Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 288 As expected

"It's not a problem at all!"

Mrs. Gu didn’t know where she got her confidence from, and said in a loud voice:

"Didn't I say that?"

"Since that little bitch was brought back to our house, he has been locked in a utility room without a bed."

"Lao Gu was just confused for a moment, so he was tricked into sleeping with that little bitch. He probably did it in front of so many people two days ago. He felt it was embarrassing to be pestered by her, so he took her back."

"I guess I just plan to lock her up for a few days to give her a long memory!"

The women at Mrs. Gu's table seemed to be making inhaling sounds one after another. A thin woman who had not spoken since entering the restaurant seemed a little unbearable and said:

"How can we sleep when we don't even have a bed? And we've been locked up for three or four days, so don't starve to death."

Mrs. Gu curled her lips:

"No, haven't you ever heard of the saying that disaster will last for thousands of years?"

"Since that little bitch has made up her mind to be a little lover, she must be mentally prepared for this day! Otherwise, she really thinks this is the right path."

The people around her nodded repeatedly, and Mrs. Gu’s disdainful expression softened a little, and she whispered:

"And there's nothing to eat."

"I just want to let her have a long memory and stop clinging to my old Gu in the future. I am still a little afraid that she will die in our house, so I have people deliver food and water three times a day. Although there is no bed or bedding, there is heating. , the heating is sufficient, she won’t be fine.”

The women around looked at each other, and a woman with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks sighed:

"Sister, you are still kind-hearted!"

"If you ask me, you're living a good life. It's not a big deal if that woman insists on interfering with you. In the past, if you were beaten to death and stuffed in a pig cage, you would only be called "good"!"

Others echoed one after another, and a look of struggle and faint fear immediately appeared on Mrs. Gu's ravaged face, and she whispered:

"That's not possible. There is a god three feet above your head. What if the gods and bodhisattvas see it?"

Mrs. Gu is obviously well aware of her husband's changes, and is obviously afraid of certain abilities that are beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

It seems that, as she said, although Yu Jiajia will not be comfortable these days, it will not be too miserable.

Then I can breathe a little easier.

"Jingle Bell!!!"

A sudden ringtone rang, interrupting the women's originally lively chat.

Mrs. Gu took out her brand-name bag and took out the latest fruit phone. However, because she was old and not very good at using high technology, she was unable to answer the phone. The proprietresses who were busy in the kitchen all stuck their heads out to take a look.

Fortunately, the person over there seemed to be very persistent. After the sixty seconds of ringing, another call was made, and then Mrs. Gu successfully connected the phone.

Mrs. Gu put the phone close to her ear and said in a loud voice:


I didn't hear the voice on the other side of the phone, but the next second I saw Mrs. Gu's expression and movements were unusually shocked.

When Mrs. Gu heard the words from the other side, she took a short step, jumped off the seat, and hit the table. The movement was so big that the delicate bowls and chopsticks placed on the table were almost shattered into pieces.

Mrs. Gu's unbelievable roar sounded in the elegant and warm restaurant, with blazing anger:


"Why did Lao Gu release the person and send him to the hospital himself?"

"He hasn't visited that little lover these days! What's wrong with him?"

"Has he been secretly being nice to that little lover these days? What do you do for a living?"

"These two people are just messing around in front of me?!"

"You. You"

This surprise is really shocking. The short and fat Mrs. Gu's chest heaved violently. As soon as she let go of her hand, the fruit phone she was holding fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. It was obvious that she was going to faint in the next second.

The roar echoed through the house, but my heart stopped. At this second, my inner guess was finally verified——

That Mr. Gu is not what Mrs. Gu said, "I'm really hungry, I can eat all this."

The fact is that there is a high probability that Mr. Gu really likes Mrs. Gu.

And Yu Jiajia and Mrs. Gu are so similar.

The same little temper, the same plain appearance, a little clumsy.

Even the slightly lame arrogance is exactly the same.

Even when it came to ordering food, they were questioned. Both of them said the same thing, "Are you afraid I can't pay?" '.

Maybe, I made a mistake?

Previously, I thought that Mr. Gu had rejuvenated, but I stopped Yang Jinhua's car and begged for exchange items again. Maybe it was because "rejuvenation" needed to be "maintained" and he needed to eat Tai Sui meat regularly.

But looking at it today, there is another possibility that Mr. Gu wants to ask Mrs. Gu for a piece of Tai Sui meat.

However, this is extremely unlikely.

After all, even if Mr. Gu loves Mrs. Gu, it doesn't mean he has always loved her.

Isn’t there still one more Yu Jiajia now?

There were many thoughts in my mind, but the people around Mrs. Gu were hurriedly supporting her, as if they wanted to go to the hospital.

The wife who ran the restaurant inside heard the noise and hurried out from the inside:

"Guests, the dishes you ordered have just been prepared, and we just need to cook them. It's a small business. If you leave, no one will ask for the ingredients. You can't leave orders, right?"

Mrs. Gu's physical condition was obviously not good enough to pay the bill, so the women crowded around her and walked out, seeming to move faster.

The beautiful and gentle landlady seemed to want to say more, so I said:

"Lady boss, why don't you give me what they ordered? I just haven't eaten enough."

The charming landlady, who was in her early thirties, glanced at me with her beautiful eyes, and if anything seemed to be missing, she scolded me:

"It's natural to order and pay. It's those people who ordered. Why is this little girl getting involved?"

"The dishes I prepared for the heads of those five people will not be able to be eaten even by four stomachs."

Wu Nong's soft words are really heart-breaking to listen to.

I was thinking about something, but I didn’t think it was anything. I said seriously:

"I naturally eat a lot. If I don't feel full after eating, of course I have to order more."

"The food here is delicious. If I can't finish it, I can pack it back and give it to my family to try. It's just right."

The landlady stared at her beautiful eyes and thought for a while, then finally agreed with my statement and went back to the kitchen to continue preparing meals.

After waiting for a while, the proprietress turned her slender waist and served her special dishes one by one:

"Pork stuffed tofu, Hakka bamboo shoots dumplings. Also, crystal shrimp dumplings."

"You eat these first. If you can still eat them, I will serve them. If you can't eat them, I will keep the vegetables warm in the pot and pack them up when you leave."

The proprietress talked to me while placing the dishes. She quickly served four or five dishes, each of which was delicious, delicious and delicious.

My eyes glanced over, but my attention was attracted by the drawer of crystal clear shrimp dumplings.

The shrimp dumplings are crescent-shaped, each with ten even pleats, a thin and translucent outer skin, slightly red shrimp meat, and a white and red inside.

Logically speaking, it is enough to make people salivate.

But, it’s too thin, the skin is too thin.

The bright red shrimp wrapped under the skin is like flesh and blood beating faintly under the skin.

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