Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 165: Like a dream, nothing happens

Chapter 165: Like a dream, nothing happens
  In other words, don't have absolute trust in the accuracy of the information given by others, and don't have absolute trust in your own judgment.

This situation is really embarrassing.
  From the original [The Li family recruited a son-in-law, Miss Li was murdered by the son-in-law, and the murder was carried out with resentment] it became——

[Father Li tearfully called for his son-in-law when he was ill, the real Miss Li ran away for freedom, the fake Miss Li committed suicide, and Miss Snake brought up the past a hundred years later and started hunting. 】

Oh, in this story, the son-in-law may not have anything to do with him at all.

On the whole, he is just an ordinary person.

Although this ordinary person is stupid and bad.

The whole thing was a far cry from what we had talked about in the funeral home.

I gathered myself together, managed to regain my composure, hesitated for a few seconds, and opened the last door under the pressure of Miss Snake who might appear at any time.

Just in case, just in case there are still clues, if the last door is not opened, it will definitely be more gain than loss.

I opened the door anxiously, but no monster appeared on my face as I imagined.

Obviously, although this is the room where the fake Miss Li and Zhu Shang were separated, Miss Snake is not here.

The layout of this house is very plain, with almost nothing else except a bed, desk, and wardrobe.

The wardrobe is filled with simple and elegant women's clothes, almost all of which are conservative styles that cover the wrists and feet, and there is no pair of high heels.

There aren't even books in the desk cabinet, just some shadow puppets that are properly kept in boxes.

I took out the shadow puppet and prepared to put it in front of the window to check the material carefully. Unexpectedly, as soon as I took out the shadow puppet, a piece of paper fell out.

I thought it was another envelope lying around, but when I looked carefully, I found it was not a piece of white paper, but a cut-out piece of newspaper.

The newspaper only recorded one piece of news, which read in large black letters——

[In 1xxx, the Youth of the Times, launched for the first time, will soon carry young people of the new era to the Maple Leaf Kingdom! 】

[Congratulations to Qingnianhao and all the new young people, who are about to embark on a different life! 】

Below the photo is another black and white photo taken when the voyage was about to take place.

The photographer was actually very far away. He could only see a large number of young people gathered around the deck greeting people at the port, handing things over, seeming to be making purchases, and giving farewell instructions, but he couldn't see their faces clearly.

Among these young people, there is another young woman with short shoulder-length hair who is about to board the ship and is the most outstanding.

She was wearing a shirt and short skirt, with a black suitcase at her feet. She was throwing her hat high in the wind. Although she couldn't see her face, her movements showed her excitement.

Is it Miss Li?

It should be, it can be placed here, and the time and location match. It must be the ferry carrying Miss Li.

It seems that the relationship between the real and fake Miss Li is still good. After the real Miss Li left, the fake Miss Li still kept the photo of the real Miss Li.

I turned the newspaper with one hand, glanced behind me casually, and wanted to put the paper back into the shadow puppet box.

But with just this casual glance, my whole body felt as if I had fallen into an ice cellar.

There is no other reason, because there is also a piece of cut letter paper stuck to the back of the newspaper. There are only a few words on the paper——

[Ah Si, do you know? When I arrived at the concession, before I even saw the Youth Boat, I received a lot of money from my father, who asked my uncle to hurry up and send it to me!

In fact, I can make great achievements in Maple Leaf Country without so many gold bars. Dad is too worried about me.
  I won’t spend a lot of money, I will save it and come back to you with the money after I finish my PhD studies in Maple Leaf Country.
  The reason why I wrote this text message is actually to tell you not to worry too much about me. I'm really sorry about what happened before. I really didn't say that to you because I wanted to marry Zhu Shang.

Little did you know that my sudden expression of my feelings would scare you.

I just want to see you singing shadow puppets in the courtyard in the afternoon.

Sometimes, I really wonder who is my father’s daughter. Otherwise, why wouldn’t I be interested in paper puppets?
  Forget it, let’s not talk about this.

Maybe, I can use these few years of my Ph.D. to think carefully about where we should go.

As for dad, after I leave, he will definitely give up on seeking a son-in-law. As long as I leave, I can say anything and he may be very angry. Just don't get into trouble in front of him recently.

When I come back, you will definitely wait for me to come back. 】

I was really struck by this letter.

It turns out that the relationship between the real and fake Ms. Li is really extraordinary!

Although I had known that there was a high probability that the whole story would have nothing to do with the son-in-law, I was still shocked when I found out that the son-in-law was just a soy sauce character.

And the most important thing is——

The money and gold bars were taken away by the real Miss Li!
  Ah Pick Ah Shi, this time is destined to come back in vain!
  I sorted out my thoughts for a moment, and then fell into another doubt——

So, why did the fake Miss Li commit suicide?

Now that we know that she was most likely put on the shelf by Father Li and replaced Miss Li, but judging from how carefully she preserved the real Miss Li's letters, there should be some friendship.

The real Miss Li had already told the fake Miss Li to wait for her, so why did she suddenly commit suicide again?
  An idea flashed in my mind. I closed the letters in my hands and stuffed them back into the shadow box. Then I stuffed them into my backpack and started running towards the study.

I went up two floors, and only the study had a large glass jar, and there wasn't even a door downstairs.

That fake Miss Li died in the study!
  When I was rummaging through the book, I only cared about the layers inside the book and the words about the parchment paper.

But in fact, I missed the truth!
  Panting, I carried the safe and re-entered the study, and once again rummaged through the pile of old newspapers under the glass jar.

I understand!

Miss Li’s relationship was not false, otherwise she would not have waited more than two years before committing suicide.

She was really waiting, but she suddenly saw something that day and couldn't wait anymore. In other words, she clearly understood——

The person she is waiting for will never come back.

According to Zhu Shang, the fake Miss Li committed suicide after having breakfast and reading the newspaper that morning. She must have seen something!
  No, no, none.

Obviously when I was searching before, I saw a title about that keyword. Where did it go?
  The time on the watch is approaching 12.

I still have ten minutes at most, otherwise I will most likely be left behind by Ah Chi and Ah Chi, and then be left in Li's abandoned house because I missed the good time.

By then, there’s no telling whether the door will still be so easy to open!
  I was so anxious that I was sweating profusely, and finally found a newspaper among a pile of newspapers with suspicious jet-like black spots on the corners. The title on the newspaper was——

"Youth" sank on the high seas when it launched into the sea for the first time! The forces of all parties have put the blame on each other for various reasons and have blocked the news to this day! 》

 Hehe, I don’t know if you like it or not, but the author quite likes to write it like this (scratching his head.jpg)

  (End of this chapter)

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