Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 400 Under the Crazy Current


The screeching sound of brakes came, and the driver's car didn't even drive ten meters away before it stopped in place again.

A muffled sound accompanied by the sound of rolling came from the back seat of the car. I was already prepared and pulled the ring on the side of the window to steady my body and looked at Gong Shuji Huai in the rearview mirror again. urn in .

Gong Shuji held the urn in his arms, unable to grab anything.

However, his reaction was also very quick. He bent down, crossed his arms, and pressed his shoulders against the front seat. After a heavy groan, he stabilized his body.

The driver was completely confused at this time, and the sound of chattering teeth came clearly from his mouth:

"I actually listened and heard it this time! The sound came from the radio in front."

"But it's not right, it's not right! This, this radio has been turned off, how can it still be running?"

"You guys, please stop joking. I have a wife and children at home. I drive late at night every day. I don't get enough rest and if I get scared like this, I will die of a heart attack."

"Big brother and big sister, I really...fuck you!"

I followed the driver's gaze and saw that layers of red lotus flowers had quietly bloomed on the clothes on Gong Shuji's shoulders.

Obviously, the two collisions just now caused the wounds on his body to burst again, and even the bandages that were originally wrapped before going out could no longer suppress the blood.

The faint smell of blood spread throughout the car, and the driver's hair was red, white, black and green.

To use a cliché metaphor, it is really similar to a color palette.

I reached out and turned the rearview mirror toward me:

"Master driver, I have two pieces of news to tell you. Which one do you want to hear first?"

The driver did not hesitate and answered directly in a repeated voice:

"Good news, good news, I want to hear the good news first!"

I glanced sideways at him, my eyes passing through the sweat on his head:

“There’s no good news, there’s just bad news, and there’s even worse news.”

"The bad news is, we seem to have hit a ghost."

A radio station that 'speaks' without being turned on.

A radio host who reveals everyone's privacy and secrets.

There are 'hints' of ulterior motives on the way forward.
This can be said to be beyond the scope of science and into some kind of supernatural power system.

And the most important thing is——

"Another piece of bad news, we are now an 'island'."

I told another piece of news in a deep voice, and the driver subconsciously repeated it:

I nodded, took out my phone and glanced at:
"The voice on the radio actually makes some sense. Now we are indeed trapped here."

"There is no signal on mobile phones, which proves that the typhoon is almost here, or has already arrived at all."

"We have no way to contact the outside world and are already on the viaduct."

"It's raining heavily outside and there's mist outside the windows. It's dangerous to continue driving."

"But if we don't continue driving, we can't park on the viaduct. We're afraid that vehicles passing by won't see us and an accident like a car accident will occur."

"Let alone asking for help."

"The so-called isolated island is a state surrounded by the sea, with no response from the sky and no response from the earth."

I took my phone back and looked out the window at the night under the falling rain:
"Gong Shuji, I'm afraid you will die here with me."

What my paper figures are most afraid of is water.

Moreover, the two paper substitutes I used as trump cards had already cut off their arms and rescued Gong Shuji in exchange for ashes.

But Gong Shuji's injuries were not treated, and he was caught in the rain.

Tonight, the two of us together are not as good as one, no, half a person. It's really fate that makes people happy.

Who could have imagined this journey. At the beginning, I just wanted to find my second uncle.

Gong Shuji's chuckle came from inside the car.

He didn't seem to have so much entanglement and pain about his death, but instead had a kind of calmness:
".Can't get it."

The driver on the side was already sweating profusely and on the verge of crying. When he saw the two of us talking to each other, he immediately beat his chest and stamped his feet:

"When did this happen! You two, please stop hanging around here!"

"Hurry up and think about what to do. Should I continue driving? Or should I stop here and wait for rescue?"

"Oh, yes, yes, call for help. With so many mobile phones, one of them must be working, right? I'll ask someone to come over and see what's going on with this car."

The driver opened the phone in a hurry, but failed to open the screen with his fingers several times.

When he saw that there was still a signal on his mobile phone, he was obviously very excited, but when the call failed to broadcast at all, he realized what was going on:

"I'm done!"

"I saw in the news that this brand of mobile phones has false signals. Is it really true?!"

"I'll change it to another cell phone."

The driver's mouth formed a circle of dead skin in worry. After working for a long time, he still leaned weakly on the seat:
".Really do not have."

No surprise answer.

After all, this ghost can use radio to convey information, use electronic products, and his speech is not as rigid as many older ghosts, and even has a bit of dry humor, which proves that he is very familiar with modern times.

It happened today, how could you not think of blocking the mobile phone signal?
I tightened the strap of my backpack, and when my hand touched the water stain on the strap, I couldn't help but be startled, and then said:

"We still have to drive a while first, let alone verify whether what is said in the broadcast is true or false. Even if it is true, we have to find a place to park first, preferably sheltered from the rain."

I could feel the stiffness in my words, so when the driver looked at me with a grimace, I pointed directly at the leaking window crack:

"It's leaking."

Although it was a dark day and a rainy night, these words were undoubtedly another bolt from the blue.

The driver could only put down the handbrake again and slide into the darkness.

Raindrops pattered on the car window, and bits of cold air approached from the outside.

Because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to drive for that long without assistance, the heater that was originally on in the car was also turned off.

At this level, the fog condensation on the car windows becomes even more serious.

I wrapped a bamboo pole in my backpack with a towel and made a fully manual window cleaning tool. I had to clean the car windows almost every eight or nine seconds to prevent the driver from blocking his view and causing a car accident.

The vehicle drove for about twenty minutes, and it actually brought two pieces of news, one good and one bad.

The good news is that although there is no tunnel, we found an escape lane on the highway.

It is said to be an emergency lane, but it is actually a small area outside all lanes where a vehicle can stop only if it breaks down and cannot move.

Moreover, this place is just on the shady side of a downhill slope and can withstand a lot of wind and rain.

For the time being, there is no need to consider water seepage and the possibility of a car accident.

But the bad news is also very timely.

When we stopped the car, the male voice on the radio began to speak again:
"The driver stopped the car again."

"They think it's a nice place, but they don't know what's on the roof of their car today."

"Did you hear that?"

"Did you hear that?"

"Car roof, footsteps on the car roof." (End of chapter)

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