to mention that after nearly two hundred years of silence, he suddenly started killing people.
  In this case, then the question arises——

The real Miss Li left home without a trace, and the fake Miss Li committed suicide and most likely did not become a ghost. So whose voice is the woman who summoned people here?
  There is no third woman in the whole story.
  No, that's not right.

There is no ‘woman’, but there is something else.

When the fake Miss Li committed suicide, she committed suicide next to the glass tank where the snake was kept. Zhu Shang said that people watched him every night and made strange noises.
  is it possible--

Is it a snake?

The Li family's crafting of leather paper presumably requires a variety of creatures suitable for leathermaking.

It is obviously difficult to make skins from small snakes, not to mention that it is also difficult to sell them.

But larger snakes are more likely to be spiritual than small snakes!
  After all, in the biosphere, being large is like "one inch longer and one inch stronger" when playing with weapons.

Her size alone can make her enemies fearful or make them surrender.

Then a snake with some intelligence, plus the blood of a woman who committed suicide, or the water of resentment
  Finally, add the ‘insignificant’ two hundred years.
  My heart is beating wildly, the truth is ready to come out——

The female voice that lured the man to come to Li’s abandoned building was not Miss Li at all!
  Neither Miss Li!

But a snake!

The reason why she appeared at this time is because she had just transformed into a human form! ! !

It was previously speculated that 'Miss Li' was resentful of men, so the possibility of killing men was not very tenable.

Come on, that's a snake, a snake demon!

Although it is stained with the blood of the fake Miss Li, it has never been harmed by a man. Isn't it a joke that it only kills men?
  I figured out the key, and suddenly felt chills all over my body——

Now the situation is reversed, but it is me who is left alone.

 anyone there? Come out and say wow, my dears, the more I read, the colder my heart becomes. There is no one around these days QAQ
  (End of this chapter)

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