Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 198 The Secret Method of Head Changing


Professor Huang obviously did not expect that I would say that, and was stunned on the spot.

"Previously, we judged that the third wife abused Xiaowei and stabbed her to humiliate her stepdaughter, which was enough to show that this woman had a vicious heart. But looking at the information today, every word says that she was kind and benevolent, and she was buried with her husband."

"Would such a strong woman really abuse Xiaowei?"

I muttered to myself, flipping through the information in my hand, and while checking it, I continued:

"It seems, it's not impossible."

"The thinking of most people is definitely to love the house and the bird, but there are a small number of people who think differently from ordinary people. Their love is true, but their methods are also very extreme."

Just like the Tzu Ching girls I know.

The third wife loved her husband, so she died for her husband.

But because she loves her husband, she hates the children left by her husband's ex-wives. How is it impossible?

As for the name of being kind and benevolent, it does not mean that the third lady in history must be a kind and benevolent person.

But Tao Zhugong's second wife was already known to be jealous, so he needed a good wife.

Since he needs a wife with a good reputation, then she will be a good wife.

After figuring out the key, I quickly flipped through the information in my hand and asked:

"This third lady was born in Panyu. Thousands of years ago, Panyu was, if I remember correctly, a place plagued by snakes and ants?"

Professor Huang saw me flipping through the information and seemed to have discovered something, so he immediately said:

"Yes, and it was a place of exile for a long time."

"Only things with the connotation of imported products will be called 'Fan'. The territory is the ruins of the ancient Yue Kingdom and a lot further south. It is estimated that it is a small satellite country that was conquered by the ancient Yue Kingdom during its power."

"There aren't many records in the history books about these small foreign countries. I guess they were just settlements like small tribes. In that era, it was common to donate beauties after a defeat."

"Oh! Maybe after what happened with the second wife, Tao Zhugong thought that marrying a low-status wife would make his daughter more confident?"

"This can also explain why the clan was unwilling to bury the two together and only allowed the third lady's coffin to enter the small ear room, because the status of the two people was not equal!"

Professor Huang obviously figured out the key, his face turned red with excitement:

"That must be the case. According to the joint burial system, only wives who are well-matched can be buried together."

Professor Huang had a rare moment of sobriety, and I quickly found the information I wanted. When I looked carefully, my scalp felt numb for a moment.

In the photos of funerary objects included in the archives, the silver products of different shapes have a common feature -

They are large or small, and they are all engraved with a uniform 'face' or 'mask'.

Professor Huang saw that I was stunned, so he took the information in my hand and looked at it carefully. He didn't have that much of a reaction. When he saw the photo, he showed a rare attitude of a true scholar:

"I have seen photos of these silver products before. They are most likely totem worship of tribal culture. This is actually not too strange."

"I have also seen tribes worshiping teeth, branches, flames, or one-legged birds. These are actually normal, but they were limited by the production techniques at the time, so they were particularly ugly and scary."

"As for why it is a silver product, it should be related to many things. First of all, silver can be used to detect the most basic toxins. Secondly, in the eyes of the Miao people, silver is a sacred object that can ward off evil spirits and ensure peace. Many tribes also have similar worship. "

Professor Huang explained to me that this was not too unusual, and then handed me the information again.

Of course I know that all kinds of strange things in the eyes of these scholars should have reasonable scientific explanations, but I still couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Professor Huang, let's take your example, using Miao as an example, silver products can It detects basic toxins, so it is loved by the Miao people."

"But the premise of this is that the Miao people have voodoo."

I saw that Professor Huang looked confused, as if he still didn’t understand, so I had no choice but to say clearly:

"If there were no poison and no poison, there would be no need for silver products."

"Don't forget, there are poisons in Miao territory, but there is witchcraft in Nanyu!"

I pointed to the photo on the profile and showed it to the other party:

"Look at these faces again, and think about the incident where Tao Zhugong was beheaded and had his body replaced. Do you still think these are normal face accessories?"

"This is obviously a human head!"

Professor Huang was shocked and blurted out:

"Then you mean that it was the third lady who beheaded Mr. Tao Zhu and changed his body?!"

"Why, isn't she the wife of Duke Tao Zhu? Why do you use witchcraft on Duke Tao Zhu?"

"Is it because the tribe was defeated in the war that they secretly harmed the Tao family? Even after Tao Zhugong died, his bones were removed so that he could not live in peace. Later, he was revenged, so he was killed on the coffin?"

It is indeed very possible.

But it sounds like there's still something that's not particularly right.

I thought about it for a long time and was about to go through everything again, but out of the corner of my eye I saw that the fourth eunuch who was in charge seemed to be thinking on his face.

A question suddenly popped up in my mind, and I opened my mouth and asked:

"Fourth Uncle, you have been in the south for many years and have seen a lot. Have you ever heard of any witchcraft about beheading people and changing their bodies?"

"Is there any explanation for this?"

After the brief conversation we had last time, actually this time, the fourth eunuch didn't even look at me as soon as I walked in. When I asked questions, he didn't answer.

It wasn't until Professor Huang seemed to see some clues and asked me again that the fourth eunuch's expression brightened slightly:

"I have never heard of the method of beheading one's head and changing one's body, but I do know the secret method of changing one's head."

Change your head?

Professor Huang and I were shocked. Thinking of the contemplative expressions of the four eunuchs just now, it was obviously this witchcraft!

Sitaibao took a sip of tea and said unhurriedly:

"I became famous in Changzhou early, and I heard a lot of things. One of them was this incident, which left a deep impression on me. But before I can talk about it, I have to ask a question first."

"Have you ever heard of a long-standing opera called "A Mistake of Yin and Yang"?"

By mistake?

I seemed to have some impression of this play. Seeing that Professor Huang was a little confused, he explained the content of the play -

[A scholar took shelter in a ruined temple due to heavy rain. Out of courtesy, he casually placed a stick of incense on the altar in the temple.

But he didn't expect that the ruined temple was not a god or a Buddha, but a shadowy god of the climate.

The so-called Yin gods, at best, are gods; at worst, they are things that come out of nowhere to occupy ruined temples and pretend to be gods and Buddhas.

Monsters, ghosts, and monsters are all possible, and their magical powers are naturally diverse and rarely visible.

The Yin God was surprised to see someone actually offering incense to him, so he immediately showed up and asked the scholar if he could ask for anything.

The scholar thought he had seen a real god appear, and he immediately kowtowed in ceremony. When he heard the last part, he mumbled for a while and said:

"This time I was forced to take the exam in the capital by my wife who was a loser at home. She was ugly and had no money. She was not as beautiful, dignified, virtuous and lovely as my mentor's daughter. It's just that a person like that would be looked down upon and penniless. He has no fame."]


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