Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 399 Car Radio

"That's weird. I remember this is a weather station?"

"When did this program change?"

The driver drove with one hand and muttered while adjusting the car radio with one hand.

Maybe it was because most of the driver's attention was still on the road and he didn't look carefully at the radio station sign.

The male voice on the radio still reached the ears of everyone in the car steadily:

"The driver who saw this young couple was named Wu. He is middle-aged and earns money by running taxis to support his family."

The driver who had been listening to the car radio suddenly became happy:

"Eh? Listen, the driver in this story has the same last name as me!"

"Don't we, the Wu family, have a naturally large number of people? We can get a hit even if we tell a story!"

The driver muttered a few words, but soon stopped laughing because the on-board radio continued:
"Originally, he worked the day shift, but he had a daughter who was seriously ill and needed a lot of money, so he chose the night shift, which was harder, no one was willing to work, and the money was more."

"Because of his daughter's illness, he worked hard and tried to maintain a hand-to-mouth existence."

"According to the development of all stories, his life should be slowly getting better, and he himself thinks so."

"But how can things be so simple and as expected?"

The male voice on the radio sounded slightly emotional:
"Life always has twists and turns."

"Maybe that's why he met a young man and woman tonight, a young man and woman with a child."

“When he met young men and women with children, what he originally thought was——

'They didn't sleep at night, it was raining so heavily, and they seemed to be holding a child in their arms. Where were the three of them going?

Forget it, never mind, it’s better not to worry so much.

I've already made money tonight, I promised my wife to go back early tonight, and I have to celebrate the girl's birthday tomorrow.'"

"But after thinking about it, he still felt it was inappropriate."

"The driver is very aware of the harm that rain can do to an infant child."

"He thought hard and finally made a decision——

'I still have to take another order. It's okay for the two adults, a man and a woman, to be caught in the rain. The child in their arms is the most pitiful.

There are basically no cars here, and they will definitely get there very late waiting for the bus. If the child gets sick, it will be an innocent life. '"

The driver's face gradually turned pale, but the gentle male voice continued to come from the car radio:

"So he, who was already getting ready to get off work, stepped on the accelerator and stopped in front of the pale-faced man and woman, and asked them to get in the car."

"After the last three passengers got on the bus tonight, because the driver was always worried about the children in their arms who were soaked in the rain, he had to look through the rearview mirror to check what was going on in the back seat from time to time."

"It was fine at the beginning, but as time went by, the vehicle bumped and swayed in the rainy night. After looking back again and again, through the rearview mirror, he actually saw the true face of the 'child' in the woman's arms!"

"Where is the 'child' in my arms?"

"Clearly, it's just an urn!!!"

I stepped on Gong Shuji fiercely, stuffed the urn in my arms into his arms, relied on my slender body, followed the gap between the two front seats, and slid into the front passenger compartment like a loach. He accurately pressed the button to turn off the car radio.

Gong Shuji was still cooperative with me, but the driver had never seen this battle before and immediately stepped on the brakes.

The three people in the car were pulled forward by inertia. All my attention was focused on the car radio. For a moment, I was a little bit blinded by stars, but I still subconsciously shouted:

After Gong Shuji groaned, he agreed quickly:
"Second uncle is fine."

I felt a little relieved and grabbed the driver's wrist that was holding the steering wheel, ignoring the slightly frightened expression on his face:

"Park over the edge."

The driver was a little shocked, but he quickly parked the car in the emergency lane as I said and turned on the double flashers. After a series of actions, the driver realized something was wrong and subconsciously said:
"You can't park here, you'll be deducted six points, and you'll also be fined two hundred."

As soon as the words came out, the driver and I looked at each other and subconsciously shrank back, teeth trembling:
"Forget it, forget it, it's okay, it doesn't matter if you deduct some points."

"But sister, sister, you, why are you reacting so loudly?"

"The driver in this story, the driver thinks and says the same things as me."

"The driver he's talking about can't be me, right?"

"The one in your arms mentioned in this broadcast is not true, is it?"

It was pouring rain outside the car, and I didn't even need to look in the rearview mirror to know that my face must be frighteningly dark now.

I opened my mouth to answer the driver's words, but the next moment, I heard a ghostly male voice coming from the radio that had been turned off again:

"The driver accidentally discovered this fact. His fear made him break out in a cold sweat, and he kept asking about the origin of the urn in the woman's arms."

"The man and woman explained again and again, and then the driver understood——

It turned out that the man and woman holding the urn wanted to take the ashes home for burial. They were afraid that the driver would think it was bad luck and would drive them away, so they called the urn a child."

When the driver in the cab heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, and his originally straight back relaxed a little.

The male voice on the radio noticed this very keenly, paused for a moment, and then said in an exaggerated tone:

"The driver on a rainy night, the unknown road, the man holding the urn."

"And our story, at this moment, has just begun."

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The sound of a needle dropping could be heard in the car, but the male voice did not continue to say anything.

The driver had changed from fear and fear to head-scratching curiosity and shock.

The driver's eyes kept passing between me and Gong Shuji in the back seat. He hesitated to speak and hesitated. He looked like he was almost holding himself back half to death.

In the end, Gong Shuji was the first to break the embarrassment:

"Master, we are not bad people, don't be afraid."

"If it doesn't work, just find a place where we won't get wet and put us down."

The voices of living people broke the awkwardness in the car, and the driver finally came up with a possibility:
"Are you two part of some prank show crew?"

"Do you have any signal jammer on you?"

"After knowing my information, you then use the voice you recorded in advance to play it back to prank me?"

The driver gritted his teeth:
"You are filming illegally, do you understand?"


What do we know?
Based on my judgment, this is nine out of ten——

What the hell!
I thought for a few seconds and agreed with Gong Shuji's words:

"Find a tunnel to put us down."

We didn't respond to anything the driver said, and he was very depressed. After asking for a long time to no avail, he could only start the car again.

But the moment he started the car, almost at the same time, the male voice came from the radio that had been turned off for a long time:

"The driver drove the man and woman holding the urn and started the vehicle again."

“They want to find a tunnel and a place to stay sheltered from the rain, but they don’t know that during the rest of the journey——

Not only would there be no tunnel, they would even be trapped in this section of the journey forever. "(End of chapter)

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